Are you just trying to make everyone in Utah jealous with all your ocean pictures?! Great pics. I can tell you are loving your new camera! Cute pics of playing tag. How fun. You guys are such a cute family.
Hi. I just linked from Malea’s blog because I notice she asked about your blog and wanted to see what was so neat. Ok, silly question… and I am sure you are super busy but… how do your post your photos so big? Some look bigger than the “large” that blogger provides. I have people ask me how I do my format so wide, but yours is even wider. Please share, if you get a second. Thanks! Christina. Oh, and one more thing… Husband just gave me the go ahead for a new camera (my birthday is the 11th of March, how weird is that?) What is your favorite?
Such a pretty place!! I actually spent a lot of time every summer at La Jolla beach. My grandparents and cousins lived in Mira Mesa. I just LOVE the beach!! It’s so fun living outside of Utah, everything to see and do is exciting because its new and different than what we grew up with. I miss that about living in Oregon while we lived there.
Miss Erin! I love that you took your girls to see the seals! Isn’t this what we were talking about years ago on our walks?! Stay tuned! I have a whole list of ideas floating around in my head for Saturday activities. We are at SUCH a good stage right now. No naps and everyone wants to do the same activity. Dare I say, it is starting to feel a little easier! Your photos look beautiful!
Huh, that’s wierd. I couldn’t get onto her blog either. She is in China right now and has been blogging about her trip, so maybe it’s just techinical difficulties. I will keep trying and let you know, unless you have time to give her another try in a day or two.
I love your life! And I love you for being so picture perfect, yet so genuine. :)
I’m finally doing my blog catch up and just read ‘Kenny’s comments” I am laughing out loud at the Irish one..I think I just woke up Dan from laughing. Tell Kenny I think he is hilarious and I’m glad I’m not the only one that married someone sarcastic. Love ya
Oh La Jolla! put your hand over your heart everybody. That place brings back so many, many happy memories!! I spent hours and hours sitting on those beaches gobbling up my nutrition books and napping in the sun. Those were the days! I miss that place!
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Are you just trying to make everyone in Utah jealous with all your ocean pictures?! Great pics. I can tell you are loving your new camera! Cute pics of playing tag. How fun. You guys are such a cute family.
Hi. I just linked from Malea’s blog because I notice she asked about your blog and wanted to see what was so neat. Ok, silly question… and I am sure you are super busy but… how do your post your photos so big? Some look bigger than the “large” that blogger provides. I have people ask me how I do my format so wide, but yours is even wider. Please share, if you get a second. Thanks! Christina. Oh, and one more thing… Husband just gave me the go ahead for a new camera (my birthday is the 11th of March, how weird is that?) What is your favorite?
You guys have so many cool things to do in Cali! I need to be a little more adventurous in good ‘ol SC. It will soon be beach weather!
Such a pretty place!! I actually spent a lot of time every summer at La Jolla beach. My grandparents and cousins lived in Mira Mesa. I just LOVE the beach!! It’s so fun living outside of Utah, everything to see and do is exciting because its new and different than what we grew up with. I miss that about living in Oregon while we lived there.
Can’t wait until we can make it down there! I like how you set up your pictures in columns.
cute pictures, cute family, cute life!
Alison is diggin’ your music! She’s sitting on my lap just shakin’ and smilin’! That place looks beautiful! Fun family!
Miss Erin! I love that you took your girls to see the seals! Isn’t this what we were talking about years ago on our walks?! Stay tuned! I have a whole list of ideas floating around in my head for Saturday activities. We are at SUCH a good stage right now. No naps and everyone wants to do the same activity. Dare I say, it is starting to feel a little easier! Your photos look beautiful!
Huh, that’s wierd. I couldn’t get onto her blog either. She is in China right now and has been blogging about her trip, so maybe it’s just techinical difficulties. I will keep trying and let you know, unless you have time to give her another try in a day or two.
I love your life! And I love you for being so picture perfect, yet so genuine. :)
I’m finally doing my blog catch up and just read ‘Kenny’s comments” I am laughing out loud at the Irish one..I think I just woke up Dan from laughing. Tell Kenny I think he is hilarious and I’m glad I’m not the only one that married someone sarcastic. Love ya
Oh La Jolla! put your hand over your heart everybody. That place brings back so many, many happy memories!! I spent hours and hours sitting on those beaches gobbling up my nutrition books and napping in the sun. Those were the days! I miss that place!
So Pretty! Now I really don’t want to look out my windows and see nothing but dirt! :-) We definitely will try and make it out there this summer