really isn’t a baby anymore. When I picked Addison up at her little ‘pre‘ pre-school last week she had made this orange caterpillar. While she was feeding it some leaves in our backyard I noticed that it just happened to match the outfit she had on that day.
I also noticed how well the little orange outfit fits her right now and I remembered a day not so long ago that her sister wore that same outfit to meet her for the first time.
(May 30th 2006)
Feels like that was yesterday. It also feels like just yesterday we bought and assembled bunk beds because we found out we were having another girl. My sister and I shared a room and slept on bunk beds and I wanted the same for my girls.
(me and my sister on our bunk beds – 1983ish)
(Ellie on her new bunk beds – age 2 – March, 2006)
I remember Ellie was so excited and kept calling them her “big girl beds that daddy made.” Kenny loved taking all the credit for “making” them when all he really did was hook them together. :)
Two nights ago for the first time, we moved Addison in to also sleep in the “big girl beds that daddy made.” The girls were so excited.

They said good-night.

And their elephants said good-night.
(Addie – almost 3) (Ellie – age 2)
And then Addison stayed up reading books…just like her sister used to do. They also talked and giggled until way too late. Just like me and my sister used to do. And Kenny had to go up and tell them it was time to get to sleep…just like my dad used to do.
After they fell asleep, I went to check on them. And then I walked into Addison’s room and looked at the empty crib. And then I started to cry.
My baby really isn’t a baby anymore.
xoxo, Erin
the pictures are awesome!
please visit my site too:
Best post by you thus far. Great commentary, awesome photo’s, and it tugged on my heart strings. So you even get the:….award!
Great post! Where does the time go?
Cute girls!!! Where does the time go??? I love that they are in the big girl beds together! My boys love sharing a room and stay up way too late laughing and talking! I love it! One of those things that makes me want to have a sister for Alison…but not for a long time!!! I’m not SARAH!!!
Oh man…major milestone. Did you just decide to take her out of the crib or was she climbing out?
I am totally not taking Eden out until she’s like 10. :)
Maybe it’s time to think about filling that crib again? :) You know…just so you don’t have to feel sad about it anymore…
First of all very cute bedding. Secondly they do grow so fast even though some days feel so long, all of the sudden you look at something and realize they aren’t a certain way anymore. :)
For a second I thought some kind of announcement was coming… Then I remembered the clause in Kenny’s contract that didn’t allow any Rollins babies being born in 2010.
I know, fill the crib with letters delivered by “the mail”.
Sweet pictures of the girls…yours and mine!
Fun memories of the orange shirt. I remember how cute little Ellie looked taking her to the hospital so all of us could meet Addison. What a fun day that was.
I am ready for you guys to fill that crib…lets move it that direction!
Tender post Erin.
Ah, very cute!
Oh Erin! This post makes me a little nervous! Is it getting you thinking??!! You must let me know as soon as you make ANY kind of a decision on the matter.
But anyway… oh so sweet! The girls are such dolls, what fun they’ll have doing such fun sisterly things. Love the pictures of them in the orange outfit, and with the same hair do too! How cute!
How darling is that? Time to fill that crib I guess!
Kenny Rollin´s Stones….
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