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Thanks Dad

for teaching me all the important stuff in life.

Hope your birthday was right on the mark. :) Love you!

(together at dad’s Archery Shop – 1997)

**More about my cute dad here (last years b-day post)
xoxo, Erin
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4 thoughts on “Thanks Dad

  1. Erin, loving those pictures of you! Always in style!

    But that is a sweet picture of you with your Dad. I know your parents are great since you turned out so fabulous!

  2. That would be so fun to learn! I am always a bit envious of the Boy Scouts because that is what they did at their camp. We learned to scrapbook, and as I have already informed you, my instruction in that area didn’t take. Cute post and pics.

  3. Cute post sis – I can attest that dad had a great birthday since he and mom were in SLC. Although, true to form, they passed on a romantic evening at Market Street Grill to hang with me, Shawn and Claire in sweatpants and watch MSNBC. Our parents are sweet (but OLD!) and we’re becoming just like them!!!

  4. Look at you fun style of hair. It almost looks like it was cut for a magazine. That hair cut makes you look highly intelligent. Maybe it was just the look on your face that said, “I’m a smart human.” Happy birthday to your dad anyway, who I’m sure I have never talked to.

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