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Ellie and Addison

Tis the season

Tis the season! For LOVE. And for making a Valentine box. Was Valentines not the BEST holiday when we were all in Elementary School!? I have great memories of decorating my box every year and being SO excited to get Valentines from everyone. I remember the year my dad helped me turn my Valentine box into a typewriter (I loved typewriters and wanted to be a journalist when I grew up). We went all out – conversation hearts for all the keys – it was cool. I remember how fun it was to deliver Valentines to neighbor friends. The thrill of leaving the Valentine on the porch, dinging the doorbell and running and hiding…do kids still do this? I remember in 4th grade a boy had a crush on me and he would throw candy at me when I got off the school bus because his stop was after mine. (I hated it – I was always SO embarrassed). For Valentines he threw a rainstorm of candy and stuffed animals. I thought I was going to die. My sister laughed her head off. Aside from that memory, my Valentines memories are great ones. Fun to think about Ellie starting to make her own Elementary School Valentine memories. She doesn’t ride a bus so we can hopefully avoid crazy candy launchers.

While she got to work attaching stickers to her box…

I made this little fella.

And soon her box was done. She was SO excited about it. Today she got to stamp and sort mail, model the mail truck, and wear a hat and carry a bag of letters around to deliver.
I officially want to go back to Kindergarten.

Speaking of Valentines and LOVE…

I sure love these three.
Hope you have a great weekend and are able to enjoy the ones you LOVE!
xoxo, Erin
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15 thoughts on “Tis the season

  1. Oh I am melting at those pictures of Kenny and the girls! So cute. And I love how he keeps a firm grip on that remote throughout the love-fest.

    Of course Ellie will have the BEST Valentine box in her class, if not the whole school.

    Poor Hannah, the 4th child with an ‘anti-craft’ mother. She is working on constructing her own. *sigh*

  2. Oh wow Erin! I am so wishing that we could just come on over to your place to work on Valentine boxes together. I need to help Pierce do one, but I am sure it will in no way compare to the perfect cuteness that is Ellie’s! (They didn’t do boxes in his Kindergarten, so this is his first time.) I am sure she will always have the cutest of everything and will be the envy of all the kids with, well “regular”, or in other words, not super star Erin Moms!

    And darling pics of Kenny and the girls, is he trying to do the I love you sign with the remote in his hand? Too cute!


  3. Hi Erin, Glad to see that you visited my blog, I am still fairly new to this blog thing so it doesn’t look like much but I am trying. Cute butterfly for Ellie’s valentine box I just might have to do something like that for my Daycare children. I so enjoy your blog and ideas keep them coming. Donna in Minot ND ps its snowing here today.

  4. p.s. – I have to say your Dad is something amazing, making mail trucks for Kindergarten and typewriter Valentine Boxes?! Can I adopt him as another Grandpa for my kids?

  5. You totally just brought back memories of making my own valentine’s boxes! Elementary school is SO much fun!!
    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I rarely comment on people that I “spy” on, so it was fun to hear back from you :)
    I know that we at least have one connection in St. George. I know Hope Clyde. But I don’t think that’s how I found your blog… I’m trying to remember. I actually grew up in Vegas, but my husband is from St. George and that’s where we were married and lived for 3 1/2 years before moving to St. Louis. He has a couple of older step-brothers you may know – Ben or Ward Cuff. Anyway, I’m sure we’d be able to come up with a few more connections if we actually could sit down and talk.
    Keep blogging! I absolutely love seeing all of the fun things you do with your kiddos and your beautiful home!

  6. Funny how your Valentine’s day memories were full of you getting showered with gifts, when in reality, you and Kaci Roberts pouted when I got box after box of chocolates! Hey, your blog, your version of memories :) Love the boxes and the mail truck. Cute dad. Best grandpa EVER!

  7. Valentines boxes…tis the reason for the season for sure! If I could have bottled and sold my excitement when Matthew was finally old enough for me to make another one again, I would’ve put Prozac out of business.

    ps, my captcha was “le hale”. So bonjour! from Malea le Hale Scott

  8. Fun – love Valentine’s Day and the boxes are part of the magic aren’t they! So sweet with dad, too. And, love the mail truck … how sweet that grandpa could be involved. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog (sorry about the tears in the third trimester :D).

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