I was going through pictures the other night and noticed I’m getting quite a collection of shots taken by my sweet six year old. Ellie has been showing a lot of interest in my camera lately. Every time she grabs it to snap a picture I feel a mix of excitement (that she’s showing an interest in photography) and total stress and anxiety (watching her handle my SLR like it’s one of her toys).
A few moments she has captured….
focus needs a little work…
Now we’re in focus but the look on Addison’s face is a bit scary…and so are my roots.
Love this of Addison watching Little Bear – typical scene at our house.

One afternoon after church she had us all get on her level so she could take a family shot. First pic wasn’t so bad…
Might need to adjust a few things…
and SNAP! Perfect family photo! We’re talking Christmas card material here.
(Kenny didn’t need his head anyway)
We’ll keep working on this new little hobby of hers. :)
xoxo, Erin
That last one is a riot. “Stop! You’re going to wake up your brother!!!” :)
Love it! :o)
Oh I wish that last one was a video! :)
Very cute.
Fun to see you last night….I totally forgot to tell you something that I wanted to tell you.
Hey, some of those were really good, impressive for a six year old! And I dont think I could handle my kids practicing with my SLR, you are a nice mom.
Adorable. You are such an awesome mom to celebrate her ‘hobbies’.
I feel axious when my kids pick up my SLR too! Great pictures! Heck, she’s getting the hang of it faster than I am :)
CUTE!!! Love it!
You’re so brave. I work for a wedding photographer and I don’t even let my kids look at the SLR! She’s doing great – maybe Santa needs to bring her a camera of her own for Christmas!
Oh, these are the CUTEST shots! Love!