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Girls’ Bathroom

Well!  Today was a busy day and I’m exhausted.  Looked at several homes.  One of which was once owned by a certain football player who Kenny LOVES.  Kenny wants to buy the house of course.  Just to feel some kind of Charger aura running through it.  Me – not so much.  After trying to figure out how to change the manly pool table/sauna room into a playroom for my kiddos and the bar and wine rack room into a scrap space for me I finally said — uh, no.  Sorry honey.  Not for us.  :)  House hunting is so hard isn’t it!?  Just makes you want to take the yard from this house, the floor plan from that one, the location from this one, neighborhood and schools from another one, and mix it all in with my dream kitchen.  Yea.  I’ll take one of those please.

Just a quick few pics of my girls’ bathroom.  Parenthood and Good Wife are sitting on our DVR waiting for me to watch them.  And I think it’s rude to keep my shows waiting.

And a cute little hook on the back of the door.  It used to hold just two towels…

and now holds three.  :)
xoxo, Erin
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16 thoughts on “Girls’ Bathroom

  1. Good luck with the house hunting! It’s SO hard!! In the meantime, I am loving all the home decor pictures you are taking! Your house is so pretty!!

  2. Good luck with your house hunting. I know what you are feeling as we are kind of in the same boat. We moved for a transfer and since I was pregnant, we did a few quick shopping trips and basically got the best that we saw. I remember saying to my hubby…are we being seduced by the great back yard and the recently upgraded kitchen? Now that we are in the house – yes, we were seduced. I am trying not to be one of those people that always wants the next best thing and to be content with the things we have – BUT – I want a bigger living room and a kitchen and dining room that all of us can sit down and eat in…is that really asking too much?!?

    Your house looks ready for showings – so good for you and definitely keep us all posted!

  3. I would suggest going with the build your own, I know it takes longer, but then you ‘do get what you want’ We moved into our dream home 3 months ago, and love. wonder why we never did it sooner. Love the girls bathroom, you have very lucky little girls

  4. Your girl’s bathroom is so dang cute! I love all the girly touches and pink. I hope you find a house solution soon. On the bright side, I bet it is fun seeing inside all sorts of different houses. I am like you, when I look, I want something from one and another thing from another home. Good luck and have a great day!

  5. I love the “Good Wife”!!! It is such a well written, thought provoking show. Tuesday’s episode was awesome. I don’t know anyone else who watches it, so I rented the first season from the library for my neighbor. I’m going to get her hooked on it just so I can finally have someone to talk to about it.

    I can’t wait to see what house you end up with! How fun (I can say that because I’m not the one buying, selling, and moving).

    Liz in Colorado

  6. So…those towels. Do they always looks so neat or did you pose them. They are so adorable. I’m slowly trying to gather matching towels for our kids’ bathroom. I hope you guys are able to finalize your house search quickly.

  7. what a cute bathroom! i think one of these days i will re-do the upstairs bathroom that will be the girls’ to share! and some fun bright colors will be in order.

    i love parenthood…one of my new favorite shows!

  8. You always inspire me. Sometimes I can’t even finish reading your post and I’m off to organize or rearrange something. Not to add too much pressure but the sooner you decide on a house/plans the sooner we all get to enjoy the new decor pics so… ;-) Happy hunting!!

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