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Green Love

Did everyone have a great St. Patty’s Day?  My girls had a blast at school.  They go all out with the Leprechaun business around here.  Ellie and Addison both looked so festive in their green, but we were running late this morning (still not used to this time change!) so I didn’t get a picture of them.  I did, however, take a picture later in the afternoon of my little St. Patty’s day splurge –

Green organizers.  Does it get any better?  :)  Of course I would have gone with the green whether or not it was St. Patty’s day, but since it was the 17th of March when I bought them – well – they are just that much cooler.  I’m working on a better system for a few things around here and these little beauties are just what I needed.  Although I have to say that I’ve had a hard time staying focused and accomplishing much of anything this week because we have been enjoying such beautiful spring weather!  Birds are chirping, blossoms are blooming, and the park seems to call our names every afternoon.

Here is my other green love of the day.  Kole still isn’t crawling, but you should see this little dude scoot!  He zips across the grass like no ones business — putting all sorts of fun things in his mouth every step of the way.  :)

Hope you have a great weekend!  Maybe we’ll run into you?  You know where you can find us.  :)
xoxo, Erin
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18 thoughts on “Green Love

  1. Your little boy has the sweetest smile. Is he always smiling? In every photo he looks so happy!

    There is a St. Patrick’s Day “Limerick Contest” going on over at Heather Spohr’s blog. There are some funny Limerick’s entered. People just crack me up with what they think of! If you want a few laughs, check it out:

    This is a link to my blog page that has the information and link on it.


  2. Look at those shoes!!!! I love seeing those items on your counter because that means a some point a great organizing posts will surface :) Enjoy your sunshine and your favorite month :)

  3. “Maybe we’ll run into you?”

    Are you kidding? I would LOVE to be in a park in San Diego right now! We are still in snow for another 6 weeks or so.

    Love the green!

  4. Hey Erin,

    Those flip-flops on Kole made my day! SOOOO cute. And like another said, we look forward to a post on how you are going to use those green organizers!!! Enjoy the nice weather where you are…. we are waiting (anxiously!) for spring!

    Take care,
    Shannon in PA

  5. Ah sweet. We will be in San Diego next week for a conference, flower fields and family time. Perhaps we’ll cross paths at the container store. I want to spend more time in that place!

  6. I love that you call it a “dude scoot” how cute is that?! Spring weather around here has us playing outside ALL day too. My kids look like complete trash after we are done, but that is a sure tell sign that they had a great time. :-) I bought an automatic bubble machine and that is one of our favorite toys in the summer. Enjoy, your little dude looks uber-cute!

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