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Maybe finally

Well.  This is it.  It’s almost 11:00 Pacific time so I have just over one hour left to be 33.  Tomorrow is my birthday (woot woot!) and 34 will be my new norm.  What will 34 feel like!?  I’m sure it will be such a huge change.  I bet I won’t even recognize myself tomorrow when I wake up.  I’ll look so ….. mature?  
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to start going to bed at night before mid-night.
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to stop eating my kids’ leftovers.  Especially the spiral mac-n-cheese.
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to really learn how to use my computer and camera instead of just faking it all the time.
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to start learning the real lyrics to songs instead of just singing my own versions. 
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to stop eating a turkey sandwich every day for lunch and start mixing it up a bit.
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to pay attention to Kenny when he starts talking about finances instead of just completely tuning him out and going to my own little happy place in my head where budgets and savings don’t exist. 
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to stop speeding and to be a much more cautious driver.  
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to learn actual directions and stop relying on my passengers to get me where I need to be (especially since my most frequent passenger isn’t even a year old yet).
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to enjoy cooking.
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to stop dreaming about being the star of So You Think You Can Dance and practicing in my kitchen every now and then when nobody is looking.
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to feel like a real mom and wife instead of just a kid who is playing house and totally winging it most of the time.
Maybe I’ll finally be old enough to stop feeling positively giddy every time a holiday is around the corner.
Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow and realize that I’m not finally old enough for any of that stuff.  Maybe I’ll finally be old enough for all of that when I turn 35.  :)
My adorable friends took me out for dinner last night to celebrate at my favorite restaurant.  It took us over 15 phone calls and text messages to finally realize there wasn’t one night this week that everyone could make it, so we were missing a few friends.  Our solution to that little problem?  Two dinners.  You all know I have no problem spreading my celebration out for as long as is humanly possible.  :)
Here we are last night…
And the year before that…  (K – I’m a WHALE in this picture.  I so remember my birthday wish last year.  Get. this. baby. OUT!)

And here we are the year before that. 
We haven’t changed much and I’m glad.  I LOVE these girls just the way they are.  Shari made me the most delicious homemade yellow cake with chocolate frosting (my favorite) and we ate cake and chatted and laughed the night away.  They had to kick us out of the restaurant which seems to be the norm for us.  :)  I had successfully lost two pounds in the last few weeks and after this week I’m quite sure I will have successfully gained them right back.  But it wouldn’t be a true birthday without a little weight gain — right?  
Maybe tomorrow on my birthday I’ll finally be old enough to stop telling myself it’s perfectly ok to pig out at certain major milestones in my life.  
Maybe I’ll also finally be old enough to stop thinking that about every two weeks is a major milestone in my life.  
Bet that comes at age 35 too.  :)
xoxo, Erin
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47 thoughts on “Maybe finally

  1. Happy Birthday! Wishing you a magical 34th year. Maybe finally you won’t need to worry about making all kinds of changes and you will realize that the person you are is inspiring to alot of people even with a few imperfections. Enjoy every moment of this next year.

  2. Your so funny Erin! Maybe because you think so much like me :)) Yellow cake with chocolate frosting is my favorite too! I remember my Mom making it every year, and bringing it back to my dorm room.

    I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who practices my dance moves in the kitchen.

    Happy Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Happy birthday Erin!!!

    I am 40, and still feel like I am playing house with all of these kids around here! I don’t want to grow up. Ever :)

  4. Happy Birthday to you!
    I will be 42 in July and I still don’t feel old enough for the things you listed, LOL.
    I’m willing to bet that you wake up tomorrow and won’t feel that much different from 33 :)
    Wishing you a wonderful year!

  5. Happy bday! Today’s my bday too – I have a few years on you and can honestly say there’s not much change from year to year! Enjoy your day and may the upcoming year bring many blessing!

  6. Let’s hope you never get old enough to do all of those “responsible” things in life that you mentioned. ;-) Happy Birthday! :-)

  7. Happy Birthday!! I’m in my 40s and I still don’t feel old enough to do 1/2 the things you listed!! :) Enjoy your special day!!

  8. happy happy birthday to one of my most favorite bloggers :) seriously – i look forward to reading your posts! i hope you have an amazing day! you deserve to be spoiled.

  9. Happy Birthday! Ive been following your blog for a couple of weeks now and it has officially become my favorite. Hope you have an amazing day!

  10. It’s your birthday and your blog so I’ll try not to complain/whine too much about how freaking horrible I look in those pictures! I look about 50 lbs heavier than years past!!!


    Happy Birthday Sweet Erin!!!!

    I love you!

    efeiffdffefeifefefehfddfdfddddeeei9eee -This is Eden saying Happy Birthday. :)

  11. Happy Birthday Erin! May the Lord grant you Peace and Love through this year once again. You are an awesome person just the way you are. Love Love your blog. I am just like the others love looking forward to another post from you. Keep up the great work. You are an awesome Mother, Wife, and BLOGGER……
    God Bless YOu!

  12. Happy early Birthday! I had no idea our birthdays were so close together…mine was the 9th. And I of course, turned 34 also. I wish. Have a good day, and don’t grow up too much…I like you are the way you are!

  13. Happy, happy birthday! This was a cute post and I’m glad you get to spread the birthday love over two dinner with great friends.

  14. Happy Birthday Erin…sorry for the last comment….there was an error and I deleted it.

    Anyway….love the photos of your birthday celebrations with friends…..just the best!

    I also wonder about some of the same things you do….but I am almost 41 :)

    Enjoy your day!

  15. Love all the pics of your friends by the same ledge. I actually love my friends like you. The one’s where I know I can take them out to eat and where to go for fun, and they’ll love it. Traditions are fun. I am glad you are who you are, so thanks, again, for being born!

  16. Hope you are having the best day. I don’t think you need to change most of those things, ever. Ok, well maybe work on the speeding and direction thing, but you’ll always be a young and cool mom as long as you’re dancing in your kitchen! And definitely enjoy lots of yummy food and cake! you can always get back to the loosing weight later!

    p.s. I think I’ll be even more thankful for you this year, having you be 34 will perhaps make my turning 30 this year a bit easier. :)

  17. Happy Birthday!!!!! I am a few months behind you (will be joining you at 34 in September). Let me know if you start doing those things you listed…I need to work on those, too! Maybe when we’re 35! Ha!

  18. Hey, Erin!

    Have a GREAT birthday! I always celebrate my birthday during the entire month of May, and my hubby gets sooo annoyed. He said that after 21 you don’t do that anymore, but I use my “birthday month” to my advantage. Example: “We should go out to eat tonight b/c it’s my birthday month.” “I am buying that pair of shoes b/c it’s my birthday month.” “I am not going to clean today b/c it’s my birthday month.” You get the idea….
    Anyway, happy birthday and best wishes for another wonderful year to come!

    Shannon in PA

  19. Happy Birthday!!!! I found your blog through our mutual “BFF” Becky Higgins :) I’ve been going through your blog and I must say you have the most adorable family :) I also love organizing and got great ideas from your posts! Not to mention that I don’t feel alone in my craziness :) Hope you have a super great day with your lovely brood! Oh, and 34 is a great age to be!

  20. Yay! Happy Birthday :) What a treasure to be able to get together with your best girls and celebrate. Hope your birthday weekend was fantastic.

  21. Erin! I can’t believe your b-day is the 11th, mine’s the 12th! I had no idea our b-days were so close. We should meet up in SG for a birthday celebration one of these years. We just got back from SG about an hour ago, love it there! So warm and beautiful. Anyway, happy birthday (a few days late) :)


  22. Happy Birthday – a few days late but sounds like you are still celebrating! Enjoy. Hope this is a wonderful year for you and your family.

  23. Wishing you a year of health and happiness! Happy belated Birthday! Your my favorite blogger…okay I’ll admit the only blog that I really make the time to read, and I like, so many others appreciate your outlook and ideas on living a great life…so thank you!

  24. Hope you had a perfectly magical birthday celebration!! I hope that I’m NEVER too old for all those things that you listed, because that is what keeps the fire in us mamas! We all love you just the way you are.

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