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Organization Solutions

Hello everyone!  Sharing some fun organization solutions I’ve found on-line.  Thanks to Pinterest I now have a perfect place to save all of the inspiration I find all over the web.  Have I mentioned how much I love Pinterest yet?  It’s like a drug.  And I am BEYOND addicted.  But it’s a good addiction.  I think.  Maybe Kenny would tell you otherwise since I can’t carry on a conversation with him each night because I’m too busy “pinning” ideas for our next home.  But in my defense, we are watching the Bachelorette (I know – it’s a train wreck I can’t pull myself away from) and Kenny is making so many lame wise cracks about this show and all of the people on it that our conversation is one I feel totally justified tuning right out!  So Pinterest it is.  And what better to pin than fun, creative ways to organize!  Here are a few solutions that just make me smile —

Source: via Erin on Pinterest
These are CD racks used to hold tupperware lids.  Genius!

Love this mini shelf inside a cupboard drawer to hold cutting boards/cookie sheets.

I also REALLY love this solution for baking sheets.  These are just tension curtain rods!  I think I’ll add some to my next kitchen.  You know.  Because baking is such a passion of mine.

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

Shower rings in a closet to hold purses – SO CREATIVE!  I love to buy new purses and then I can never part with them.  I will need a lot of shower rings…

I was so excited when I came upon this idea because I never know where to put the girls lunch boxes each night.  So smart to have a place to hang them – especially somewhere out of sight like in the pantry or by the back door.

How fun and handy is this built-in gift wrap station!? via Erin on Pinterest
And if you don’t have room for a whole station – here is a great way to store gift wrap supplies on the inside of a closet door.  Perfect.

This is SUCH a clever idea for all of the random kid stuff moms haul around in their cars all day.  

This picture made me want to immediately run to the Container Store to find baskets for my fridge.  Then I realized I didn’t really need baskets for my fridge – but they sure look good!  :)

Speaking of looking good – I can’t get over this clever and fun way to store first aid supplies.  These little tins would also make great containers for jewelry…they would be great to house anything small.  I love them.  Love the green too.

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

Another great way to make good use of the inside of a closet or cupboard door.  

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

This is so fabulous!  If my pots and pans were this organized and pretty maybe I’d want to cook more.  
Nah.  I’d probably want to cook less.  No reason to mess with this perfection.  

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

Egg cartons for Christmas ornaments.  So so clever.  

My heart skipped a beat when I first saw this little “command station.”  The only thing I’d change is white erase boards instead of the chalk boards.  I don’t do chalk boards.  

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

This shelf is such a fun way to store, display AND organize books and magazines.  Plus I love the pop of color it brings into the room.  So so fun.

Is anyone else feeling the need to organize something?  Or the need to watch Bachelorette?  Or the need to put a muzzle on my husband?

Guess that last one is just me.

xoxo, Erin
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20 thoughts on “Organization Solutions

  1. ohhh- i love all these ideas! i am going through a big cleaning/sorting stage right now. these organization tips are JUST the breath of fresh air that I needed! i am NOT watching bachelorette this time on principle- ashley was my LEAST favorite on last season’s bachelor…so i just can’t do it. i think i told you i used to work on both the bachelor and bachelorette shows, so i know all the inside scoop anyway. haha. i still wish chantal o. was the bachelorette (well, i REALLY wish emily was – but instead she had to go get chosen last season)…

    i haven’t had a ton of time to go on pinterest- i know that i will get sucked in, too…so i am staying away a bit! :-) i should swap my facebook time for pinterest time- would probably be more fulfilling! :-)

  2. Erika – it would definitely be more fulfilling!!! I love pinterest!!! so much fun!

    Erin – these are all great inspiration pictures which is the exact reason I follow you on there!!! LOL. And yes, I definitely want to organize after spending time seeing things like this.

  3. Great ideas!!

    That baking sheet rack from Martha Stewart is just tension curtain rods. I found that article a few weeks ago and couldn’t believe how clever and easy it is!! Just so you know you don’t have to wait to have them built in, you can do it yourself now! (and for pretty cheap :)

  4. I organized my pantry last week and thought – erin would be so proud of me :). Cricket has a spare muzzle if you’d like me to send your way :). Love the purse idea – Steve is always in a dilemma on what to do with my purses – he thinks I need to simplify in that realm — what?!. Have a great day!

  5. Erin,
    I love Pintrest, it’s very addicting. My Show’s I can’t keep away from are The Real Housewife Show’s but not Atlanta and New Jersey. My husband is always making Snarky comments so I feel your pain.

  6. pottery barn does make whiteboards for the command station ;) Bachelorette is TERRIBLE, and we watch it faithfully, she is the worst- and I want to like her, but she’s annoying. Pinterest is……addicting. But in a good way :)

  7. Oh I can’t tear myself away from the train wreck that is the Bachelorette either. And that’s exactly how my husband described her last night….”she’s a total train wreck!” He’s a big fan too….NOT, haha :) Anyway, I can’t see myself dropping it now, after all the new snippets they showed last night!

    Been hearing lots about Pinterest….dare I check it out and add to my list of “addictions”?

    Love your summer schedule too. I can’t stick to one that closely, but I definitely agree with an outing in the morning….it makes you get organized (ie. out of pajamas!) earlier and makes everyone happier!

  8. Hello!! I am OBSESSED and OVERLY ADDICTED to Pinterest as well!! I cant stop and I almost went over my data plan this month! I absolutely LOVE all the ideas you have shared especially the pretty pans and the command station!!! (Have you found the original 365 days of Olivia blog?? I can’t find it.) Thank you for all the wonderful pins!! have a good week!


  9. How was I not following you on Pinterest before now? I just clicked over and “followed all” on you. :) I need to do a Pinterest post on my blog…but I’m too busy pinning. Ha ha! :)

    ~ Sarah

  10. i love all those pics of organization solutions. there really is just something about organization that makes me feel calm & happy. thanks for sharing!

    as for the bachelorette…what is it about that show? at the end of every season i swear i’m never going to watch it again. then i find myself “having to watch”. it’s my “closet addiction”. :) i’m glad i’m not alone. oh, and speaking of that show…it’s ruined my boy name. bentley was our boy name. AHHHH!! oh well.

    and since i didn’t comment on your last post. i’m impressed with your summer schedule. we’re running at a slower pace in our home. at least no 6:30am wake up times for my girls. the other day sadie slept until 9:40am! but we are hitting the beach hard & have been to seaworld 3x already this month.

    last thing…lets for sure go out the four of us…we would love that! we’re gone the majority of july but will be around august & september. lets find a time.

  11. fabulous ideas!! Totally adding shower rings, and pretty decorative hooks to hold lunch bags on the pantry wall, to my shopping list. Thanks for sharing. Love pinterest!!

  12. Brilliant ideas:)

    Please could someone explain about this site? When I clicked on it it said that I need to be invited to join it. How do I do that?

  13. Hi Jelly!

    I can invite you to be on Pinterest. You just have to send me your e-mail address. Click the “e-mail me” link on the side of my blog and send me your e-mail and I’ll get you set up. :)

  14. Hi, Linda and Richard Eyre here. You may know us from our parenting book bestsellers or the blogs of our daughters…..or perhaps you have seen our weekly columns in the Deseret News.

    But in any case, we know you. And we love your blog! Of all the “mommy blogs” out there, it is surprising how few actually focus on mothering and parenting. Yours is one of them, and you do it so well!

    We have what we think is our best and most important parenting book ever coming out the first of September, and we would like to invite you to be part of our advisory board and help us craft (and disseminate) our message about the dangers of ENTITLEMENT! We feel that the entitlement attitudes of today’s kids are the biggest problem of their generation (and the biggest concern of parents throughout the world)!

    The new book is called THE ENTITLEMENT TRAP: How to Rescue Your Child with a New Family System of Choosing, Earning, and Owning. It will be in stores in early September, but if enough people pre order it from and other on line outlets it could debut on the bestseller lists its first week, and that would cause thousands of other parents to be aware of it and to have access to a message we think parents desperately need.

    So here’s the deal: If you are willing to work with and advise us on our board, we can send you a large pre publication sample of the book so that you can make your readers aware of it and give them a chance to order it at a pre-pub discount of more than 33%. And then we would want your ongoing input for the website which is now in its lead-up phase to the book, but which will continue to supply additional info and helps to moms long after the book is out. It will, of course, link to the blogs of all members of our board.

    Take a look at that site and get a bit more idea of the nature of the book, and let us know as soon as possible if you will be an adviser. We will then send you the extensive excerpts so that you can blog about the book and about the movement prior to the book’s release.

    Best, Linda and Richard Eyre ([email protected])

    PS There will also be webinars and other exciting opportunities for those who pre order the book, and of course for you and other board members.

  15. Those aren’t Shower rings on the purses; they are book rings, which are heaps cheaper, and should hold up better. Thanks for some good ideas.

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