Long shirts like this green one come in so handy if you are still in the baby making years. I wore this one a lot when I was pregnant with Kole. I’d like to say that I was 6 months along in the pictures above, but I think I was more like 2 months along. I popped out so fast the third time around! My sweet niece (on my lap in the picture) turned 4 years old this week! Happy birthday sweet Claire! (I’m sure she reads my blog daily and will appreciate the shout out.) She is having a pony themed party this weekend and my sister and her husband are going to surprise her and bring a real pony to the back yard to give everyone rides. I am SO sad my girls and I won’t be there! Times like this make me really bummed I don’t live closer to my family. If Kole were a little older I would be on a plane in a heart beat. But I don’t fly with one year olds. Cardinal rule that can’t be broken.
And here’s another great shot of the green shirt I discovered tonight. Looks like one of the girls grabbed my camera and shot fast while they had the chance! Kole is clearly upset because he heard about my cardinal rule and realized that he too won’t be riding a pony this weekend.
Another Forever 21 top I’ve had for awhile! Wore this last weekend to dinner with friends. I liked this shirt so much that I bought one in purple too. :) Does anyone else ever do that? Find a shirt you like and buy it in more than one color? I try not to do it too much but with some shirts I can’t help it. Especially when they are as cheap as this shirt was ($16). Funny though, I still find that I end up liking one color better than the other and that is the one I wear over and over.
What a stud.
And just a few hours ago I had this on to head to a church activity. Kenny walked in the door from work and I threw my camera at him and said “Here! Take my picture fast! Now take these kids fast! I’m outta here….” It was a long day and I was so happy to escape with friends for the evening. We ate a delicious dinner and then learned all about how to put together 72 hour kits and how to make bread.
**Linking up at The Pleated Poppy
I do the same thing with shirts (and skirts!!) Cute clothes!
Can I just tell you how stinkin adorable you are? I love that you take advantage of forever 21. I love that store…what I do NOT love is that you have to really try things on to know if they are as cute as they look…and with a two and three year old, trying to do that is practically committing suicide. On another note…I also love that when I wake up each morning and do my “daily reads”, there is always a fresh new post in my feed saying “4 hours ago” since you are west coast and I’m eastern time zone. Makes me happy! :)
Oh how I long to have a waste line like you Erin. So, I could wear cute belts over my shirts and well just about anything. :-) Thanks for the cute posts. Keep on Postin!
Waist. Wow… really….
Recently discovered your blog and really enjoying it! Each and every outfit you posted is fabulous! Have a wonderful weekend.
Loving all the green…one of my favorite colors as well. Your little man is just too cute…oh how I long for another baby! I do so miss those days.
Erin, you could totally handle flying with a 1-year-old! The anxiety of thinking about doing it is definitely worse than actually doing it ;) I’m Australian (all my family lives there) and I have made that trip from California 5 times with my girls, sometimes both ways on my own. My oldest is 6 – she’s been at 5 months, 14 months, 21 months, 3 years & 4 years. My youngest is 3 and has been at 2 months, and 20 months. We’ll be going again next March for my brother’s wedding. That’s 14 hours, my friend….you can do it!!!
And I definitely buy clothing items in multiple colors if I love them. This is especially true when it comes to jeans and pants….I am pear-shaped and it’s so rare for me to find something that fits me well. So when I do, I’m on it! I found the perfect jeans at Target a couple of years ago….they were $20 and needed zero adjustments. Yep, I bought 8 pairs….and they are the staple of my wardrobe :)
Love your blog. Have a great weekend!
OMG I love the tops this week! I love that belt, everytime I see it, I tell myself, I must go buy one! I want those shirts!!!
Absolutely love your blog Erin! Your such a breath of fresh air and sunshine!
Oh thanks for all of the sweet comments everyone!
Megan! I am BEYOND impressed at you flying with little kids – and from Australia no less!! You are my hero. :)
I love the shoes that you aren’t fond of. They are super cute! And I love your blog!! I always save the best for last to read in my Google Reader :)
$60 Silver jeans are designer and are expensive.
OK, can I go clothes shopping with you? :) Thanks for the inspiration! (PS – I think we have the same red couches!)
I agree with the other ladies. So cute! I adore the tan boots, I have a pair similar, however they are cheapos from Wet seal! Still love em though :-)
Love my silvers…Maybe one day I will break down and buy something a little nicer, but for now…Silvers are great :) Buy them at the Buckle and Maurices too :)
I think it’s great that you LOVE a lot of your clothes. I feel like I look in my closet everyday and I’m not excited about my choices! My husband said the other day that I need him to go with me b/c I’m not a very good shopper! So, he is taking the day off on Tuesday to go shopping with me!
I’ve never heard of Silver…but if they would make my hind end smaller…I need a pair!
Erin, you really do look cute in all of the outfits. I absolutely loved the green skirt last Sunday. I don’t know about Silver’s but I’ll have to check them out!
love the first green top!! so cute. and that banana republic skirt is adorable.
You look stunning as usual, but I especially love how Kole has Rudolph and Clarice out. :)
Of course I love your fashion posts – you have some seriously awesome clothes, but I’m really curious about the 72 hour kit in the last line or so. What is it? I’m really curious! Happy Weekend!
~Julie McD
Perhaps you’ve already done this, but can you do a post on how you do your hair? It’s perfect in every photo and let’s be honest, I’m envious. I would love to know your method (and hair products and brushes/iron/dryer).
Thank you!
Gorgeous as ever.
I just recently discovered your Blog, you and your family are adorable!!! I totally love your fashion friday articles, you and your outfits are super cute!!! and i love all of your organization and your home decorating projects!!! Your a great blogger!!! Blessings to you and your precious family!!!
Ok, so I keep seeing that awesome brown belt and I think “I need that” everytime! I really need to fine one for my fall wardrobe. I’m getting lots of fashion ideas from your posts! Love it.
Hi Julie!
72 Hour kits are kits you put together to help you survive for 72 hours or longer in case of an emergency. You fill a backpack for each family member with things like food, clothes, flashlights and other emergency essentials in case you ever had to leave your home or were stuck in your home during an emergency situation. If I ever get my act together and make them for our family I’ll post about it! :)
Anonymous – I’ve been getting a lot of hair questions lately so I’m planning to do an updated post on that sometime soon! Thanks so much for your sweet comment! :)
Erin.. you just have to do a post about how you do your hair cause i dont understand how PERFECT it looks in every single picture… LOL!!! and how in the world do you get time to do your hair every day miss. perfection?? just looove the way your hair frames on the face. i cant wait for a tutorial!!!
I loved the Kole shots. He and Davis are on the same page with their camo pants and purses. I have to say my mind wandered a bit during the 72 hr portion of the night but I perked up during the bread making bit. I’ll need your post on the 72 hr kit!
Very cute clothes/outfits! I am trying to dress a little nicer lately. I get into the whole “only my kids are going to see me, and wipe their dirty hands on me, so why bother” mode quite a bit. But I guess you just have to do it for yourself, so you feel like a human! :)
I always read your blog comments too, and everyone always mentions your hair ALWAYS looking nice (they are right), it just dawned on me why your hair ALWAYS looks nice….you live in San Diego!!! I have vacationed in California a few times and both times that I went to San Deigo, I noticed that all the women looked their best, even in target. That is Hollywood/celeb territory and maybe that is why? I would love to get your thoughts on this Erin, was it just my perception or do people that live in your area always put on their A game?
I know you have adorable clothes but I enjoy fashion friday for all the fun dialogue, too! You make me smile. Yes, I just got a sweater from Ann Taylor in two colors so good to know thats okay to do!
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I have had a couple pair of Silver jeans in the past and they are the BEST! I also just checked out their website since I need shorter inseams and they can be hard to find in stores. Here is their website:
I need to start saving for another pair for sure.
I would love to see a post on your fitness regime, and how you fit it in with your busy life. I am assuming you have one, as you look so fit and healthy! If you are just naturally blessed, I am jealous!
Hi Caroline!
Thanks for the sweet comment! I’ve already done a post on my workout routine and a post on foods I eat to try to stay healthy. Here are the links:
Hope that helps!
Love your style & humor! I have the same shoe dilemma! Perfect heel height, terribly worn out shoes! More mid-height heels need to be made!
Gotta love a great pair of jeans! Silvers were my first. Then, I moved onto Sevens…worth every penny. Plus, they last FOREVER and they get worn at least 900 times before they even show any sign of wear and tear (unlike, the perfect heel height of shoe ;))!
okay. you’re adorable. am just catching up on your blog and your awesome organizing (and fashion) tips. keep them coming! xo.
I’m so with ya on the bread! Hahaha! Cute outfits…you look so good!