Happy Monday everyone! Dumping some recent pics from my iPhone today.
No theme or particular order. Just things that I’ve been up to. :)
First some new house pics…
Lots of time has been spent in the tile stores. I’m done designing bathrooms! Tile order will be placed this week. It feels so good to have that behind me. I’ll share more details at some point. I could blog about that little undertaking for a week!
Still not finished with lighting, but what I do have picked out I am so excited about!
I will share pics when I have everything finalized.
We have chosen our stone for the exterior and this week I picked out the brick.
This is the winner and while I really like it, I hope it isn’t too light. We only have a small amount of brick on the house (a border above the rock) so if this doesn’t work hopefully it won’t look too bad. It’s so easy to pick my favorite of everything. Making sure it will all look good once it’s together? Not so easy. On a lot of these decisions I am just flying blind and hoping everything works out! :)

My dutch door is done! YEA!! So exciting.
It’s obviously not painted yet but I’m already so in love with it! I adore the square windows and shelf.
Now I just need to pick a fun color for it!
A blurry pic of me with my designer and cabinet guy. Love these two. I could hang out with them in the wood mill all day long. Oh my word that place smells good! Nothing like the smell of freshly cut wood (especially when it’s freshly cut wood for my doors and cabinets!).
And in other news…
I’ve gained four pounds. Crap. Total stress eating and not enough time to exercise. Jeans are getting tight. I’m trying to do better this week! My fajitas
Plus I’m hoping my new cup will help me drink more water. I LOVE this cup. I found it at Staples but I’ve seen them all over. It keeps your drink cold. I carry it all around the house with me when I’m home and take it with me in my car on the go.
Also at Staples I found this adorable little aqua lined pouch. It matched my planner so I couldn’t leave the store without it. :)
It lives in my purse holding my go to purse make-up. I love it because I don’t have to fish around for chap stick when I need it. I just reach in my purse and grab the zipper pouch.
I also added these soft pick tooth pics to my mini make up bag. Perfect for when you are out and about and have something stuck in your teeth. Hate that. These soft picks are the best!
And last but far from least, a quick pic I snapped with my phone today after church. El received an award for reading the Book of Mormon. (Kids in
our church are encouraged to read it when they turn 8). And she did it! It took a year and a bit of help from dad but she set a goal and she did it. I’m so proud of her. Kenny teases me that now her scripture knowledge has surpassed mine. That’s ok. I know I’m a work in progress. :) Plus I don’t take anything my husband says too seriously. This is coming from the guy that just spent the evening watching
Battleship – thumping his chest and going on and on about how it is the best movie ever – right up there with
Armageddon – and how it hands down will receive an Oscar this year.
Yup. Hows my scripture knowledge sounding now?
Happy Monday Friends!
p.s. Yellow stripes for the girls today. Can you tell I am ready for Spring!?
xoxo, Erin
Love the Dutch door! I had the kids playhouse door cut to make it a Dutch! Where is yours going? Kitchen? I must have missed that post!
I love it how girls match, but they aren’t wearing same outfits. And i adore Ellie’s vest!
And: don’t worry about those few extra pounds – you will have to move tho whole house very soon and I expect it will everything go away then, if not sooner :)
Love the dutch door! And yay for Ellie reading the whole Book of Mormon! That’s wonderful! I am a member of the church too btw :) and im in love with your blog. It has definately inspired me to be more organized, and to keep our household running more smoothly. Thanks!!
I LOVE the dutch door! It must be so nice to see it all coming together :)
How do you like the Neutrogena Lip Balm? I had thought of trying that one.
Omg…that Is one beautiful door and its not even painted yet. I can’t wait to see what color you chose:) The girls look so adorable! Congrats to Ellie!
Oh Erin, I just love you. But, I am not happy because I have not seen near enough pics of your actual house in progress. I mean the door is beautiful but I need to see the house!!! :)
That door is awesome! I love seeing the house-building process through your blog because you don’t really think about all the decisions that have to go into building a home. I love that you are become friends with all the people working on your house.
love all the pics! that dutch door is a-DOOR-able! corny, i know, but i couldn’t help it :). I love the freash cut wood too! I think the brick will work well with the house, but if it doesn’t, brick is easy to stain a different color (a job for Kenny, ha!) have a great day! Your post has made mine! :)
I need to get a new cup like that! Being pregnant I’m always always thirsty!
Thanks so much everyone!
Nonny – the dutch door goes into my mudroom (side of the front porch). I share pics of exactly where soon!
Reenie – LOVE the Neutrogena lip balm! Try it for sure!
Shari – I’ll share more house pics soon!
April – that has honestly been my favorite thing about this whole process. We have made life long friends. Everyone has been amazing to work with!
Congrats, Ellie. You’ve probably surpassed me, too but I’ll keep trying :)!
Thankyou for squeezing in a new post while you’re so busy! I just found some tortilla cup nonstick pans after you told me about them what, a year ago? The kids LOVED them – snazzy new way to serve up our usual nacho mix – so thankyou Erin! xx
Love all of the things you picked out for your house. “””Love the brick!!!””” The door is so sweet!
So proud of your El. What a great accomplishment!
Oh my goodness, that door is so tall, it’s beautiful though! And when you said how you could hang out there all day I was thinking “definitely, i love that smell!” and then you wrote that too. I used to love doing woodwork in highschool just because I loved the smell. It’s so soothing and warm.
Also, I didn’t realise your family iss Mormon. I twigged a week or so back that you’re church-going but it wasn’t until this post that I realised you’re Mormon. I should have realised though… pretty, happy, sweet, cute kids, happy marriage- gotta be Mormon! LOL. (i don’t mean to offend or poke fun with that comment, it’s just that there were a lot of Mormon women at my old workplace and they were all so happy but sooo nice too! And from what I’ve seen in Blogland, it seems pretty universal)
back on topic… congrats to Ellie, that’s quite an achievement!
Love your blog. Your girls look adorable. Can you tell me where the black striped skirt is from? Love it!
Julie – YEA!! I’m so glad your family liked those! :)
Thanks so much Cathy!
Laura – your comment made me laugh. :) I’m glad you have a good impression of Mormon moms! Thank you!
Thanks Melanie! I think you’re talking about Ad’s outfit in that last picture? It’s actually a navy and yellow dress and I bought it at Children’s Place. It came with a yellow belt she didn’t have on. So cute, right!? I had to have it. :)
I wish I lived in a warmer climate – that Dutch door is just what I’d pick!
And the girls’ outfits are too cute! I’m ready for spring, too, and have been dressing my little girl in spring-y outfits as well!
Oh my goodness! You all look tiny next to that beautiful door! How fun! I can’t wait to see your home come together! It must be so exciting!
How cute are those girls in yellow stripes! I’m ready for spring too.
I’m so in love with your dutch door, too. It’s absolutely gorgeous. I’m going to have to get one when we’re no longer renting.
I LOVE the door Erin! I can’t wait for your house to be done:))
Two darling girls. Oh they’re so cute!!!