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A bit of Fall in the Spring

Hello friends.  :)  It’s Spring.  I know.  But I’m about to share Fall pictures with y’all anyway.  (I don’t usually say “y’all.”  Ok – when I lived in Virginia I said “y’all” attempting to blend in better.  I had so much fun saying to my 4th graders “y’all listen up now!”  Ha!  K.  Why am I talking about this?  I’m tired and clearly need to keep this post short.)  Anyway!  Back to the pictures.  My cute friend Josie took these of our family last November during our Christmas card photo shoot in my mom’s backyard.  We played in the leaves in between posed shots to loosen up a bit!

This one is funny to me.  Kenny and I look like the tin man from The Wizard of Oz.  
Oil can please!
These pictures are messy and random.  And kind of my favorites.
That’s it for now.  Y’all have a great day.  

xoxo, Erin
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12 thoughts on “A bit of Fall in the Spring

  1. Y’all look like you are having so much fun. My favorite kind of pictures. She did a great job. Loved your Christmas card. It is in my stack of cards to put into an album. (Thanks for the idea.) Now to find the time to put them in.

  2. Gorgeous! Natural pics really are the best. It’s autumn here so thanks for reminding me about playing in the leaves – I’ll add that to our ideas list for my girls’ school holidays which start next week! xx

  3. Ok, Kenny cannot deny the fact that he was just ‘tolerating’ that activity. :) He had the same look on his face that I probably would have.

    They are adorable though! Love it!!

  4. Thanks Jenny! We lived in Charlottesville for three years while Kenny went to law school. SO beautiful. We miss it!

    Shari – No doubt! He “tolerates” every photo shoot. My expectations with him are low for photo shoots. I’m just happy he showed up! :)

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