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Popping in

Popping in quick to say hello!  You guys were so sweet about my last post.  Thank you for your kind, encouraging words.  I love blogging.  It’s so fun to connect with wonderful people who have similar interests.  We would all SO be friends if we lived by each other.  :)  
Quick update on where we’re at with the house…
They started laying the wood floors today!  Hooray!  
The stuff they put on the floors to level them and prep for the wood is so strange.  It’s a sort of glassy blue material.  El loves it (because it make it easy to twirl around in her socks) and wishes we could just leave the floors as is.  I think not.  :)

 They also started our side gates.  They are going to have inset panels and be painted white.  We have been holding off on a lot of plants and flowers for the yard until everything inside is finished because workers are still tromping over everything each day.

 So fun to see some of the fixtures and lights going in! 

And as for me, I am swimming in a combination of boxes, new house order forms, and back to school paper work.  So much still needs to be done between packing up the house and finishing the new one.   I’m so scattered I’m not sure what to work on.  So I decided to do a blog post.  HA!  :)
Happy Birthday to my better half today!!
Love you so much babe.

Our conversation this morning trying to coordinate our schedules for the day…  Can you cover this?  Can you be there for that?  Someone needs to sign for appliances… Don’t forget the meeting tonight… crap! it’s your birthday!  We don’t have time for your birthday!  We’ll fit it in from 6:30 to 7:00.

Of course we are making time.  Girls are decorating the house as we speak.  My kitchen table is covered in markers and glitter and I will have mini football drawings stuck to my walls for a week.


xoxo, Erin
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15 thoughts on “Popping in

  1. I never really realized all the details that go into building a house. But, it looks like you are almost there! I love your floors. How fun!

    Happy Birthday to Kenny. There is always time to celebrate a birthday!!! Elle’s Birthday is tomorrow. I taught her that you celebrate your birthday week. For tonight, it is dinner at my house and another cake. I will use any excuse to eat cake. :)She swam with the dolphins at Seaworld to start it off!

    LKJ…God Bless your MIL. May she be blessed with more!

    Love ya, Erin

  2. My b-day is the 28th, too! This explains many things about Kenny (e.g. Spreadsheets). He’s a Virgo!
    We are totally annoying like that ;).

  3. I love everything! You are making such a wonderful family forever home! Which potfiller and faucets are you going with in the kitchen? I am in the middle of a remodel and love your pot filler choice!

  4. Thanks Leslie! I went with the ROHL faucet/pot filler. I’ll share my faucet at some point soon! Good luck with your re-model! So fun!

  5. I claim every house post now as my own, haha! All the detail pictures are so exciting to see. And, happy birthday to your husband!

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