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Hot Chocolate Station

Are you all getting a jump start on your Christmas decorating?  Or are you more of a “wait until after the last pie is eaten” type of December decorator?  I love to slowly start my Christmas decor in November.  November is quickly becoming one of my favorite months.  As much as I love December, it definitely brings a certain madness along with it.  November feels a bit like the calm before the storm.  A month to start anticipating and getting excited about cozy nights curled up by the tree lights.  I love turning on Christmas music and starting to pull out the holiday decorations – taking my time – moving things around until I’ve found just the right place for everything.  I don’t know how much holiday decorating I’ll do this year.  Definitely some, but it’s a bit tricky since we are lacking so much furniture!  I need table tops to decorate.  :)  One thing that is definitely on my decor to-do list for this holiday season is to set up a hot chocolate station.  My girls and I love hot chocolate and a little place set up solely for hot chocolate fixings sounds so inviting and fun for this time of year!  I’ve been pinning hot chocolate station ideas on my Christmas Pinterest Board for the past two years and can’t wait to create my own pulling inspiration from the pictures below…
Aren’t they so fun!?  A hot chocolate station just seems to say “welcome!  come in and get cozy!”
Don’t mind if I do.  :)
I also stumbled on this adorable hot chocolate gift idea.
Such a festive gift if you’re in the mood to make something for friends/loved ones this year.
The one and only glitch in my plans to set up a hot chocolate station?

I took these pics yesterday.  Not exactly “baby it’s cold outside” weather around here.
Hot chocolate with your sunscreen anyone?
xoxo, Erin
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20 thoughts on “Hot Chocolate Station

  1. Your Christmas lead up looks just like ours here in Queensland, Australia :) Santa here wears boardies and thongs!! (or flip flops)

  2. I love the idea of a hot chocolate station. I wish we had the space in our house for one. Hope you get some cooler weather soon so you can enjoy it!

  3. I’m having the same problem! I’ve been in the mood to put on the fleecy Christmas Jammie’s and light a fire, but it is just too warm outside!

  4. I want to do a hot chocolate bar. I love them. They scream Christmas. The weather has been perfect. I have heard that we are going to have a really mild winter. Who knows, you might be able to use your pool into December.

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