Sharing some pics of my girls’ new bathroom today! Before I start overloading you all with pictures of the new house I need to warn you that you’ll be seeing A LOT of white and grey. Obviously I love white cabinets and white moldings and grey paint, but I also did this because I love to use a lot of color when I decorate and I wanted neutral backgrounds. Addison told me last week “our old house was so colorful mom and this house is boring with so much white and grey..” Ha! I had to explain to her that mom hasn’t had time to “play” with the new house yet to make it colorful and fun. So before you all decide I’m boring too I just thought I’d mention the obvious. My house is neutral for a reason. :) Now on to the bathroom!

When I grew up my sister and I shared a jack and jill bathroom between our two rooms and I loved it. We loved getting ready together and listening to music and talking and fighting over clothes. Good times I will always remember. :) So I wanted the same thing for my girls. My architect kept trying to convince me to give them each their own bathroom, but I really wanted the girls to be able to get ready together each morning and I wanted their rooms to feel close to each other with the bathroom connecting them. So that’s what we did.
Lots of drawer space that we are so not used to. I’ve always had to organize to make use of every inch and cranny. It feels strange to have empty drawers and cupboards!
After the drywall went up, my builder called me and said that there was a slant in the girls’ bathroom ceiling from the roof line that he will patch up and make flat. But when I saw it for the first time I said “Do not patch that! I love it! Let’s plank it!” Kenny will tell you “Let’s plank it!” became a phrase he heard more times than he wanted to during our building process. :)

I think the slanted planks give the ceiling personality and they are my favorite part of the room.
A fun addition that wasn’t in the plans. :)
I need to take a close up of the counters and backsplash. The counter is quartz (Caeserstone) called “Organic White.” I used Organic White in the girls’ bathroom, on my kitchen islands and in my office. We ended up using quartz everywhere throughout the house except in the bathrooms that have marble. I debated marble for this countertop for a nano second (it actually would have been less expensive) but then I pictured my girls painting their own nails and spreading bath toys out all over the place (someday make-up) and I knew I would live to regret it! Quartz is great if you want a clean look that won’t scratch or stain and I have to say I am loving these counters! I’ll do a post about all of my countertop choices at some point and show better pics of them up close.
I did use marble in the backsplash. Love the small hexagons. I also used this vintage style faucet throughout the house – in the powder bath and in the master bathroom.
I adore these lights! They are a bit nautical and I was excited when I found them because they fit perfectly with my mirror frame design (style and size).
I chose a grey tile for the floor. I used this same tile in my downstairs laundry room but in a different pattern. So excited to find some fun rugs for this floor!

You walk in a separate door to the tub/shower. Then there is another door inside and on the right to a small separate room for the toilet.

This little space went through so many transformations! Originally we had a tub/shower combo and a large built-in linen cabinet, but during the framing stage my builder pointed out that we had room for a separate shower if we got rid of the linen cabinet. I did NOT want to lose my cabinet. I knew I wanted space for towels and linens. So we found a way to make a corner shower and keep a sliver of my linen cabinet. Win win! **Notice the left side of the shower where the paint meets the tile – our painters still have a LOT of touch-ups to do around the house and you’ll see that in my pictures! My mom warned me that I would still be building for months after we moved in and she was so right. Our house is still under construction. (I haven’t showed you kitchen pictures yet because it’s not totally done!) I eat breakfast every morning with my painter, carpenter and landscaper and by noon the plumber and electricians have usually joined us. I love them all, but I’m SO ready to have my house finished and to myself!

I kept the girls’ shower simple and clean and just used white subway tiles all the way up.
Larger marble hexagons for the shower floor. The bench seat is the same quartz as the counters.
I added planks around the tub and just used the subway tile for a backsplash. There is a lot of wall space above their tub that I’m going to decorate. Not sure how yet, but I’ll come up with something.
I added a hand sprayer and we are loving that little feature! Makes it so much easier to get shampoo out of the girls’ hair.
Ellie loves that there is no confusion about which side is hot and which side is cold. :)
I took these pics the day before we moved in. New mattresses had just arrived for the girls!
They love to sleep with their bathroom doors open so they can talk.
**Update: Girls Bathroom Questions Answered Post
xoxo, Erin
I love, love, love this bathroom. I am so in love with Quartz right now. I can kick myself for not going with it instead of granite. I was almost going to say yes…and I didn’t. Live and learn. I love my granite, but, in my next house I will go with quartz. I love the window and all the planking.The mirrors and lighting are genius! great choice on the ceiling. I couldn’t agree with you more on the neutral color scheme. The sky is the limit when it comes time to decorating. I know that everyone is saying that they want to see your house in pictures. I am just going to wait for the actual tour that you promised. I kid…Well, sort of. It is simply beautiful Erin.
Sending hugs to you.
I know everyone keeps asking for a tour of your house, but, I seriously can’t wait to see it.
Love it all! Can’t wait for all the many fun memories for us to make in your beautiful home. Lots of laughing and lots of food. Perfect place for our family to gather and remeber our loved who are gone and then laugh and carry one like we know they would all want us too.
Thanksgiving 2014….start planning now. :)
I. Can’t. Wait.
Love mom
Beautiful! And this room perfectly highlights the overwhelming number of choices and decisions involved with building a house…and the flexibility you must have to get it done! You did a great job, Erin!
LOVE it!! Love that it joins the two girls’ bedrooms together – many happy teenage sisterly hours to be spent there I’m sure, that’s such a fun idea! Love the neutral background too so you can play with the colours! So fun!
It looks absolutely beautiful, Erin! I love all the touches and know your girls will have so much fun in there!
Erin. This is beautiful Thanks for sharing. I can’t wait to get decorating ideas once you decorate. You should go into interior design/ architecture. You have a great eye for detail and it all looks so great. If I had to build a house, I would have no idea where to start. Thanks for sharing and enjoy making some wonderful memories here.
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I’ve been reading for a while, your house is seriously drool worthy. I love those light fixtures, where are they from?!
Now we’re talking.
But now I feel like I’ve just eaten one potato chip out of the new bag and I want MORE! :)
I know, I know, you’re busy. I will be patient.
Absolutely loving all these posts! Your new home is just stunning! What lucky, lucky girls! Love the planks on the bathroom ceiling! What a great idea!
I can so relate about wanting to have the house to yourself. It will all be worth the wait!
Personally, I love the look of white & grey. So clean, functional & stylish but yet you are really able to bring in pops of color & have the white & grey pop just as much as the color, too.
Love all these ideas! It looks great! I have always wanted space above my tub to (securely) hang pictures of my kids I have taken through the years in the tub with their crazy shampoo hairdos.
I just learned about tile and I was thinking how it would be perfect in the kids bathroom – and now I got to see it! So thank you! :)
Oh fun, fun, fun!! LOVE everything about it. I also have to say that I LOVE JACK n JILL bathrooms!! My husband always gets puzzled by this. I think it’s from watching 90210 when I was younger?! :) but it’s just so neat in my mind. I can honestly say, I love every single choice you made in this bathroom and those girls are sooo lucky. They have a beautiful bathroom and I’m insanely jealous!
I love it! And I love that you wanted them to share a bathroom. I think that’s so important and they’ll make great memories. My sisters and I shared a much smaller bathroom growing up and while we were always in each others way, we had so much fun. And who wants to always have everything to themselves and not share? Boring!! :)
A bathroom fit for 2 little princesses. I love it and love those planks you put in. I would have died to have a big tub like that when I was a girl. Love that they will share it too.
It is gorgeous Erin. Such a great use of space.
I’m just in ‘awe’ over this house. I feel like you built my dream home. Gorgeous.
Yay!! I’m so excited to see all the pictures of your rooms. I am excited too because I love your style so much and it looks like I have picked the same floor tile you used in this bathroom as I have picked for my master bath. I love it. I sure wish I could get away with the “Let’s plank it!” phrase with Rob. I would absolutely love to plank a lot of my ceilings. Such a fun look. Love your house Erin!
Yea!! I’m so glad you all like it! Thanks for the sweet comments this morning. SO fun waking up to all of you today. :)
Love you mom! Fun to hear from you on the blog! You were up too late after Bunko! Call me. :)
Cathy – there are so many things I feel like that about too! I should have done this or that… styles will change and in 7 years we won’t want granite or quart! Ha ha.. it’s just the way it rolls with this kind of stuff. You know I would LOVE to have you over and give you a tour. Just let me know when you are in town! I would be so excited. :)
Misadventures – thank you! I will add the light fixture source to this post as soon as I find my light notebook today! I couldn’t find it last night…
Shari – you crack me up. Are they lays potato chips or doritos? Makes a difference. ;)
Valerie – what a fun idea to hang tub pictures! Love that.
Erin, can you please tell me the name of your new hardwood floors? I am waiting on a remodel job because I just can’t decide. I LOVE yours! Please help!
Where will the hand towels go? Hardware for that?
Beautiful bathroom. I am in love with the hand shower for the tub, what a genius idea!! I am also very envious of all of the drawers/linen closet you put in as well. If we were to ever build a house or redo a bathroom I would definitely use this for inspiration. Very excited to continue to see more of your home.
This bathroom is amazing. Personally I’m loving the grey and white. –Hanna Lei
New follower! I’m seriously swooning over your new house. It is absolutely gorgeous. Can’t wait to see more pictures!
I love all the grey and white! My husband and I finished building a house earlier this year and our styles are *very* similar. Our house has a lot of white as well. I went with marble countertops in all of the bathrooms — including the three kid bathrooms. The day after we moved in there was a huge scratch on my son’s marble countertops. I couldn’t help but laugh (and cry). I was so exhausted after the build and moving I just didn’t know what to do. He also colored on my daughter’s freshly painted walls 4 days after we moved in. What do you do with 1-year-olds?
This is not our forever home and we’ll probably build again someday — I will not be doing marble countertops in the kids rooms again. Good call!
Looks AMAZING!!! Can I be your Daughter!!! I’ll move right in! :-)
You nailed it! That’s such a dreamy bathroom. I am in the midst of choosing paint colors right now and I have been choosing a lot of gray for the same reason- nice neutral that I can add color to and change those colors without repainting. Not everyone can see the vision, but now I can just show them pictures of your house and they’ll get the idea! So awesome how the planked ceiling worked out. I love the character it adds!
Love this bathroom! I am thinking of painting my living room kitchen and family all greys…..possible just one darker than the other but in the same family. I remember you mentioning how difficult greys are and you are so right. What color grey did you use in this bathroom? It’s beautiful.
Thanks for sharing all your wonderful design/decorating ideas!
Love the bathroom! So beautiful and simple, can’t wait to see how you decorate it. I’m excited to see other pictures of your house- it looks amazing! We plan to build in a couple years and love reading your tips and seeing your ideas :)
Love the bathroom! It’s beautiful, I’m sure your girls will have tons of great memories in there. I look forward to seeing the rest of your home pictures. We plan to build in a couple years- I love your tips and decorating ideas :)
Hi Erin,
Love the kids bath! Could you please share what color grey you used on the walls?
Hi Erin! I stumbled upon your blog two weeks ago and have been hooked ever since! We have so much in common, It feels like you are my long lost friend:). I too am in the process of building my first home. Your posts have been such a blessing! Thank you for sharing your new home with me.
I LOVE the planked ceiling, Erin! I never would have thought of that! You are an architectural genius! LOVE how you designed the mirror frames, too! The nautical light fixtures are super cute! I also love how you can see that splash of aqua from one bedroom and the splash of periwinkle from the other bedroom! And I love how the girls will be able to talk with each other through the “Jack & Jill” bathroom doors! Are you going to do any window treatments? I am anxious to see what you add to the bathroom for color. You are so smart to go with neutrals! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing! This makes my day!
Hi Erin,
So nice and tasteful. totally the colors i go for!
Good luck with all the unpacking!
sara from NJ
I have to admit I’m pretty jealous of your daughters’ bathroom! It looks AMAZING! I would love to have a shelf to sit on like that in my shower, how handy would that be for shaving legs!? Obviously your daughters are much too young for that but still – I sure want one!
Can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s all decorated! xo Anna
I love this bathroom! Love the floor tiles.
Looks beautiful! I have been trying to pick the “right” gray paint for oh…a year or so! I am so scared!You did well!
Thank you so much everyone! You are all too kind. I am working on a post right now that will answer your questions! :)
WOW, just WOW! What a fun space for your girls! I am so excited to see the rest of the house that we’ve all been waiting forever to be finished!
Congratulations on moving into your gorgeous home!
Amelia says, “Luckies!!!” I totally agree.
I shared a bathroom with my three sisters growing up and we LOVED it! We still ditch the guest bathrooms (and husbands) and get ready together when we are staying with our parents. The bathroom is really beautiful and I second the request to know where those light fixtures are from. They are amazing.
Oh, Erin. I love the girls bathroom. It’ s beautiful! How big is the girls bath tub? It is so big and comfy. I was also wondering how did you design Kole’s bathroom? I can’t wait to see pictures of it too!!! Great job Erin.
Gorgeous! I really love it all. I can’t wait to see the rest of it! Great job Erin! I’m really impressed and love your style!
it’s gorgeous Erin!! Such great details.
I really light up when I see a new post from you because I love love love the whole new house process! I LOVE a jack and jill bathroom!
Oh my gosh, I am loving it!! Can’t wait to see each room’s reveal! And good call on the countertops–we have marble in a kids’ bathroom, and it is my nemesis. Seriously.
you have incredible taste – just amazing… down to every little detail… thanks so much for sharing and wishing you many years of happy memories in your new home… xo Patty
p.s. Cant wait to see more!!
Oh my word! You are all spoiling me! :) Thank you so much! I’m thrilled you all like it!
I am loving the pictures of your new house so far…adore your style!
Can you give us the information on the gray tile floors in your girls bathroom? It looks amazing! Also, I loved the information you gave on the extensive research you had done on your hardwood floors. Very informative. Thank you!
Thank you for the information on your wood floors. All of the extensive research you have done is so helpful. And they look amazing!
Can you share the information on your tile floors in your girls bathroom? They are perfect!
The bathroom connecting their bedrooms is so cool! Reminds me of Brenda & Brandon Walsh!
Ok Erin, I want your house! All I’ve seen so far is the girls bathroom and I can already tell the whole house is amazing. You did an awesome job! Seriously though, can I build a copy of your house in Utah, for 1/4 of the price ;)
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I found your blog on the net surfing for bathroom ideas for my girls! Can you email me where you got their lights and the exact tile! Love it all! [email protected]
Hi Erin! Love, love, love your gray floor tiles! This is exactly what I’m looking for in my girls’ bathroom right now. Could you please email me where the tiles are from? Email: [email protected]. Thanks!
Love the spaciousness of the girls’ jack-and-jill bathroom room (you were fabulous in your layouts and planning!), the armrests in the bathtub, the seat in the shower, the white and gray colors, the ceiling detail, the double sinks with medicine cabinets and the window in between, all of it!
Erin, your heart must burst with love at pride in every room of your home!
Once again, and incredibly beautiful and useful space!
I love the grey floor in the bathroom! I need to get some new tile today – please, please tell where you got the floors/model name – would be sooo thankful. Thanks!!
Thank you so much everyone! Here is the info. on the grey tile for anyone interested:
Alfalux is the manufacturer and it’s the Olympia series – color clay.
I cannot find your bathroom floor tile Alfalux tile, was trying to get some info or even a sample
It might be discontinued. So sorry Ellen!
Hello- i just ordered my handcrafted Walker Zanger subway tile yesterday. I received a call today that it is on back order until July. Your subway till is the girls’ bathroom is beautiful, what did you use?
Thank you Lauren! I can’t remember the brand.. just white subway tiles. The backsplash of their vanity is marble. :) xo
I truly love the detail the detail that you added to the ceiling above their sink, those kinds of details make all the difference in finishing a home and make in perfection.
Thank you sweet Laura! :) So happy you like it! xo
Hi Erin,
Random question unrelated to the girls bathroom, haha, but in your last couple of pictures of the bathroom you can see the girls ceiling fans through the doorway in the background…. I LOVE them!! Can you please share where you got them? Thank you Erin!
Can I ask what the name of the floor tile is that you used for the girl’s bathroom? I am in search of a prefect grey tile.