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Hot Chocolate Station

There are so many things to love about this time of year!  The holidays help remind us of all that we have.  It’s such a special time to think of others and to spend quality time with the people we love.  One way that I try to bring our family closer together during the holiday season is by setting up new family traditions.  I’ve found that the little things our family does together each year are the things that I cherish the most.  Nothing elaborate or fancy.  Cozy nights by the tree reading favorite Christmas books, an afternoon spent making our annual Christmas Pretzel Hugs for neighbors, or an evening spent driving around in pajamas looking at Christmas lights.  These are the moments that I look forward to and cherish each December.  
This December I decided that I wanted to set up a hot chocolate station in our house.  My kids all love hot chocolate (I’m a fan as well!) so I knew this would be a fun new tradition to start.  
It was so easy and fun to set up!  My butler’s pantry was a perfect spot in my house but this really could be done on any table.  I’m sure I’ll mix things up and move it around each year.    
I mostly used things I already had.  Mugs and bowls from past kitchen displays.  

I wanted to elevate the aqua pitcher a bit so I grabbed a baking pan and some red wrapping paper and that did the trick.  :)  I filled the pitcher with water but haven’t used it much because we’ve all decided we like our hot chocolate better with milk!  
I used these cute non-breakable cups and with lids and straws for the kids.  

Small glass bowls were perfect for the toppings.  If I was setting this up for a party I would have used bigger bowls but these small bowls have been just right for the kids.   My girls know that they can’t sneak into the treats throughout the day but I have had to set them up higher a time or two because of a certain 3 year old.  To be expected.  :)  
At our house we believe that one needs marshmallow options and that one can never have too much chocolate.  :)

I put the hot chocolate powder in a clear glass jar with a tablespoon in it so that we can easily measure portions.  2-3 scoops per mug!

Simple candy canes in another glass jar add a festive touch.

I’ve sprinkled these small poinsettias throughout my house this year and I’m loving them!  Having real plants that bring color and warmth is always a good thing.

I love coming around the corner of my kitchen and seeing a brightly colored hot chocolate station all set up and ready to go.

The rest of my shelves are still bare, but the kids and I don’t mind.  We are too busy sipping our hot cocoa to care.  :)

This has been so much fun.  Some days we’ve had a cup right after the girls get out of school.  We make our hot chocolate and sit down at the counter together and talk about how their day went.  Other days we’ve waited until evening when homework and baths and dinner are done.  A special treat we all enjoy together each day during the month of December.  Like I said, it’s the little things.  Simple family traditions.  Quiet time spent together that make this time of year so special.  That and lots of chocolate.  Chocolate makes everything special too.


xoxo, Erin
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17 thoughts on “Hot Chocolate Station

  1. Erin, I just love your hot chocolate station! What a great tradition to start! And I love the fact that you have it set up for the entire month of December. It’s such a great way for the kids to relax after school and get conversations started!

  2. So cute and love the aqua, yellow and red colors together. It’s the little things like this that will make your new house a home for the kids.

  3. Just think how much more fun it would be if it wasn’t 70 degrees outside!! :) -4 degrees would make a hot chocolate station sooooo much better. :)


  4. Thanks everyone! It really has been so much fun. My kids love it! Ok – the darling plastic cups with straws are from Pottery Barn Kids. So cute, right? And perfect for toddlers. No spills or broken glass!

  5. Oh, I will have to get those cups for my kids.

    And what a great idea for a mini-party with friends? I’m going to have some friends over for a quick cookie swap and wanted something fun for the kids to do/make/eat – this would be perfect! So glad I saw this today:)

  6. What a great idea – I want to copy it! But it’s summer here in New Zealand so it wouldn’t quite be the same….I love a warm christmas but we definitely lack the cosy element that a winter christmas brings.

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