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Organizing Solutions (pinspiration!)

Happy Monday friends!  I thought I’d kick this week off right with some organizing eye candy.  I am on a ROLL with a few projects around my house and I’m hoping I can keep up the momentum this week! Tonight I spent some time searching my Pinterest boards for a bit more inspiration.  SO many fun ideas!  Here are a few of my recent organizing pins that I thought were smart solutions… 

Love this idea of simple, labeled buckets in the garage to hold kids’ outdoor toys.  We haven’t tackled the garage in our new house yet so I’m gathering all the inspiration I can before we do!  (Organizing your garage?  You can see many more ideas for garage organization here.)

LOVE this idea of having binders just to hold your kids’ artwork.  I’ve always integrated my girls’ art work in their Project Life albums, but having it all together in one binder would be an easy solution.  Plus I know my kids’ would love flipping through an album of their favorite masterpieces.  

Small jars of paint for each room in your house.  Perfect for touch ups!  I’m so excited to do this.

Are your wrapping supplies taking up more space than they should?  I thought this plastic drawer system was a clever way to corral everything.  In our previous house my son’s nursery doubled as my wrapping station.  I’ve also seen organized dressers that hold wrapping supplies.  Sometimes you have to get a little creative!  

I liked this picture because with all of the decorating I’m doing lately I’m drowning in receipts I need to save.  This is a fun idea to just keep them all in a clear jar.  The only not fun part is digging for the one you need when it’s time to return something!  Still..  it gives me a few ideas.
You all know I have a love affair with baskets.  Love the look of them for decorating.  Love the practicality of them for organizing.  What a smart idea to use a basket to organize files!  This way you can keep them out as part of your decor for easy access.  

And speaking of easy access.. love this idea!  A stylish tray you can fill with your remote and reading material and then easily slide under the couch .  

Hope a few of those ideas motivate you to organize this week!  They definitely inspire me.  For more organizing eye candy you can check out my Pinterest boards or these links to some of my past projects.  

Have a great week everyone!  

xoxo, Erin
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3 thoughts on “Organizing Solutions (pinspiration!)

  1. Love this! A girl after my own heart on the organizing front! I’m crushing on your new house as well! So pretty and I love all of the touches you put into it! A labor of love I’m sure! W’re remodeling an 1800’s farmhouse currently and I’m on the search for doorknobs. Do you know your source for the doorknobs you put in your home?

  2. Thanks Trish and Michelle!

    Michelle – all of my doorknobs in the new house are from Emtek. So fun to remodel a farmhouse! Would love that!

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