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Recent pics

Hi friends!  Popping in with a few recent pics.  Very random.  A little bit of everything and nothing. :) 

Fun spring plate I spotted at Pier One.  Love this time of year with all of the fun Springness popping up everywhere!  (Is Springness a word?  If not it should be.)

Small gifts I put together for the Young Women in our church.  We give them bracelets on their birthday.

I feel like my circle punches are my most used craft item.  Ever.  I use them for everything.  From Valentine’s Day cards to school projects to my kids’  albums.  They come in so handy.  

Pretty purple tulips.  A late b-day gift from a friend.  

A blurry pic I snapped with my phone of Ad’s last book report (timeline) on Ramona Quimby Age 8.  Don’t you just love Ramona Quimby Age 8?  One of my all time favorite children’s books.  Although I have about 3,422 all time favorite children’s books.  Right now Kenny is reading my girls Roll of Thunder Hear my Cry.  Another one that is near and dear to me.  Reminds me of reading to my fourth and fifth graders every day after lunch.

Speaking of my Ad – a quick pic of her after I spent some time in her classroom last week.  Oh to be in 2nd grade again!  Such a sweet age.

Finally DONE with paint touch up work in the house.  And pretty much everything else that had to be finished.  So many people told me the building wouldn’t end after you move in and they were sure right about that.  But now we are done.  Such a happy feeling.  :)

Cute hand towels and a bath mat I picked up at World Market.  I had a coupon and scored all of this for under 20 bucks!  I’m going to try them in my girls’ bathroom.

A lot of the plants we planted in the yard are blooming!  It feels like we are seeing some of our yard for the first time.  Having a back yard has changed my life.  We are always outside.  We were outside a lot before too but it always involved me taking the kids’ to a specific place outside like the park or the beach.  Now they can run free and wild!  While I do dishes.  :)
Cooking chicken for a salad.  

I made this grilled chicken salad I pinned on my food/recipe board on Pinterest and it was seriously so good!  Try it if you get the chance!

Speaking of cooking – my mom wanted to get me new pans for Christmas this year because mine are trashed.  But I told her not to.  Because I like them trashed.  :)  I like to cut chicken in them (gasp!) and put them in the dishwasher (gasp!) and generally not worry about keeping them nice.  So my mom came up with another fun idea for Christmas.  

She gave me and my sister and my sister-in-law gift cards to Victoria Secret and said we were all going shopping together and then to lunch and it’s a new Christmas tradition.  SO much fun!  I bought these pajamas and have lived in them in the evenings ever since!  This pic is awful because I snapped it quick at night to text and thank my mom.  But I wanted to tell you about that gift idea because I thought it was so clever and fun.  Now we all have something to look forward to after Christmas each year – a little shopping/lunch girl get together.  It was so funny because our husbands saw Victoria Secret gift cards and got excited.  Then we all came home with pj’s like these.  
Probably not what they had in mind.  :)  
Some of you have asked me how I am keeping my new house clean.  
I train them young.  
xoxo, Erin
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20 thoughts on “Recent pics

  1. I LOVE your site and thank you so much for posting your beautiful new home! You are doing a great job and I love everything you have done! Amazing! I noticed the french door hardware, would you mind posting where you ordered them and the color you went with. Thank you again for sharing!

  2. Love it! Do you have a central vac system? If so, how do you like it, pros/cons? I’m building a new house now and all help is appreciated!

  3. Ohhh Erin I loved this blog post sooo much! Thank you,as aslways for taking the time to blog and photograph what is happening in such a witty way. It really brings sunshine to my life. I have been following for such a long time and don’t comment much ( but I should) as life is busy but this year for me is all about building on my relationships and taking the time to say stop and smell the flowers more ( Ali Edwards OLW is “build”). Anyway, I’m writing this (in Australia) before going to work so I’ll keep moving on…..I loved the reminder about Ramona Quimby…thanks. I read it when I was little and now I have an adorable 8 yr old girl so I really need to get it! I loved the tradition of lunch and VS and laughed with you at hubby’s high expectations! lol! Loved all the random pics and beautiful lunch idea. All round — just loved it – all the pics have made my day. Off I go to school having had ten mins with my coffee enjoying your blog–a big thanks again! So glad that you can officially say the tradesmen are finished. Have a great day.

  4. Okay I’m confused with your kitchen cabinets – the ones that face the nook? are they functional? or just for looks? because if there is a drawer on the other side…then there’s no way there can be a drawer on that side, too?!! unless I’m missing something…?

  5. Thanks everyone!

    Anonymous – you are so kind! Thank you so much. Our french door hardware was purchased through Anderson/Eagle when we bought the doors and they are all black.

    Unknown – Congrats on building! Yes – we have central vac and I would ABSOLUTELY recommend you get it. I love mine so much. Especially with all of the wood I have in my house. I can just vacuum it all up so easily. The only con I can think of is that the vacuum is a little harder to push on my carpet. But overall I love it. I can plug it in anywhere and clean the floor so quickly. One of my favorite features in my new house!

    Kim! Oh my word. What a sweet comment! You are such a sweetheart. You made my day. :) So happy you enjoy my blog! And yes! Get your 8 year old reading Ramona Quimby asap! :)

    Katrina – only one side is functional. :)

  6. Oh, Erin. I love the photos you shared today.I love those black lanterns on the house could you tell me where you bought them? And where did you buy your black shutters? Love it all. Thanks so much.

  7. I love going into stores at Spring time. Especially Pier 1 and Hobby Lobby. Love your PJs and too funny about the husbands. What neat idea! I can’t wait to have a good backyard (off a busy road) to let me kids run free in.

  8. Hi Erin- Thanks for your pictures. I love your house and the backyard. It is so nice to be inside the house but have the kids in site. I am re-doing my kitchen and am also going white. I’m looking at dark counters as well and wondered if you used granite and what surface texture you chose? I am wanting honed I think.

  9. Anonymous – thank you! I don’t have the info. on the black lanterns with me but I’ll find out and add that in a Q & A post soon! The black shutters we had custom made.

    Missi – my counters are all quartz. If you haven’t looked into quartz yet do! I love them. So pretty AND durable. Good luck with your kitchen re-model! So fun!

  10. Second grade was my favorite:)

    Are you still planning on having a post about how you clean your wood floors? I am just anxious to know what others do!

  11. My sister bought me a pair of Victoria’s Secret flannels last year for Christmas. I requested a new pair again this year. I LOVE them and they are pretty! Every mom needs a pair of VS jammies!

  12. Sharon – yes! I will for sure post about floors at some point!

    Holly – I agree 100%!

    Thanks Jen! Our exterior paint is “Capricorn” by Frazee. Then we had it darkened just a bit (I think 125?)

  13. Erin, I love the look of your black shutters on the outside of some of your windows. I have a question though, the shutters on the front of the house. I think the garage window and a window on top with rock both have black shutters on the outside. Are those shutters big enough to close the windows or are they for decoration only. I love the way they look. Please let me know. Love what you have do to your house it’s gorgeous.

    1. Hi again Summer! That’s a good question! We made the shutters big enough that you COULD close them over the windows, but they don’t actually close over the windows. They are just for decoration. :) You are spoiling me with your sweet comments about my house! Thank you! So glad you like it. :)

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