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Baskets with labels

Oh my word.  Is May the craziest month or what!?  Am I the only one floundering this month?  My friends and I always talk about how the end of the school year starts to feel like December/Christmas in terms of how insanely busy it is.  Non-stop right up until the last day of school.  My kids still have a few weeks to go so I’m hanging on!  By a very thin thread.  

But let’s not talk about May.  Or busyness.  Or thin threads.

Let’s talk about something fun.

Like baskets.

Wanna know what’s even more fun than talking about baskets?

Talking about baskets with labels on them.  :)

I received this sweet comment on my last post:

Looks great!! Did I miss the post about the baskets under the coffee table?? Please share!! They are exactly what I’ve been looking for for mine :) Adore your home and your blog!!

(Thank you for that!)  Since I aim to please (and because you don’t have to twist my arm to chat about organizing with baskets) here is a post on my coffee table baskets.

I actually bought these baskets to go in my office.  They are the Cameron Wire Baskets from Pottery Barn.  I wanted two of them and thought that was what I ordered on-line but didn’t realize that they come in sets of two (note to self: next time notice when it says “comes in sets of 2”).  So by ordering two I ended up with four.

That was a happy mistake.  :)

I felt it was meant to be.

 LOVE the baskets but they are really long.  They didn’t work in my office.  Or my pantry.  Or my laundry room. Or anywhere else I tried to put them.  So I decided to try them out under my coffee table holding my never ending magazine stash.  

Oh for the love of labels.  Aren’t they beautiful!?  I haven’t written on them yet because I’m not 100% sure this is their final resting place.  I’m having too much fun moving them around and organizing different things with them.

 But under the coffee table holding magazines is working for now.  

 Do you love organizing with baskets too?  

How could you not?  
 There now.  A few pics of my labeled baskets and I’ve forgotten all about crazy May.  
And everything else I was supposed to get done tonight.  
Imagine that.  

xoxo, Erin
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19 thoughts on “Baskets with labels

  1. Love the baskets. They go so well with your coffee table. Erin, my little guy turned four in April. And I was wondering if we will get to see Kole’s bedroom/ bathroom soon? I was hoping to get some inspirational ideas from you for my little boys room. Not sure where to start? Thanks so much, Megan

  2. You could just number them 1,2,3,4 or #1, #2, #3, #4 and then you could use them anywhere and not have to worry about changing the label. :) (I’m a number lover! and a math teacher…. So, I guess that makes sense! HA!)

  3. The baskets are very nice and I like them a lot so I clicked on the link. I would have a very hard time paying $62 for 2 of them but you thought you were payiing $62 for one simple wire basket?! OUCH!!!

  4. Love them!!! Thanks for sharing!! :) Feeling very flattered that my comment is in your post lol Will definitely be ordering these! Can’t wait to see more of what you have done with the playroom and in your little cuties’ bedrooms :) I have 4 girls and will be moving to a new ( to us lol) home this summer, so love room organizing ideas!! You have inspired me to choose gray and white through the new houses main areas :)

  5. Oh my gosh, I love you! So fun to imagine you verbalizing everything you just typed. I imagine you’d sound a lot like me! LOL My husband thinks I’m ridiculous.

  6. Oh, how have I never seen these before?! I need them. I might pretend that I don’t know they come in sets of 2 and end up with a happy mistake like you did ;) And yes, I love using baskets around the house-pretty much for everything. Every single room has some sort of basket(s) in my house! You’re house is looking great! Thanks for sharing it with us; look forward to seeing more of it!

  7. Thanks everyone!

    Megan – I will share Kole’s bathroom at some point for sure! His bedroom is temporary so I’m not decorating it right now. Will definitely share it someday when I get around to decorating it!

    Leslie – numbers! Great idea!

    MML – yes! I need to share the formal living room at some point. :)

    Anonymous – I know! The baskets weren’t cheap. But I had a credit because we bought some other things at PB so it wasn’t so painful!

    Holli – just e-mailed you! Thank you for letting me borrow your comment! :)

  8. Awww!! Didn’t get an email!! If it was the google one I set up forever ago thinking maybe I would have time to blog our reno projects on the new house I officially have lost that account info in my mommy brain! Ha! My email I use daily is [email protected] :) Please re-send!

  9. Hi Erin
    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home with all of us. I’m a frequent reader from Australia and look forward to your home decorating and organisation posts. I would also love to see your little guy’s room at some stage – I’m trying to put together a “big boy” room for my son and have found very little in the way of inspiration for boys rooms. Thanks again and have a great day :)

  10. May I ask please inquire about two baskets in your kitchen. The wire basket on the counter with the label and the narrow wooden basket with the handle. I would love know where they are from. Thank you.

    1. Hi Janelle! What is the title of the post you saw the baskets in? I have too many baskets and I move them around daily! I’m not sure which ones you are asking about.. ha ha.. :)

      1. The metal basket with the label sitting on the kitchen counter with your scale in it. And the carved wooden basket that you have in the kitchen shown with different items depending on the season. Thanks.

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