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Ziti Lasagna

So I decided to make Ziti Lasagna last week one night for dinner.  It’s always a hit with my kids and I was in the mood for an easy dinner.  And by easy I mean something I can get my kids to eat without having to commit Guerrilla warfare.  That didn’t really make sense but I’m sure you can all assume what I’m talking about.  And since this is such an easy recipe (I haven’t ever messed it up which means it’s really easy – like beyond easy) I thought I’d share it with all of you.


1 box of pasta noodles.  (This is Ziti lasagna so in theory you should use Ziti.  I had Mostaccioli on hand so I used that instead.  Still tastes the same.  It’s that whole ‘you can’t mess this one up’ thing.  Which is why it’s a favorite of mine.)
1 bottle of Prego Sauce
15 oz. jar ricotta cheese
Mozzarella cheese
Parmesan cheese

I know – it’s a lot of cheese.  I told you this was an easy to make kid favorite.  Not an easy to make nutritionist’s favorite.  Weight watcher points not included.  You can assume what you want.  And then double that.

Sidenote:  Doesn’t my new scale make an excellent prop for this picture!?  I’ll have to let my husband know it has multiple uses aside from just weighing our food.  He’ll be thrilled I’m sure.
Mostly cook a box of Ziti noodles
Stir in a separate bowl:
          Mostly cooked noodles
          15 oz. jar ricotta cheese
          2 cups mozzarella cheese
          2 handfuls parmesan cheese
In a 9×13 pan layer:
          1/2 jar Prego sauce
          cheese/noodle mixture
          rest of Prego sauce
          more mozzarella and parmesan cheese
Here it is right before I put tin foil over it to cook.
Cover loosely and cook at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Uncover at the end and let the cheese bubble on top and in the middle
 And here it is 30 minutes later ready to eat!

I could have cooked it a bit longer to let the cheese melt and bubble more but we were reaching “the witching hour.”  Moms – you know what I mean.  That lovely hour at the end of the day when patience is wearing thin and everyone is getting hungry and tired.  And you just know that if you don’t feed and get those kids in bed STAT bad things are about to happen.

But Ziti lasagna makes everyone smile again.  Throw together a quick salad or vegetable or french bread to go with it.  Kids are fed and happy.  Mom is fed and happy.  All is well.

Until the next day when you step on the scale.



**For more recipes that I would love to try if I had more time and actually knew how to cook check out my FOOD AND RECIPE Pinterest board here.

Bon Appetit!
xoxo, Erin
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4 thoughts on “Ziti Lasagna

  1. This looks delicious. Thanks for the recipe and taking a pic of the ingredients. I love when I can “see” the ingredients! :)

  2. Hi Erin! I so enjoy your blog. I too had a hard time with menu planning untl I stumbled upon eMeals. They have numerous menu plans for you to consider. Have a look at their website and see what you think! BTW, your new home is gorgeous!

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