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Kids’ weekend to-do list

Happy Friday everyone!  Last weekend I snapped a picture of our typical Saturday morning to-do list I always make my girls.  Thought I’d share it with all of you.  We love lazy Saturday mornings eating waffles in our pajamas, but once we’ve all had some down time I tend to put my kids to work!  Can’t be all fun and games around here.  :)  Friday night or Sat. morning when I write my weekend to-do’s, I take a few minutes to write a to-do list for my girls. They know that once the list is done we are free to enjoy the day.  They usually have something planned that they are excited to do (swimming, playdate, yogurt with the fam, etc.) so they work hard and fast!  I’ve found that making a list like this for them to follow and check off is ideal.  I don’t have to nag or keep reminding them of what they need to do.  As soon as a chore is done, they check it off the list.  When the list is finished I go around and check everything and make sure it’s all done right.  My girls know that cleaning their room and bathroom and drawers will always be on the list so they try to keep them clean all week so it doesn’t take long on Saturday.  (Bonus!)  An effective, simple routine that has worked well for us!  

This sweet girl of mine turned 8 last Friday!  Her birthday landed on Western Day at school.  This was the best we could do.  My mom called after I sent her this pic and said “don’t you even have a pair of boots for her to wear!?”  Oh this girl has boots.  Lots of boots.  But I wouldn’t exactly call any of them western.  :)   We have family coming into town tomorrow to help us celebrate this special birthday! So excited.  
Here is a peek of one of her birthday gifts.  (Ignore the messy garage – haven’t had time to do much about that yet!)  I had some desks made for the girls’ rooms and we decided to paint Ad’s hot pink! So fun.  So her.  :)  Their rooms are coming along!  I’ll share pics of the progress soon.   
In other news…  
I saw this fun idea on pinterest and loved it.  I thought “I love strawberry shortcake!  And I have cute jars!  I can do that!”  

So I decided to simplify the recipe by basically not following the recipe and just buying everything pre-made and easy to throw together.  Typical of how I work in the kitchen.  :)

Then I stuffed everything in the jar.  Hmm..  It didn’t look quite as pretty as the pinterest inspiration picture.  And you know what?  The jars were a pain to eat out of.  So I dumped everything into bowls and it was a big mess and the kids and I were much happier.  
Lesson learned: pinterest works great for me for organizing and decorating.  
I’ll just stick to getting ideas from those boards.  
Enjoy your weekend everyone!  

xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “Kids’ weekend to-do list

  1. I’ve always wondered about those cakes in a jar! Yours did look pretty but I imagine it would be a messy pain to eat out of!! I love the idea of the girls to-do list, I will need to start this for my oldest. Ad looks just like you and she is beautiful!

  2. I think it is fantastic they learn early on to help out around the house. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl, she is adorable and definitely a mini you!!

  3. I make To Do lists for myself and my husband, but I’ve never thought of making them for my kids! Maybe that’s why I feel like I’m constant repeating myself!! You are Genuius!!! Love this blog of yours! You are always inspiring! ….I bought the Martha Stewart purse file….Love it!!!!!

  4. Happy Birthday to your sweet Adi. She is so pretty and does look so much like you.

    Regarding the strawberry shortcake, I would have thrown it all in the bowl to begin with. :) I’m bad!!

  5. Such a great idea! My boys are younger (5 and 2) but I can see doing this in the future. I’m already constantly reminding my 5 year old of things he has to do. I like the written list because it’s all there for the kids to see. Genius!

  6. Thanks for the fun comments everyone! So glad you like the list idea! It’s a staple around here. And thanks for the sweet words about my handwriting and Addie. :)

    Anonymous – Noted! I’ve heard that from a few others lately too so I need to get my fashion groove back on. ;)

  7. Happy Birthday to your beautiful eight year old! Time goes by so quickly!! I LOVE the idea of making a to do list for your kids! I am going to start doing that RIGHT NOW! Brilliant!! Erin, I absolutely love your blog – it brings a smile to my face every time I visit!! Enjoy your family celebration!!

  8. Thank you for doing this blog. I love checking it every morning to see if there is something new. I especially love organizing, cleaning, and decorating posts. On that note, how can I get kids’ desks made like your daughter’s? What do you think I could expect to spend (ballpark)? Thanks!!! Looking forward to when you get around to some cooking and meal planning posts BTW. I know you can do it ;)

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