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Instagram round up

Sharing some recent pics today!  I’m loving how easy it is to document life with Instagram.  I held off joining Instagram for a long time because I knew I’d love it and I didn’t want one more thing pulling my time away from my kids.  But I have been surprised!  It’s so fast and easy.  A fun way to connect with friends and document life that doesn’t take much time at all.  Have you heard about all of the fun ways to print Instagram pics into books?  I’m excited to try it.  These are just a few of the pics I’ve shared on Instagram this summer.  (erin_sunnysideup)
Leaving downtown after watching my girls perform in Annie (theatre camp production).  
Cutest little orphans!  I cried when they sang their solos.  
Fun night out with girlfriends!  
These two have been inseparable this summer.  As always.  
Their bond makes me smile every single day.
Strollin’ at the beach.
A fun night with close friends.  
Yogurt with my littles while big sister is at camp.  Kole said “try my yogurt Ad!  It’s a little bit yucky and a lot bit yummy.”  He’s at that age where half of what he says makes us laugh.  :)
Some movies never get old.
Celebrating birthdays with friends.  
Mini organizers in training. 
This little monster is all caged up.  
Quiet afternoon reading time.  We set up our beloved princess tent and El said “mom it’s so much smaller than the last time we were in it!”  I wish it really was the tent that was changing.  
Spending the day with my three favorite little people at the beach.  Perfect ending to a great summer!

4 hours of last minute back to school shopping with all 3 kids.  This man was a GOOD sport.  
I think we pushed him as far as we possibly could!
These 4.
School lunch prep time!
Goodbye Summer 2014!  

xoxo, Erin
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6 thoughts on “Instagram round up

  1. Great pix.

    I can’t believe how tall El is getting!

    It’s strange to think that if El was here in the uk she’d be in year 6, the last year of primary school.

    Hope they have a great first week back at school.:)

  2. Great pictures! Seeing your kids getting bigger hits home that time is flying and my kids aren’t just oddly aging rapidly. *sigh* I wish time would slow down! We have one more week of summer vaca and I’m hoping to savor it. So not ready for another school year. Happy 1st Day! JC

  3. I know Julie and JC! I cried this morning! The kids are all getting so grown up. :(

    Anonymous – Ha! Thanks for the laugh. :) #loveyoutoo

  4. What a fun summer :)
    We used your list idea and made a summer To Do list of our own on our kitchen chalkboard! I am sad to say we still have a few unchecked as well. Need to make ice cream, have a picnic and a dance party this week!
    PS…I was wondering where your yellow hutch ended up. So happy to see it found a home in your new home :)

  5. I have been loving your Instagram feed! I have to say, we are twins again! I could have (and actually have) said the exact same things about Instagram! It took me years! I wish I wouldn’t have waited so long. Have you been following Becky Hoggins on there? She is coming out with a new project life app (it’s in beta right now) where you can make project life pages as quickly as you Instagram a photo! I cannot wait! Gone are the days of spending hundreds of hours trying to document memories, buried underneath pounds of scrapbooking supplies! Ahhhh. Good ol’ technology!

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