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Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends!  Third week of school is behind us and I feel like we are adjusting to our new schedule and getting in a good routine.  Excited to share a few things I’m doing around here that are keeping us on track!  But for now, a few favorites to take us into the weekend…
Like these fun towels I landed on at Target.  Bright happy colors and a fun geometric pattern with that price tag?  Sold.  #GO TARGET

K.  Horrible HORRIBLE picture I know but after I shared this pic of today’s dinner prepped in the morning on Instagram I had several requests for the recipe.  These are Crock Pot Chicken Fajitas and they are really good.  EASY to make and they taste great.  I especially love them left over.  You can find the recipe here.  Good Crock Pot recipes are always a favorite!
Speaking of good food… have you tried these Light and Fit Strawberry Cheesecake Greek yogurts?  I’m desperately trying to lose a few pounds.  Remember our trip to Maui?  And all of the fudge?  Paying the price for that little “I don’t care how much I eat!” vacation.  These make a great snack and they are so good they don’t taste nearly as healthy as they are.  (Not fudge good mind you.  But healthy yogurt good.)  :)

So many favorite things about this picture!  Love my little buddy.  Love that I got him in pajamas the night I took this picture.  Love that football is on again.  I’ll feel differently by the end of the season of course.  When I’ve had my fill of never ending games dictating our schedule.  But for now, it signals Fall and makes my husband in a fabulous mood.  My husband in a fabulous mood is another favorite.  He puts up with so much more of my antics when the Chargers are playing.  And when the Chargers are winning?  Not much I can’t get away with.  :)

Speaking of my little buddy, here is my favorite Kole quote of the week:  “mom, you know yesterday when I was being mean and slammed the door and you had to get mad at me?  My BONES made me do it.”

I seriously laughed for 20 minutes.  He would be such a well behaved kid.  If it weren’t for those bones of his.  Ha ha!  :)

I know Christmas is still months away but in my book it’s never to early to start getting gift ideas!  These Kidoozie car tracks have been such a hit with Kole.  He loves to build all sorts of contraptions with them and then watch the cars race around and around.  The tracks are so easy to assemble that even toddlers can put them together.

 And clearly they’re not just fun for boys.  :)

A few favorites I picked up at an impromptu trip to World Market this week.  Fun for the kitchen.  The mini strainers were 2 bucks each!  Adorable.  

K.  Remember how I told you I was loving HGTV’s show Fixer Upper?  A cute couple (Chip and Joanna) fix up homes and she decorates them so beautifully.  Darling family.  Great show.  Decorating ideas galore!  Last night I landed on their website and Joanna has a blog!  You need to check out the farmhouse they renovated.  It’s amazing!  If you like that style.  Which I do.

This picture is from a post she wrote on Fall decorating.  What a great idea to use a wreath as part of your centerpiece!  Love her style.  Love the show.  A favorite of mine for sure.  Check it out if you haven’t already!

Oh and she also has a store.  Which was a dangerous discovery for me.  

Here’s hoping the Chargers have a killer season.  
Enjoy your weekend!

xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. Ever have one of those nights where you can’t sleep. I am having one tonight. I love those towels. Just bought some new ones. I have to have some of those little strainers. Do you know if they are online. Just the other night I pulled out my big strainer and thought I need a little one. Seems silly to use a large one for strawberries.

    I can’t wait to check out Joanna’s blog. I love the way she decorates too. Tomorrow. Now, it is time for me to try and go to sleep. Tomorrow is a busy day. Yay for getting Kole into pj’s. :)

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Love the new towels Target has! Ha, sweet Kole…the bones made me do it. LOL
    Chip and Joanna are the best! Baylor grads (where our youngest is attending). Yes, her blog is amazing. Her shop as well. I have purchased a few things and love them all!!! Cannot wait for season 2.

  3. Ha – when I saw Kole’s picture, I thought, “He is wearing PJs”. I think of you every night as I explain to my 5 year old that he cannot wear today’s clothes to bed. I think jammies are the best thing ever – don’t understand why the boys don’t want to wear them!

    We have the same car track, but our cars broke almost immediately :( too bad because the kids loved it and could assemble it by themselves.

    I was just thinking this morning, as I shivered at the 50 degree temps here in Chicago, “at least crock pot meals will be easy”.
    Happy Weekend!

  4. Cathy I just used one of the little strainers this morning for strawberries! Then I saw your comment. :) Not sure if they’re online? Love that you are a late nighter like me. :)

    You too Missi!

    Same Lauren!

    Chris! Oh my word. I’m so flattered you did that! Thank you! So sweet of you. Love your blog!

    JC – bummer your track broke! I know this sounds crazy but I could go for 50 degrees right now. We are having a humid heat wave and I’m over it. I want it to feel like Fall! Thanks JC!

  5. Oh Erin,
    Kole is so funny! And you know I love Fixer Upper — I so could have gone on without knowing about her store. (because it will cost me money) Can’t wait to check out the blog. Those towels are super cute! Looking forward to trying out the crock pot recipe. I figure if you can do it, I can do it!

  6. That is my FAVORITE show right now too! I am so into it that we finally just got a house and you guessed it…we got a fixer upper. When some of my kids were not too excited about it, I showed them some taped episodes of Fixer Upper so they could see my “vision”. Ha ha. Now only if they came to Idaho. :) Loving every bit of your beautiful home!

  7. I LOVE Fixer Upper and their show. And following Joanna on Instagram. Totally my style, too :) I have been eying those tracks for a couple of years now and this just might be the year to gift them!

    And Kole is just adorable! ~gina

  8. Love Fixer Upper! And I stalk her blog and shop. I’m not ready for decorations yet, and my storage is slim. So I’m just keeping an eye on her stuff. She has such great market finds. Oh how I would love to go shopping with her one day.

  9. Hello from Mozambique! I’m reading through your blog for the first time, lovely. As it happens, I am watching the Chargers – my TEAM! – streaming while reading your blog, I click back and forth while the game refreshes. So I had to comment on this post! We have no real Fall here either, I’ll have to try and create the feel! Go Chargers! Laura

  10. So I’m like a month late commenting on this post but I just had to say fixer upper is in my city…waco, texas!! I love the show and her style and her store is amazing! I was in there a few weeks ago and joanna was in her little office in the back..I feel like we have celebrities in our little town now ;) Oh and I love the adorable target towels you found too!

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