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A sweet reminder

Had one of those days.  Laundry piled high, husband working late, busy schedule, messy house, forms to fill out, lots of homework, out of groceries (seriously!?  again!?), overly tired 4 year old, too many to-do’s, behind on e-mails, splitting headache.    
Got the kids all in bed and went to my room to change into my pj’s.  Back to the kitchen to take some Tylenol and clean the disaster that was our day.    
And in the middle of the messy counter I found this:

Oh my sweet girl.  You have no idea how much I needed that tonight.
Never easy.  
But always worth it.

xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “A sweet reminder

  1. What a sweet note! Isn’t it funny how kids sometimes can “feel” when we’re stressed out? My four year old will sometimes come up to me and put her hands on my face and just look into my eyes and say “Mommy, I love you.” I die. :)

  2. Thanks friends! I know. Such a sweet note! Like you said Amanda – kids can tell when we are having an “off” day. Your four year old sounds adorable. :)

  3. Very sweet! I’ve had those nights this week too. My daughter will ask me to cuddle in her bed. Isn’t that sweet. Almost 14yo and she still likes to cuddle with mommy

  4. That is just the sweetest! Children (and now grandchildren for me) always have a way of bringing the important things back into the right perspective.

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