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Home Decor

Modern Decor (my sister’s house)

I’m back!  Still haven’t unpacked.  Does anyone else struggle with this?  I tend to not unpack very quickly after a trip.  I keep living out of my suitcase until days later.. holding on to the vacation not wanting it to end. Apparently blogging trumps laundry AND unpacking.  :)
Sharing a few pics of my sister’s beautiful home today!  Thought I’d start with her gorgeous back yard…
I love this yard.  So many beautiful trees!  And large enough for kids to run around and play.
On one side she has a sand pile covered by trees and vines that make it shady in the summer.  Our little boys spent hours here last weekend.
She gathered some branches from her yard and put them in this owl for simple Halloween decor on her back porch.  Her kids made and hung the bats.

Car has always loved more of a modern style.  She and her husband have completely renovated this house.  I wish I had before pictures!  They have done such an amazing job.  I love visiting and checking out their latest project/addition.

I wanted to get more of the center of this room but all you could see out of her big beautiful window was our huge 15 passenger van.  Ha!  :)

Isn’t it all so stylish!?   I didn’t have time to get all of the pictures I wanted to so I’m just sharing a few shots I quickly took before I walked out the door.

This is part of her kids’ playroom.  Isn’t the wallpaper fun!?

They recently re-did their kitchen and are working on their master bedroom – plus her kids’ rooms are  adorable!  I wish I would have had time to take more pictures.  We were too busy laughing and eating.  ;)  I’ll have to take more next time I’m there.  She does such a beautiful job decorating everything and even though her style is a bit more modern than mine, I go into her house and just LOVE it all.

Thanks for letting us take a peek inside your beautiful home Car!  
Love it and love you.  
xoxo, Erin
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16 thoughts on “Modern Decor (my sister’s house)

  1. Her house is really nice. It may be modern but still looks homey. I Love that owl.

    I always unpack as soon as I get home because it never fails, I will need something that is in my suitcase that needs to be washed. I dread the “re-entry.” As you put it!! :)

  2. What do clean lines mean? I hear that a lot in the US but I don’t have a clue what they are.

    By the way Erin, I’d love to see a picture of the 15 seater van that you hired, I bet it was brill riding around in that.:)

  3. I have never been drawn to modern design but your sisters home is so warm and inviting! I marvel at how neat she can keep it with little ones! Love the play room, at least that’s what I think it is. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Your sister has done a really nice job in decorating her home, its beautiful and I enjoyed seeing pictures. She seems like a really friendly fun person, her picture says it all!!!

  5. Thank you everyone! I’m so happy you like her home. She has done such a good job with it.

    Julie – I’ll e-mail you. :)

    Pinky – that is what I love about her home too! Modern but still cozy.

  6. Wow — it’s so pretty!! You two really have the decorating gene, don’t you!

    I never unpack right away either and I thought I was the only one who did that! :)

  7. Yes, her home is gorgeous and decorated beautifully. I love to see modern decor even though it’s not my style. And I loved that owl, what a wonderful way to use it! She must be a lot like you — you share some of the same talents!

  8. Ok, I have been looking for more “open” shelving to use for bookshelves, exactly like that!! Where did she get those? Or what was used to make those?! I was at the hardware store yesterday contemplating making my own because I couldn’t find what I was looking for.

  9. Love the pics Erin! Her house always looks this clean too. Except after my kids have been in the playroom. I hope you had a fun visit. Was it too cold for ya?

  10. Her home is IMMACULATE. So’s yours, actually. Nice job ladies. Would you or your sis be able to share what the carpet is in her kids’ playroom – very sisal looking? Is it carpet tiles? Would love it if you could point me the right direction. TY!

  11. Such a wonderful trip – getting to make great memories with your sister n’ family. I think her home is just as gorgeous as yours…you are both talented with an eye for decorating. Is it okay to ask where her printable is from in the playroom? I would LOVE to gift it to my youngest daughter’s Kindergarten teacher this year. As for the van…that’s hilarious, that sounds like something that would happen to my family, ha ha.

  12. Thanks everyone! So glad you liked her house. I love it too!

    Debbie – those shelves are from CB2! (Crate and Barrel 2). She said they are a staple there so check out their website.

    Anonymous – sorry I don’t know about the playroom carpet! It was there when they moved in the house. It’s not tiles – just a low sisal carpet.

    Thank you Laura! The printable was from TJ Maxx but my sister found a free printable link for it below and another link to a similar one as well:

    Hope that helps! :)

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