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Christmas in the Powder Bathroom


I have had so much fun decorating for the holidays this year!  I’m not one to over do it and my decor is really pretty simple, but by just adding a little pop of Christmas here and there the house is feeling quite festive.  :)
This powder bathroom is the most used bathroom in our house because of its location right off of the family room/kitchen.  It was a perfect spot to add a bit of Christmas cheer!
I found this darling snowflake rug at Target for six bucks!  So cute and goes well with the grey/white look we have going on in here.
A simple poinsettia in burlap on the counter.  I envisioned a small round tray in this corner with the poinsettia and a few small ornaments and other odds and ends grouped together but I couldn’t find a tray I liked.  Next year!  I’ve found with me and decorating that I always want to do more/add more, but at some point I just have to call it done and move on.
Or I will still be decorating for Christmas in March.. and sharing it with all of you in April.  :)
Red hand towel was also from Target.  I’m loving the way red pops with all of the grey.  Grey is such a perfect backdrop for any/all colors, isn’t it!?
This cute little Christmas tree soap dispenser is from Bed Bath and Beyond.  (Also where I got the white rug in front of our sink.)
Such a simple thing to switch out a soap dispenser and hand towel and ta-da!  Christmas in the powder bathroom.  :)
inset-cabinets-in-powder-bathroom inset-paneling-on-staircase
Peek of the beginnings of my staircase!  I’m quickly learning that I have a love/hate relationship with fresh garland.  So beautiful but what a mess!  Same with chalkboards.  Love the look but the mess of it… is it worth it?  Or not?  These are the deep, intellectual questions I present before you today.
So there you go!  Four small, inexpensive items and our powder bathroom is ready to welcome guests for the holiday.
And just as important, I smile every time I walk by.

xoxo, Erin
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35 thoughts on “Christmas in the Powder Bathroom

  1. Hi Erin,

    Your powder bathroom looks perfect!! You are right, the pop of red with the grey really looks great! I can’t wait to see the rest of your holiday decorating! Love the staircase as well :)


  2. Erin! Your bathroom is just beautiful!! I agree 100% with you – I LOVE the “idea” of fresh garland and chalkboards, but I personally do not think the mess is worth it!! I hope you and your adorable family are enjoying the Christmas season!! xo

  3. Fresh garland is not worth it in my opionion! I found a great looking garland last year (cannot remember where) and it is making me SO happy to not be cleaning up needles EVERYWHERE! I have to have a live tree so I’m already cleaning up those needles and the garland was too much.

  4. Have you used the chalkboard markers? You need to erase with water (wet paper towel), but no chalk mess! My kids love them and I do too! They come in fun, bright colors.

    1. Thank you Emily! I know – I don’t love condensed posts either which is why I’m not condensing the most current post, but there have been so many issues with people stealing blog content and truncating posts is one way to stop that. It has made me nervous in the past that I haven’t done more to protect my blog. Sorry for the inconvenience! xo

  5. Erin,

    I love the new look of your blog and all of your Christmas touches! It all looks so fresh! I’m excited to subscribe via email.

    Have you heard anything from Sarah @ She hasn’t posted in a long time and it makes me worry if everything is all right.

    1. Thank you Julie! I’m so glad you like it! Sarah and I e-mail all the time. She is doing great. Just blogging less because she is focusing on her family. I miss her posts though! Love her. :) Thanks again for your sweet comment!

  6. I loved all of the decorations that you have in each and every room….but most of all, I love those darling 3 little kids! They are really what Christmas is all about. We Miss all of you very much!

  7. Your bathroom is just gorgeous! Love the doors and well, just everything! The soap dispenser is darling and the snowflake rug is just too cute. I’d love to see a mirrored tray in there but until you find one, a nice tall, clear vase of red shiny ornaments might look pretty!

    As for fresh garland, I just love the look of it…nothing really compares. That being said, I am not “hanging” the garland this year because it’s just too messy. I did use fresh garland in my bathroom (back of the toilet with some gold sprigs nestled in), bedroom three drawer chests, living room and foyer (all end tables, coffee tables, foyer chest and t.v. console) and it looks beautiful and elegant. At least if it’s on top of the tables/dressers, it stays somewhat;) I just can’t bring myself to using the fake garland. I do think you may be able to find some for the staircase though-that would be quite the mess.

    I understand about the truncated posts. Not only was my blog content stolen, but they added a sensational headline stating that their product, which I never used or endorsed, cured my son of paralysis (he’s never been paralyzed although he is disabled)! I was livid. The CEO who stole the content then got upset when I asked him to remove the content since it was unauthorized. Do whatever you need to do to protect your content:) It’s unfortunate that we have to go to such extremes to protect out content.

    Love the new blog design. Looks very fresh and cheerful!

    1. Thank you so much! A mirrored tray is exactly what I wanted! Just haven’t found it yet. Your decor sounds beautiful! So sorry that you had your content stolen! Scary. I agree – it’s sad there are people who do things like that. Thanks again and enjoy your holidays! xo

  8. So simple but so gorgeous!! And I love the new layout of your blog. I have been reading/looking for a while now and want to say that I love it! It is one of my favorites :)

  9. Erin, your powder bathroom looks incredible!! I love the clean lines and the white & gray color scheme that you have used throughout the house. I am just like you – “less is more” – when it comes to decorating. You put just the right amount of Christmas decor without overdoing it! And I LOVE the pops of red with your white & gray! Everything about your new home, I just LOVE!!

    Have a wonderful weekend and give those three babies a hug!!
    jane carden

  10. Hi Erin!

    I love your simple and elegant way of decorating for the holidays! Hoping to see how you’ve done the rest of your home. I have to tell you that I am in the middle of a major renovation on my home and have gotten lots of inspiration from your house! Our styles are very similar and you’ve done a beautiful job!! Am DYING to see your formal living room since that’s up next for me. Hint, hint!! Lol


  11. Like you, in our powder room I add a holiday rug, soap dispenser and hand towels and call it done. It’s simple yet “Christmasy”. Even those small touches make a big impact. I even put holiday hand towels in my kids’ bathroom and they love it.

  12. Wow, just wow! In looking at grey and white bathrooms on Pinterest, I came across yours and absolutely love love love the minimal Christmas decor you added. We are remodeling an upstairs bathroom in gray and white, and I would never have thought to add pops of red, like the towel, when the holidays come around again. What’s nice is your decor can stick around for the rest of the winter months. I so love the snowflake rug! I can imagine anyone using this room finds the simple elegance appealing. So well done!

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