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A New Look!

Happy December everyone! Popping in with a fun announcement today! Sunny Side Up has a new look! I have wanted to do this for a long time now. I’m switching from Blogger to WordPress and decided my happy little spot here on the internet was way past due for a makeover. Fun! Who doesn’t love a good makeover? :) This has been a work in progress for months and I felt like I needed to just switch everything over now or I will spend the next forever tweaking and fine tuning everything. So that being said, there is still some tweaking and fine tuning that needs to happen. I’m still in the process of categorizing all of my posts so you’ll notice when you click on my navigation bar at the top of my blog there will be a “coming soon” page or just a few posts added. Give me a few weeks and hopefully I’ll have all of that finished. I’m also happy to announce that I FINALLY have it set up so that you can subscribe to my blog and get my posts e-mailed to you. YEA! Many of you have asked over the years if there was a way to subscribe to my blog and I’m so happy to finally answer YES! That option is on my sidebar or you can click HERE to signup .

I’m hoping that aside from a new updated look this makeover makes things more organized for all of you! Definitely let me know if you are having any problems with my site over the next few days. Hopefully this will be a fun new change for all of us. Just for a good time here is a look back at some of my old blog headers. I used to change them every season! That was before baby #3 came along. :)









We’ve come a long way! Just wanted to take a minute to say thank you to all of you. My sweet readers who have become dear friends. Some of you have been with me reading this blog for so long and honestly that means the world to me. I started this blog in 2008 as a fun way to document and share with family and friends what we were up to. It is still that, but has also grown into such an enjoyable creative outlet for me. I have always told myself that I will keep blogging until it isn’t fun anymore and because of all of you, it is still a blast. Your support means the world to me and your kind comments and e-mails make my day. They play a huge part in keeping things so sunny around here. :) So thank you again and here’s to a fun new phase for Sunny Side Up!

xoxo, Erin
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39 thoughts on “A New Look!

    Erin…..your new blog look is awesome! Okay, so funny because I also just switched to WordPress and I also have the Lifestyle Pro Theme by Genesis!!! Right now my blog is not customized so it’s very, very plain — I am trying to find someone to design the look of my blog. Did YOU do yours? I know you did your last design yourself. Or did you hire someone to do it? (if you have a recommendation, please let me know!) Also, if you did yours…how did you learn how? I’d much rather design/install my own…but the time to learn how…that’s my problem! Time!
    Anyway, LOVE the new look!

    1. Hi Katrina! OH MY GOSH you are so sweet! :) Thank you! So glad you like the new look. I had a friend of mine who is a graphic designer help me with the header. I knew what I wanted but she made it happen. :) Her name is Haylee and you can contact her at Like you I have little time for this stuff and just learning WordPress is enough to fill my plate for now! Ha! Can’t wait to check out your new site! xo

    2. Katrina, if Erin’s designer doesn’t work out I also customize WordPress themes, you can check out my site and let me know if I can help! :)


  2. Erin!!!! WHOOOO HOOOOOO I am so excited for you! It looks amazing! AND the ability to subscribe!! :) Finally!!!! Everything looks wonderful! Great job girlfriend! xo

  3. looking at those old blog headers made me realize how long I’ve been following your blog… since you before you had kole!! time flies way too fast, and I refuse to admit I’ve spent countless hours reading your awesome posts ;) you’ve always been one of my favs, and I know you’ll continue to be for as long as you keep this ol’ blog up and going! love the new site!

    1. You are the sweetest Emily! Thank you so much. I agree – time is flying by. I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for so long! So honored to be one of your favs. Thank you! xo

  4. Love the new look – I can’t remember when I started reading but I do know I found your post on the rain boots and shoes in the garage…..and stayed. You had 400 readers then if that helps :)

    (I have a mind for useless numbers…)

  5. Hi Erin,
    It’s brill. I love it.:)

    It’s great too that at last I/we can subscribe to it.

    Your blog is one of my favourites.

    1. Love you to pieces Julie! I think you’re simply “brill.” ;) Thanks so much for all of your support. I have loved getting to know you! xo

  6. Love the new look!!

    When I look at the blog headers I realize that I’ve been reading your blog for a long time – one of my absolute favourites. Look forward to continue reading about your lovely family.

  7. Erin! Your new blog looks amazing!!! So happy for you :) Keep up the wonderful work, I can’t wait to subscribe!

  8. Hi Erin, the new blog looks gorgeous. I love that it still looks like “you”. I hate when a blog get so re-branded that it has a different feel. This was just a refreshing change. And I remember many of those blog headers. How time flies:) Good luck and I always look forward to visiting your spot on the internet. Can’t wait for more posts on how you’re organizing the rooms in your new home.

    1. Audrey your comment made me so happy! I’m thrilled you think the blog still looks like me. :) I agree – I like blogs to reflect the person writing them. Time really does fly. I felt the same way hunting down those headers to post! Thank you so much for your sweet comment and for reading. Lots of organizing coming in 2015. :) xo

  9. Erin,
    I almost panicked the past couple of days because I kept getting an error when I tried to look at your blog!! Oh my word – I am so glad that I can get to it now! And i am especially happy that I can SUBSCRIBE to it now! Yippeeee!!! I love your past blog headers – it’s amazing how much your three babies have grown.
    Thank you for sharing!
    jane carden

    1. Hi Jane! I’ve been panicked all day trying to figure out how to get this thing working! Ha! So glad it finally is for you now! You are the sweetest and your comments always put a smile on my face. Thank you so much for being such a kind friend to me. Thrilled you are still reading! :) xo

  10. Erin, the new blog looks great, but I can’t view your posts from feedly anymore. :( I don’t know if that was intentional or not, but I go through my feedly and read blogs first thing in the morning while at work and I can no longer read yours since I’m not supposed to click over. I’ll definitely miss your posts!

    1. Hi Brandy! So sorry! I know that’s a pain. There are so many dishonest people out there who steal blog content and truncating is one of the ways bloggers can protect their posts. I have been nervous the past few years that I didn’t have things truncated. You can read a post about it here: I hope you’ll click over once in a while from home! Again, so sorry for the inconvenience!

  11. Hi, Erin! The new design looks really great. My coworker told me about your blog quite some time ago and now The Sunny Side Up is a favorite in our office (somewhere far away-across the ocean in Europe). We truly admire, as young moms, your positive attitude towards parenting and life in general, your sincere posts about motherhood and your witty, fun spirit. Your three kids are adorable. Wish you all the best and happy holidays.

    1. Sara! Thank you! What a sweet comment. You made my day! I’m so touched that you and your coworkers read and enjoy my blog. Means so much to me! Happy Holidays and best wishes to all of you!! xo

  12. I knew you must be updating the blog design when you went dark for a couple of days. Love the new look! Crisp and clean. :) I’m curious to know why you wanted to switch from Blogger. What does WordPress offer that you weren’t getting from Blogger?

    1. So much Sue! Someone made this comparison – Blogger is like your hometown grocery store while Self hosted WordPress is like Super Target. :) LOTS more ways to customize your site, TONS of plugins that allow you to do almost anything you want, etc. Google blogger vs. self hosted wordpress and you’ll see they don’t compare. But it also depends on where you want to take your blog and how custom you want it to be. Blogger works great for the basics.

      1. I’m glad she asked, because I am a blogger on blogger and have been afraid to take the leap to wordpress, thanks for your explanation :-)

  13. Love the new look! I have been with you forever…and I LOVE your blog. I don’t comment often but I read every. single. post. So happy I can now get them in my email and so glad you want to keep blogging because I would miss you :)

    1. Awww.. what a kind thing to say Gerri! You put a smile on my face. :) I’m so glad you like the new look! Thank you so much for your support sweet friend! xo

  14. It’ll be so nice to see an email from your blog! Looking forward to that. Can’t wait to see a post on your holiday decor this year :-)

  15. Love the new look! I switched my blog and design site over about 6 months ago and couldn’t believe how much I loved it. I also love the flexibility of the design which, as a designer, makes it that much more fun to create blog designs and customize wordpress themes. Looks great!


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