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Valentines Day

Over 10 fun ideas for Valentine’s Day!

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I’m thrilled so many of you liked my Valentine mudroom decor!  It’s always so fun hearing from you all in the comments, and on Instagram or Facebook.  Thank you for your kind words!  I love getting to know you all.  Hands down one of my very favorite things about blogging.  :)
After I posted the mudroom pics it hit me that we have less than two weeks until Valentine’s Day!  Yikes!  Time to start planning a few things so I’m not scrambling the night before.  I thought I’d share some of my past Valentine pictures to help us all get in the mood and on the ball!
I kept my Valentines decor really simple this year by just sprucing up the mudroom and my butler’s pantry shelves.  The shelves were already festive with red from when I decorated them for Christmas.  I just added some red and white striped straws and our tissue paper heart banner.
And yes!  The Christmas card walk ways are still up.  :)  I’ll take them down with the Valentine’s decor.  I’ve loved having them displayed for so long!
The tissue paper heart banner is SO easy to make.  All you need is tissue paper, pencils, glue and a heart shape to trace.
For those of you who have been long time readers you probably remember when we made this.  Four years ago!  Addison was so little.  Anyway – really simple activity that the kids can do.  You can read the full tutorial here.
Our hearts got a little smushed when we moved so I want to make another one at some point, but he original will do for now!  I used to always use this to decorate my mantel.  Here are some Valentine mantel pictures from our previous house if you are looking for mantel decorating ideas…
And one more pic of how the banner is being used in the new house.  A fun addition for mantel or shelf decorating.
Decorating with candy is always fun this time of year.  But I recommend putting the candy up high so the kids can’t reach.  Or even higher so mom and dad can’t reach.  :)
Here is a healthy Valentine snack idea.  I make snacks for my kids every February like this because they love it so much.  Anything I serve in heart shaped bowls feels festive.  It really doesn’t take much to make holidays fun for the kids.
And here is a not so healthy Valentine snack!  We have made our pretzel hugs for years for Christmas and Valentines.  Fun, easy treat to make for teachers and friends. (Full directions here.)
Two years ago I ordered Valentines from Persnickity Prints.  They were darling!  Then I just attached them to little bags of Valentine Pretzel Hugs.  Sweet and easy class Valentines.

Last year I made my own picture Valentines for Kole by just typing over a picture of him in Photoshop and then ordering wallet sized prints.
I attached the summer picture of him to little mini buckets I ordered here.  The buckets came with little shovels.
We made enough for his class and all of his teachers.  The pic above shows the fun different colors of buckets we used.  Our I “DIG” you Valentines were a huge hit!
My girls are now old enough to make their own Valentines.  Last year Addison really wanted to give out fishy crackers so I helped her with the original tag and then she made the rest!  Happy day for mom when the kids get old enough to share in the work load.  :)
El really wanted Panda Valentines (of course!) so we ordered these from Tiny Prints.  They cost more than I wanted to spend so she helped pay for them.
And since I’m sharing past V-Day ideas I have to include our favorite Valentine butterfly.
Simple way to personalize the shoe box.  :)
Last but not least, it just isn’t my annual Valentine round-up without including the mail truck my dad made for El’s Kindergarten class.  Too much fun.  I love this holiday. Who am I kidding?  I love every holiday.  :)
Happy Valentine planning everyone!

xoxo, Erin
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20 thoughts on “Over 10 fun ideas for Valentine’s Day!

  1. I really like your Valentine decorations. Such great ideas! Where did you find the white pitcher that has the roses in it?

      1. I don’t think I can order online from Home Goods. Do you know where else I might be able to find it?
        Thanks Erin!

      2. I don’t think I can order online from Home Goods. Do you know where else I might be able to locate this pitcher? I just LOVE it!
        Thanks Erin!

  2. Oh Erin, I love your Valentine ideas, but I think I love the walk down memory lane even more!! I remember each of those pictures from your blog. I can’t believe I have been following you and your precious family for so many years!! I’m with you – I LOVE every holiday!!!

    Have a great day!! xo

    1. I know Susan! It’s crazy. I can’t believe I have been blogging for so many years! ;) The kids are growing so fast. Time needs to slow down! Thank you for being such a darling friend to me and for caring about our family for so long! It means the world to me. xo

  3. Erin, thanks for the Valentine’s Day inspiration! I love how you keep things so simple, yet everything looks so pulled together with those few special pieces. I think I’ll pull out my red and pink decor today with my own little helper!
    Your blog is always a fun read. Thanks again!

  4. Oh, Erin, I tend to swoon every time I see your butler’s pantry in all it’s beautiful red and turquoise! That color combo is just about my favorite, but really turquoise and anything might be swoon-worthy. I think of it as a new neutral, because I have yet to see a color that doesn’t look good with turquoise! Those tissue paper hearts are adorable, and all of your mantel pics……well, there’s that perfect combo again! You kind of make me wish I had little ones again to do all the cute decorations with. Hmmm, well maybe not! I’ll stick to enjoying yours.

  5. Ha ha!! Yeah.. little ones come with fun and a side of work! :) So glad you like my butler’s pantry decor! You are the sweetest and your comments always make me smile. :) Thanks Carol! xo

  6. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE your holiday decor ideas!! I am looking for some old pictures to send you of our daughter (our only child) as Tess in the play “Annie” at the Joplin (MO) Little Theater when she was in the 4th grade! We had a star in our family, too!! What a wonderful experience. She is now 36 years old!! I’ll find them and send them soon.

  7. Hello,
    Can you share what size your base board and door casing is? Also, what the hangover is on the top casing and casing cap? I’ve reached out a few times and haven’t received a response. I love this look and would love to know how I can duplicate this in my own home. Thank you.

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