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Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day from my crew to yours!  I’ll be back soon with a new post!  I didn’t quite get it finished because I was reading my sweet handmade cards and soaking up all the love today.  Heading to bed feeling so grateful for these three.  I couldn’t possibly ask for more.

Hope your day was a special one!

p.s.  Working on Kole’s smile.  I think he’s attempting Flynn Rider’s smolder in this one.


xoxo, Erin
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21 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day!

  1. What a lovely picture, Erin. I can’t get over how grown up your kiddos look, especially Kole in this shot. Wowza. Glad you had a good Mother’s Day and look forward to your next post. :)

  2. Happy Mother’s Day, Erin!
    Handmade cards are the BEST! Many years ago my parents bought a safe to keep their valuables in. When my Dad went to put in some important papers, he found it already filled with letters and handmade cards my Mom put in there because they were the IMPORTANT papers!!

    xo, Maggie

    1. Oh I LOVE that Maggie! I’ve actually thought of buying a safe for that very thing! The MOST important papers. :) Hope you had a great Mother’s Day! xo

    1. Ha! Love seeing what 3-5 year olds come up with when you say “smile.” :) Hope you had a great Mother’s Day Karen!

  3. Such a beautiful photo! You all look gorgeous :) Hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day. You deserve the best, dear friend!

  4. Happy Mother’s Day Erin! Beautiful picture of you & your kiddos. It was my daughters birthday also, so it was extra special around here.

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