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Home Decor

House happenings and fun finds

the club
Hello friends!  Are we already to Wednesday?  My days are all running together.  I hope you’ve all been enjoying summer!  We have been doing lots of playing around here.
paddling paddle board
Maybe a little too much playing.  Behold the current state of my family room…
and this was after we cleaned it.
Kole lovingly refers to this pile as his “zoo” and no one is allowed to touch it.  Now you can see why my coffee table doesn’t get much attention.  But really – who wants beautifully styled flowers and decor on a coffee table when you can have a full on zoo instead?  One that even includes dinosaurs and dragons.  Not me.  That’s for sure.  :)fiddle-leaf-fig-gone-bad
The worst part about my mess of a house right now is my fiddle leaf fig!  The one I JUST bought a brand new stool for.  YOU GUYS!  Just look at it!  I can’t for the life of me figure this plant out.  I watered it really well and then we left on vacation.  But I think I must have over watered it.  Plus my husband shut our drapes for the week we were gone so it wasn’t getting sunlight.  When I got home these awful brown spots were waiting for me.  :(  Still holding out hope but I think it’s toast.  If it is, I’m looking for a faux replacement!
So what do you do when your house is a disaster and your plant is dying?  You go shopping of course.  A little retail therapy never hurts.  ;)  It’s time for Nordstrom’s Anniversary sale.  Yea!  I’m sure a lot of you have been shopping with your card early like I have been.  If you don’t have a Nordstroms card they open the sale to everyone July 17th.  I love this sale and check it out every year.  Some years I find better deals than others.  I love looking through their home department.  In the store and on-line.  They have a lot of fun, random things that add personality to your house.  (My kitchen scale was a Nordstrom find a couple of years ago.)

I went to shop the sale this year because I am in desperate need of a few new things to wear.  My wardrobe has suffered severely since we started building our house.  Every spare cent I have I spend on furniture and decor!  So not surprising that when I went to Nordstroms yesterday to look for a few new things to wear I headed straight to the home decor section of the store first.  Ha!  My husband forbid me to spend my clothes money on house stuff (I think he’s tired of seeing me in workout clothes all day!) but I had to check things out.  Just to see if there was anything I couldn’t live without.  :)  These are a few things I found in the store and on-line that I’m loving!
1 – How fun is this “happy” pillow!?  Normally $39 and now just $25.90!  I want it for one of my girls’ rooms.  Which I can’t believe I haven’t shared yet on the blog btw.  Their rooms have a lot more than just a zoo going on so that might explain why I haven’t taken pictures!

2 – This Conversion Dish Towel is coming home with me for sure.  It’s adorable, I’m addicted to anything mint/jade and for only $7.90 my husband won’t even notice.  :)

3 – K this Sierra Arrow Pillow is also absolutely adorable!  My question isn’t if I’m getting it, it’s where I’m putting it.  So so cute!  A must have for me.  (Sorry babe – yoga pants for a few more months.)  The good news is that it’s under $30 right now!  So maybe I can still afford a nice top to go with the yoga pants?  ;)

4 – Love these Botanical Initial Cup Candles.  They remind me of my Anthro mugs..
top right corner of my kitchen cupboard..
and my yellow cup in the dining room.  I think the candles would make fun gifts so I’m thinking about scooping some up early for Christmas presents.  Never too early to prepare for December.  :)

5 – I have been eyeing these Home State Glass Coasters for a while now.  I never bought them because they were a little pricey ($38), but now that they are on sale for only $24.90 for a set of four I want to order them!  Fun gift idea too.  They come in every state!

6 – Aren’t these Personalized Drinking Mason Jars fun!?  They also come in a set of four.  This is another item I’m thinking of getting for a gift.  A gift for a friend and maybe for me too…

7 – I’m sure it’s no surprise I love this You Make Me Happy When Skies Are Gray sign.  :)
So many people have asked me where I got mine.  I’ve had mine for a few years (found it in Tai Pan in Utah) which doesn’t help anyone much so I was thrilled to find another one at Nordstroms I like just as much!

8 – I really think I need this Personalized Slate Serving Board in my life.  So fun for entertaining!  Another great gift idea.  I love giving personalized items with a name or initial for gifts because it shows you put a little thought into the gift.  Anything that makes a gift more specific to the person receiving it is a win!

9 – I’m really drawn to this charcoal Devin Cotton Throw.  No surprise since I can’t resist a good stripe and I love having comfy blankets to decorate with and toss over me when I’m lounging.

10 – This Moroccan Dolce Throw was another throw I saw that I wanted to bring home.  It’s SO so soft.  Makes me excited for cooler weather!

One other thing I found and forgot to include in my collage is this large drum basket.  Be still my heart!  But my husband will seriously send in divorce papers if I come home with one more basket.  Kidding!  But not kidding.  So one of you buy it.  It will make me feel better.  :)

There you go!  A little retail therapy and I’m feeling much better about my messy house and my mostly dead plant.  I actually did pick up a few things to wear on my trip to Nordstroms so if I have time I’ll take some pics and maybe put together a Fashion Friday post.  It has been a while!  Yoga pants have been all the rage around here.


Happy summer shopping everyone!

xoxo, Erin
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8 thoughts on “House happenings and fun finds

  1. May I ask, on your dining room table, what is holding the yellow botanical cup and other dishwasher? Thank you for sharing your home, it is what my dreams are made of!

    1. Thanks Megan! Oh my word – I don’t know what that is! Some type of tray. I found it at a random store in Utah when I was visiting my family last summer. :)

  2. The items at Nordstrom look like so much fun and I’m glad you got to shop that great sale again. Looking forward to another Friday Fashion post as they are fun too, but I have to say, playing where your kids were swimming looks absolutely amazing! Oh my goodness, how much fun is that floating slide and the boogie boards! I grew up in the San Fernando Valley and never went to a place that had that ! Your kids are sooooo lucky! :)

    1. Thanks Jeanne! Isn’t that slide in the middle of the water fun!? Some friends took us to their beach club and it was such a fun beach! Kids are having a blast. They are lucky for sure! I try to remind them of that every day. ;) Enjoy your day cutie! xo

  3. I learned a little trick to keeping house plants. Buy TWO! One for inside, one for outside in a sheltered, but appropriate for the plant spot. Then you switch them each week or so, you’ll find the right schedule for the plant. Then you have hearty, growing, GREEN plants. I do this with my succulents, too. They grow like weeds outside, inside… not so much. After all, I don’t want ALL my house plants on the window sills!

  4. Oh no! The same thing has started happening to my Fiddle Leaf. I’m not quite that far along, but I think I hit one dose of overwatering and BAM. So it’s getting no water for a little bit. I’ve heard that they can be restored, even from some serious leaf damage. Repotting might be worth a shot at this point. Good luck. I hate it when pretty plants die! Why is it always the ugly ones that last forever?!

    Good luck!!

    Cheers, Madeline

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