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Letting the dishes wait

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I had something planned to post today but my kids had other plans for me.  Funny how that happens often.  Especially in the summer.  :)  I was cuddled up on the couch with my 11 year old tonight thinking about how quickly time is going by with her.  She’s such a mini grown up these days.  It was getting late – almost her bedtime and she wanted me to sit with her a few minutes longer.  My mind started racing.. I still need to clean the kitchen.. clean up Kole’s bath mess.. switch the laundry.. edit my pictures.. and then I stopped myself.  And just sat with her for another thirty minutes.  Watching TV and laughing and talking.

I have to stop myself often from prioritizing other things over time with my kids.  Finding balance is always a struggle.  But I notice I’m happiest when I put my kids first.  When I finish the day feeling like a good mom.  Not a perfect mom.  Far from that.  But a good mom.  One who let’s the dishes wait once in a while.
Happy summer everyone!  Here’s to spending more time with the people in our lives who matter most.  And to finding speedy remedies for getting crusty food off of day old dishes.


*pictures from my girls’ bathroom decor update and a dining room/entry update

xoxo, Erin
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27 thoughts on “Letting the dishes wait

  1. I hear ya, Erin. There is always, always housework to do and I really try to prioritize time with my son. It’s hard sometimes, though, bc we’ll be playing and all I can think about is the work I need to get done. Is that terrible or what?! I need to get over it!
    Hope you have a great weekend!
    The Busy Brunette (aka Shannon in PA)

    1. Thanks Shannon! It’s hard for all of us! Balance is a tricky thing to master and I know I’m still working on it! Enjoy your weekend too sweet friend! xo

  2. How true is that, the dishes can always wait. Thank you for that reality check- sometimes we need to hear it again to remind ourselves that what we think is top priority in that isn’t always right. :)

  3. Great reminder to keep things in perspective. I’m sure your daughter loved the extra time and that you were present with her. I’d say you are a great mom! :) Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Love this Erin! It’s so true that ending the day feeling like a good mom is the best way to end it. I always struggle with the to do list priority thing and then end up feeling so terrible if I choose my to do list or work over my kids wanting me to just sit or play with them. Great reminder to enjoy them as much as we can, especially when they want us to just be with them.

    1. Thanks Gina! I know we’ve talked about balance and what a struggle it is! SO excited for our trip to talk and talk some more. ;) xo

  5. Wow Erin! I did not think you were even capable of leaving dirty dishes in the sink! ;) I feel a tinsie bit better about myself now. Ha! But, really, lately I’ve noticed that I feel much better about myself on days that I’ve been home, cooked a real dinner (not a fancy dinner just actually made something), and spent a little more time with the kids. Definitely the most important thing!

  6. Thank you for posting this! I needed it. I’m a mom to a 3 year old little guy, 8 months preggo with our little girl, and my husband and I both work full-time. There is NEVER enough time (or energy!) to get everything done that needs to be done in the evenings. This is a good reminder that sometimes I need to just put things on hold once in a while and go outside to chase monsters or build forts or just hang out with my boys. You’re right… going to bed feeling like a good mom is way more rewarding than getting those dishes done! Have a great weekend! :)

    1. Thank you Meghan! It’s hard but so true! I always try to think about what will matter in the big picture. Not always easy since a messy house drives me insane! ;) Congrats on your pregnancy! You are almost there! xo

  7. Yes, they grow up quickly. When you take the time to truly think about it. They are truly only with daily from birth to their senior of high school. Then take out the amount of hours they are in school or involved in activities, and that is what we as their parents are left with. Not a lot of time truthfully. After almost losing our child in a car accident just a month ago, I can tell you…I would trade my time with either of the girls for anything. Dishes will eventually get washed, laundry done, groceries bought, but nothing can replace your child or the time you spent with them. She had just been at our house, eating dinner, doing laundry and watching tv and things changed not 30 minutes after she left. Hug them tight!!

      1. By the grace of God she walked away from the accident with only minor injuries, but her Hummer was totaled. Had she been driving any other vehicle, the outcome would have been VERY different.

  8. Still doing an amazing job Erin! I finally was able to catch up on all your updates. Summer really is a busy time, especially with the kiddos at home. :)

  9. I’m trying so hard to visualize dirty dishes in your beautiful home … I’ll take your word for it :)! Oh how the years fly by! Great message on what really matters.

  10. Hi Erin. I recently found your blog and absolutely love your house! You’ve done a fantastic job. I too have always wanted grey walls with white trim, and now that I am about to move into my own house I can’t wait to start painting.

    I know you’ve mentioned somewhere on the blog but I can’t find it. What is the name / brand of the grey you have used on your walls?


    1. What a sweet comment! Thank you! So happy you found me. :) That grey is “Seattle” by Frazee and I think it’s such a perfect color! Not too light or too dark. :) Good luck painting! xo

  11. And this is why I read your blog, Erin. Couldn’t agree with you more about how important it is to finish the day feeling like a good mommy. Thanks for sharing your heart. It was so great to meet you at Haven!

    1. Thank you Pam! I absolutely loved meeting you too! You could not have been sweeter. I hope I see you again at Haven next year! :) xo

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