Happy long weekend friends! I hope you’re having a good one! I’m sharing some random summer pictures I had on my camera and iPhone with you all today to wrap up summer 2017. Then we are full steam ahead with all things organization! And pumpkin spice everything.
Now THAT’S a fun combo. :)
Legos. My favorite summer centerpiece.
Half of the summer we had the tent set up in the family room. I was ok with it because you know.. stripes. :)
Cozy spot to watch morning cartoons. And afternoon cartoons for that matter.
Our pool swan joined us for dinner a time or two because the kids didn’t want to leave him outside in the hot sun. (Naturally)
Hands down my best tablescape to date.
Heading home from a cloudy evening at the beach.
Seeing my kids’ swimsuits drying on our laundry room drying rack is always one of my summer favorites. :)
So is walking into a room and seeing this.
Again and again. Crazy how long they can hang like this.
Morning chores.
Our morning chores usually take WAY longer than they should. Not sure why…
New flowers in our flower boxes!
Can’t get enough of this toothless smile.
I took these pictures at a summer wedding my girls were a part of.. waiting for the bride!
So happy for this beautiful girl and long time favorite babysitter. She saved me when we were building our house and feels like part of our family.
My girls got a little emotional. Happy for her, but also growing up and change is hard.
Such a special day that we were honored to be a part of.
Quick stop at In-N-Out to eat before Addie’s play! Wearing my recent favorite Ruffle Tee that I shared in this post. Kirk the dinosaur joined and was clearly ready for a cheeseburger. :)
Show time! So proud of our little Alice in Wonderland!
She was darling. #proudmom We had a crazy couple of weeks with lots of showings but it’s always worth watching her on stage. She loves it so much. And I love her. :)
So many of her darling friends came to see the play!
I had a hot date to most of the shows. El snapped this picture.
So then Kole insisted on taking a picture too. I think he has real potential for a career in photography.. you?
Summer of 2017! It was a good one.
I love this post! Even when your house doesn’t looks picture perfect, it still is pretty much picture perfect! Haha!
Ha ha.. I promise it isn’t! But you are sweet to say that. :) And I’m thrilled you liked this post. Thank you Kristen! Enjoy your weekend! xo
Love your life updates–thanks for sharing!!
Thank you Rachael! So sweet of you! xo
Awesome pictures! I’m jealous that you have 2 dishwashers! That’s crazy cool! I love your laundry room color and the cool light! What is In and Out? Your family is beautiful! Sometimes I have dreams I’m living at your house lol. And then I wake up! I have to get to California in my lifetime! Thanks for sharing the day to day kid stuff! My kids are 8 and 6. Wait what? Love your blog!
Amy in Wisconsin
Hi cute Amy! So fun hearing from you! Thank you for your sweet comment! K – we have GOT to get you to Cali if you don’t know what In-N-Out is. ;) Best burgers! If you ever make it my way you make sure to let me know and we will meet there for lunch! Your dream comment made me laugh out loud! Seriously too funny. I’m so flattered and happy you like my house. I need to have you over! Then maybe the dreams will stop. ;) You are just TOO kind and it made my day hearing from you! XO
Thanks for sharing a bit of your “summer vacation” with us, Erin. You have such a lovely family. Congrats to Addison for her part in the play, she’s adorable. Congrats to your babysitter. Boy are your girls growing up. Love to see them all gussied up in one picture and doing headstands in another or giggling over emptying the dishwashers. Congrats to Kole for the loss of two front teeth and being able to watch cartoons in that fabulous tent. So much goodness in these photos. It’s heartwarming to see. Congrats to you, Erin, for making it through another summer. ;) Have a fabulous rest of your weekend. Hugs!
Another heart felt comment Jeanne! Means so much to me. Thank you sweet friend! I think we both deserve a pat on the back for making it though another summer.. ha! And the first week of school! I’m so excited for things to settle down now so we can get into a good routine. Do you feel like you’re there yet? Usually by mid September I’ve recovered from it all. ;) Enjoy the rest of your weekend! And thanks again! Sending a huge hug your way. :) XO
I just have to say how forward I look to your postings! Your home is gorgeous, and your fashion inspires me. Looking forward to the next.
Lisa that makes me so happy to hear! Thank you! I’m thrilled you look forward to my posts! Such a kind comment — I’ll keep them coming. :) xo
Happy end of summer Erin! I just bought my first pumpkin candle from Bath & Body Works yesterday and I’m officially ready for fall! Just wanted to say aside from seeing new rooms and decor, I love the picture dumps the most! I thought it was so sweet that your girls were able to be a part of her wedding that’s just so touching to me and I think it’s safe to say that you have two budding stars on your hands :-) A professional dancer and an actress, a singer, all of the above!!! Enjoy the rest of the long weekend :-)
Aria! You are always such a sweetheart! What a kind comment. Thank you! I’m so happy you like the picture dump posts! Sometimes I worry I’m boring people with family pictures, but they are usually some of my favorites too so I keep posting them. ;) I’ll have to tell my girls you said that.. it will make their day! And YEA for getting yourself a pumpkin candle from B&B! Nothing like them! I’ve had mine going around the clock all weekend. :) Thanks again cutie and enjoy the rest of your weekend! xo
I love your blog! You have a beautiful family and home! Would you mind sharing where the adorable black and white striped tent is from? Thank you!
So kind of you to say Vanessa! Thank you! I talked all about that tepee and linked to the exact one in my organized playroom post:
It’s a cute one and I think it’s on sale! :) xo
I hate to see summer go but this year I’m looking forward to the coziness that comes with falll. Now if our weather could just corporate. Your babies are so beautiful Erin and I love Kole’s photography skills. ;) xo
You are so thoughtful Cathy. Thank you! Kole is definitely off to a good start with that picture. ;) And I hear you! SO ready for it to cool off and be humidity free! I just keep cranking the air and smelling my pumpkin spice candle willing it to come soon. Maybe if we both cross our fingers. :) xo
You are great–I love your blog!
So sweet of you to say! Thank you! :) xo
Oh Erin! This post had me laughing out loud several times. Loved the pics and your commentary. Thanks for brightening up my day!
That made my day that you liked it Clare! Thank you for brightening mine! :) xo
These random posts are my favourite!!! I love imperfection so for me, this is real life :) I also got all googly-eyed at the thought of two dishwashers! We don’t have even one. It was on the list and then we moved to a new house and I’m not sure where it would actually fit. And truth be told, I would rather have cupboard space :)
I’m so happy you like this post Marcia! Thank you! xo
Looks like a great summer!! Love the swan tablescape💕 And the head stands. Lol. Made me laugh this morning!
Thank you Piper! :) xo
Thanks for sharing your sweet summer pics! Your kiddos are adorable. Looking forward to the post on Maui you mentioned a while back. It is our family’s favorite place, and I would love to get tips and new places to try for our next visit : )
Thank you Jamie! I have that Maui post on my blog calendar for this Fall! It’s our favorite vacation spot too. :) xo
Love your posts, and your family is fun to watch. I miss my kids younger years, it goes by so fast. Enjoy the school year and busy schedules because when it’s all done life gets boring. My kids are now 26, 23 and 19….now looking forward to grandkids. :)
What a great idea to put in 2 dishwashers! Would have never thought of that. :)
Thank you Dawn! So sweet of you. I really does go by fast. I can’t believe this is El’s last year of middle school! I know they will be the ages of your kids before I turn around. I can’t imagine being bored.. sounds heavenly.. ha! ;) Grandkids will be a blast – my mom says it’s her favorite stage! You have lots to look forward to. :) xo
Happy home!! I’m waiting on my Vine and Branches sign (It’s So Good…). Love yours over console table. Thanks for the info on her cute Etsy shop. Am excited to see your fall decor (beautiful) home.
Oh so fun Lisa! That sign is one of my favorites. :) Thanks cutie! xo
Hi Erin! This is super random, but awhile back you posted a coffee table that I think was purchased from Amazon? It was used in outdoor setting if I am remembering correctly! We’re in the market for something similar for our house, and I’ve been looking online and did a search for it on your blog and can’t seem to find it! If you happen to have the source still I would be so appreciative :)
Hi Kristin! Yes! My mom bought it and still loves that table! And I think it’s on sale! I talked about it in my 2016 Favorite Things post. Scroll down a bit in that post and you’ll find the link for it. :)
The summer went by way too fast, didn’t it? Looks like you had a great one though. Ad looked beautiful in her play. What an amazing experience for her. I’m sure there are many more in her future. xxoo
Thank you so much Pamela! It was a neat experience for sure. Love that both of our girls enjoy theatre! :) xo
Love , Love, LOVE your blog, Erin! I look forward to your posts every day. This is the first time I’m writing to you, and can’t stress on how beautiful your house is. It’s a true inspiration. You have a beautiful family.
I’m eagerly waiting for your master bedroom reveal. I think you’ve teased us far too long with that one ;)
Ramya! Oh my word.. your sweet words completely made my day! Thank you so much! Loved hearing from you and I’m so happy you enjoy my blog. I’m also so sorry about the master bedroom delay! (Head hanging in shame.. ha!) I know. I’ve GOT to get that posted soon. It’s a priority for sure! Thanks again cutie! So thoughtful of you to stop by and say hello. :) xo
That Kole!!! Still as cute as ever and still has a “‘baby” look about him-thank the Lord right? :)
Hi Sarah! Oh my word.. YES! I bawled when he lost both of those front teeth! Once the new teeth grow in the baby look will fade fast. :( Can we hit rewind to 10 years ago when we both started blogging and our babies were little? Sometimes I miss those days. And I miss YOU! xo
Your home is a dream, Erin! From your outdoor space to all your indoor spaces! I’m looking forward to seeing the update on your theater room. I love seeing random pictures of your family. No wonder your summer posts have slowed down a bit because you’re been busy with weddings, plays, etc. Such a great picture of your babysitter with the kiddos at her wedding behind such a gorgeous church. Which church is that in Cali?
So sweet of you Debbie! Thank you! Yes.. all things blog definitely slowed down with all the summer activities going on. That’s actually a picture of the San Diego Mormon temple! Isn’t it gorgeous!? Like a castle. When my girls were little they thought the princesses all lived there. :) xo
I can’t believe I’ve only just realised you have two dishwashers! At our old house we had a double Dishdrawer which I absolutely adored! We are buying a new house in a few weeks and I know the day the dishwasher finally breaks down for good I will be replacing it with a double Dishdrawer!
Thanks for your (still) summery post. We are almost out of winter here in the Snowy Mountains of Australia. We’ve had the best snowfall since 2000. I think we have a few more cold days (and nights) ahead of us yet. It is lovely to see your photos and think of the warmth we have to look forward to.
Such a sweet comment Jamie! Happy you had a good winter and are almost through it! And yes.. two dishwashers definitely comes in handy! xo