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paint colors throughout my home (free printable!)

My favorite gray paint!

Friends!  This is such a happy day for me!  And I hope for a lot of you too. :)  We moved into our new home over four years ago and ever since then I have been getting so many questions about my paint colors.  I wrote this post in 2016 sharing paint names of some rooms, but there were still a lot of paint questions because the main brand we used (Frazee) later joined with Sherwin Williams.  That made things tricky!  Some of you were having a hard time finding the exact color, some of you had questions about what sheen we used, some of you wanted info. on our white paint or our ceilings or on rooms I hadn’t fully shared on the blog at that point.

SO!  Because I love you all. :)  I have spent hours getting everything figured out for you!  This involved a few trips to my local Sherwin Williams, several phone calls with my painter, and going back to where my mind was during building and painting our house which quite frankly is a place I didn’t really want to return to.. ha. ;)  I then typed EVERYTHING up for you on a printable that you can print out and keep!  This printable includes ALL of my paint colors throughout our home (exterior and interior).  It also includes the brand and number that goes with each color.  A few of these rooms I haven’t even shared on the blog yet!  But now you’ll know the name of the paint color when I do. :)

Get a free printable of the paint colors throughout my home!

And for my main grey paint color that I get asked about daily?  I also included the exact formula and sheen we used in our home!  (If you want to use that same grey paint with a different sheen, just give someone at SW my color numbers and formula and they will be able to match it for you.)  

OK.. here’s another reason it took me a while to get all of this figure out for you and why I’m so excited!  

I am obsessed with list making – as you all know. :)  I have always typed up my own printables to help me stay organized.  I have printables I use for projects like decorating a room, printables I use for organization, printables I use for blogging.  I have never shared them with all of you because that involves major tech work (setting up the library and making everything accessible to you on-line).  Most of you know that the tech side of blogging is not where I excel.  But I finally hired some help and now have a printable library all set up that I will be able to add printables too.  YEA!  If you subscribe to my blog you will have instant access to this library.  My paint printables and the printables I made to help with gift giving at Christmas are in the library now, but more are coming!  I’m so excited to show you a few things that have helped me stay organized and on track with my projects and time management!

 Sign up at the end of this post or CLICK HERE to download all of my paint colors and get access to my new printable library!

If you are already a blog subscriber (thank you!) you can just enter your name and e-mail again to get the paint printable.  It won’t double your e-mail. :)  If you are not signed up for my e-mails and are nervous about subscribing to my blog, don’t be!  I totally understand wanting to keep your inbox clean.  I will never share your e-mail address with anyone and you’ll only get a quick e-mail from me when a new post is up (on average twice a week).  Plus we have a good time around here so why not join the party!?  I’ve got lots of fun posts in store for you all. :)

My favorite paint colors

In other random news, I’ve been decorating for Spring (so fun!) and if you want a sneak peek of a few things I bought to refresh my home (and some clothes I’m loving lately) you can check out my updated favorites page.  This throw I have on the ladder in my master bedroom is so beautiful and went out of stock in most colors so quickly!  They just got it back in stock if you want something fun and pretty to toss over your chair or couch for Spring!

My favorite grey paint!

And speaking of my master bedroom, we just got a new mattress!  You guys.. I’m so excited about it!  The kids and I are always on this bed hanging out – even more so the past six weeks because of my knee surgery.  We got our kids all new mattresses after we moved into our house, but ours was 17 years old!  Yikes.  So when Mattress Firm reached out to me to collaborate and write a post on their blog I couldn’t say yes fast enough.  We bought the kids’ mattresses at Mattress Firm and knew they were good quality and that they had good customer service.  You can read the post I wrote about why we love king size beds and which mattress we picked out here.  They are having a huge sale right now if you’ve had your mattress for 17 years too!  (Please tell me I’m not the only one..)

Alright friends.. that’s it for now because it’s time for after school pick up, but I’ll be back soon!  Enjoy your day!  :)

xoxo, Erin
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29 thoughts on “paint colors throughout my home (free printable!)

  1. You are a wonder, Erin. You sure are generous, too! Such dedication to your blog and your readers. I’m doubly sure you made a lot of people happy by sharing this paint file and the promise of other files to come. Hopefully it will ease up on the questions you appear to be asked regularly. Your house pictures always make me smile. And the one of you and your kids on the bed…you all look blissful! Have a happy day! :)

    1. Thank you Jeanne! What a kind thing to say. I hope it does make people happy. Paint can be so tricky and frustrating! Always nice to have a little help and guidance with stuff like this. :) The bed photoshoot with the kids was an easy one because we have seriously lived in my bed the past 6 weeks.. ha! I don’t know how blissful I’ve been during this surgery, but nice of you to say. ;) I hope you’re enjoying your week! xo

      1. Your Hone is beautiful and the post very helpful! I have more paint samples than I care to admit, trying to find a gray for a two story great room with a wall of windows that won’t turn green, purple etc. have you had any issues with the color on walls adjacent to windows flooded with light? Also. It would be absolutely wonderful if you could share the actual Sherwin Williams formula for Seattle and let me know which paint you used (Duration, Enerskd, Super Paint). My local SW store couldn’t find it in the system. Would mean so much!!! Thanks!!!

        1. LOL. Just saw this was a new updated post from previous one. Apparently you share name and formula in free pdf. I did sign up for that. Will access to pdf be sent to my email?. I can’t get one in this post to open.

          Also, sorry for Emerald typo etc above. Driving in car with hubby going to zkC for weekend, so a bit bumpy and didn’t proofread😊

          Thanks again!!!
          Chris D.

          1. Oh I’m so glad you found it! I hope you were able to download the printable! A link should have been e-mailed to you! xo

  2. Oh this is so exciting! Thanks for taking the time to do this. Two years ago I painted two bathrooms your Frazee color (it was super easy and my Sherwin Williams store was amazing) and we just love it. We will paint the master the same color. Looking forward to seeing the white that you used throughout your house. I just love your blog and you’re super sweet!

    1. What a thoughtful thing to say Sue! I’m thrilled Seattle worked for you! Perfect color for a master and bathrooms.. it’s such a great shade of grey. Thank you for your sweet words about me and my blog.. they made my day! :) xo

  3. Thank you for this information! I was so curious of the color used in your daughter’s room (blue) and wanted to use something like that in my house.

    Curious – I have only been subscribed to your blog for like 6 months and I don’t think I have ever seen your husband’s office. Have you shown that before? Our home my husband and I don’t share an office space either but he is in a small bedroom and I took over the office space that originally was designed with our home. I was wondering how your husband’s office looks – might be a nice remodel for him since we have a nice basement space that is unfinished and he is thinking about making it an office space or workshop.

    1. Hi Dee! I’m so happy the paint printable will be helpful! I haven’t shared my husband’s office yet. I started decorating it, but then never finished (it kept getting moved down on the priority list).. so at some point I’ll finish it and share it on the blog!

  4. Hi Erin – Thank you so much for the printables! I’ve subscribed for a while now and love getting the updates. I almost immediately drop whatever I’m doing to check out your blog post when I get the emails! Seeing your recent pantry post inspired me to organize ours and I love it. Maybe i’ll post a pic on Instagram and tag you. Quick question — do you have a post from way back when on how to organize baby STUFF? I have a 5-month old baby and he has taken over our house. I’m struggling to figure out how to organize (and keep it organized) the feeding station (bottles, baby Bullet, feeding bowls, etc…), and changing station, and toys, and burping cloths – they’re everywhere! I know your kids are older now but wonder if you’ve done some post years ago on how you organized their stuff. Many thanks in advance!!

    1. Hi Trinh! Oh my word.. I loved hearing that you to drop what you’re doing to read my posts! That means so much to me. Thank you! I would love to see your pantry! Definitely message and tag me if you share it so I don’t miss it! I SO remember baby stuff taking over my house! I know I have a ton of posts on stuff like that but I’m having the hardest time finding them! I didn’t title my posts very specific back then so it’s hard to search for specific things. I do have a link to the post on Kole’s nursery that has a few organized drawers in it and I do remember one thing that always helped. Tucked away in my living room on the side of my couches (it wasn’t visible when you walked in the room) I always kept three large baskets. One had diapers and wipes and burping cloths, one had baby toys and one was full of blankets. Then I also had a set drawer in my kitchen that held all of the baby bowls, spoons, bibs, etc. Sorry that wasn’t much, but I hope it helps. It’s a messy stage and I remember it well! :)

  5. Longer than 17 years, so don’t feel bad! We have been house hunting and were holding out for when we get our new home because we can’t fit a king here…we would barely be able to squeeze a queen. We have 4 kids and generally end up with 1-2 on any given night in bed with us and 2 cats that insist on being in the mix. My husband and I are not small so our poor double (a second hand double that I got from his sister 14 years ago.. .and she had had it for quite awhile) needs to be retired. ;)

    Amazing that you made the printable! :)

    Hope you have a terrific day!

    1. Thank you JC! Oh my word.. I’m so happy to hear I’m not the only one who waited that long to get a new mattress! We always prioritize ourselves last with stuff like that right? You are definitely due and so deserving of something bigger! I know all too well what it’s like to have kids piled in the bed with you. I hope you find a home you love and that your first purchase is a nice king size mattress! :) xo

  6. Hello, can you advise which formula of Benjamin Moore paint and which sheen was used on your Chelsea Gray kitchen cabinets. I am struggling most with the sheen (satin, semi-gloss or other)? Thank you. Love your blog.

    1. Hi Vivian! I used eggshell on my islands! Everything in my kitchen is eggshell because it makes it easier to wipe things clean. Thank you for your sweet words about my blog! I’m so happy you enjoy it! :)

  7. Erin., where did you get your powder room vanity? The white one with the rowel shelf on the bottom. I absolutely love it and the sink too. Looking for a new vanity for my bathroom and this would be perfect!

    1. Thank you so much Diane! I designed that and had it built custom when we built our home. Sorry that’s not much help to you! The sink is from Fergusons! xo

  8. Oh, I feel so much better knowing we aren’t the only ones with a mattress pushing 19 years. Oy vey – time snuck up on us and my recent sore back is finally saying ENOUGH! We are finally ready to bite the bullet, so appreciate your recommendation!

    1. Right!? We felt the same way! How did we let that go for so long!? So happy this was helpful! I hope you find a good mattress and enjoy many nights of good sleep ahead! :) xo

  9. Thank you so much for your amazing information about your beautiful home! I just subscribed to your blog and am thoroughly enjoying your work and talent. Any chance you know what the LRV is of “Seattle”? Thanks for everything!

    1. Hi Dianne! Thank you so much! So sweet of you. I’m not sure of the LRV but if you got my paint printable when you signed up it should be all you need to get my color. Let me know if you are having any problems! I can also put you in contact with my Sherwin Williams and they can help too. :) xo

  10. HI there!
    Thank you so much for all this great information. I recently started following your blog. I love everything you post! I did get the printable download of all your paint colors because I love the Seattle gray! I went to my Sherwin Williams store near me with the formula in hand and asked them to duplicate it. They already had the color in the system (bonus!!), but after looking at the formula, it is different from yours. I showed them the formula you have in your download and they said the formula will vary based on what line of paint I chose (Emerald, Cashmere, Duration, etc). I chose Emerald Flat SW3213. I’m just wondering, do you remember what line of Sherwin Williams paint your rep said to use? I made sure to use flat, but it just looks a bit off (and slightly more beige) than all of your pictures.
    Thank you again for sharing all of your wonderful information!!

    1. Hi Kristen! I’ve been trying to figure out what line of paint we used and can’t find that info. anywhere! So sorry I’m not more help with that! I’ll try to reach out to my painter.. fingers crossed he knows! xo

      1. I just had the same experience with SW being wish washy saying the color will change based on the type of SW base paint chosen. Just curious if your painter knew the type of paint he chose? Thank you for all your wonderful guidance.

  11. Hey- love your exterior house color. Had the Capricorn made up but it is showing super dark. Do you know if the closest SW gray to that color? I don’t see it on the blog . Thanks so much

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