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Birthday Giveaway!

Birthday (Sunny Side Up){Sweater/Jeans/Earrings/Similar Shoes} *affiliate links used

You guys!  It’s my birthday!  I turn 42 today!

Or 24.

You decide.

Actually how about I decide. ;)

Growing up I adored my Aunt Gwen (actually she was my great Aunt.. my mom’s Aunt Gwen).  Every year on her birthday she would take our family to dinner and we could order whatever we wanted and she would pay.  Dinner on her birthday was the first time I ever ordered Prime Rib and I loved it!  I still think of her every time I eat Prime Rib.  Then she would give all of the kids in her extended family (and there were a lot of kids!) each a $2 bill.  On HER birthday.  My cousins and I would all get so excited for Aunt Gwen’s special day which was a treat to everyone.  So I’m channeling my sweet Aunt Gwen today and giving all day long!  Starting with all of you – my blog family. :)  I absolutely love this community and can’t thank you all enough for your continued support.  It means more to me than you’ll ever know!  You all make every day a sunny day.  Thank you!

So!  A fun giveaway for one of you!  This blog is focused on home decor, organization and fashion.. my three favorite things.  While I like to shop at lots of places, you all know that I tend to gravitate to 3 main stores.  Pottery Barn for decor, The Container Store for organizing, and Nordstrom for fashion so for my birthday I’m giving away a $300 gift card to one of those stores!  Winner gets to choose which of those 3 stores you want the giftcard to.  You can freshen up your home with some new decor, finally organize that trouble spot for good, or get some cute new clothes for Spring!  Or I can send you a $100 gift card to each of the three stores.. totally up to you!

Entering is easy..

1 – Subscribe to my e-mail list (ENTER YOUR INFO. HERE)  (Subscribing also gives you access to some fun printables!)  

2 – Make sure you’re following me on Instagram (HERE).

3 – In today’s giveaway post on Instagram tell me what you would use the gift card for and then tag two friends who you think would also enjoy my blog/IG.

If you are already a blog subscriber and you already follow me on IG you just have to leave a comment on today’s IG post and tag two friends and you’re set!  I’ll announce the winner here on my blog and in the original IG giveaway post on Friday.  Make sure to check back to see if you won!  I’m choosing the winner Friday because of course I’m going to be milking this birthday for all it’s worth and make sure it stretches out through the entire week.

What else would you expect from someone turning the ripe old age of 24?


Good luck and thank you again for hanging out with me here!


xoxo, Erin
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50 thoughts on “Birthday Giveaway!

  1. Happy birthday, Erin!! Your happy slice of the internet is my FAVORITE place to be and I thank you for all your hard work and willingness to share it with us. Enjoy celebrating and thank you for such a generous giveaway!

  2. Happy birthday! Hope it’s amazing and love this giveaway. You have a beautiful home inspirational ideas.

  3. Happy Birthday, Erin! A day late because I didn’t see this yesterday! I’ll extend the celebration. :) I hope you had an amazing day. It sounds like you had a really neat Great Aunt Gwen. What a generous, loving person she was./is. My world is a little bit brighter because I’ve gotten to know you via your blog. Thank you so much for that! That’s all I wanted to say…happy birthday and thanks for the joy you bring! Hugs!

    1. Jeanne you bring joy into my life with your sweet words all the time! I’ve loved getting to know you a little through the blog and I’m so appreciative of your support. I would love to hug you in person and take you to lunch! Maybe someday. :) Thank you so much for the birthday wishes! xo

  4. Happy Birthday!!! I cannot participate since I live in Argentina but all my best wishes to you in your day!

  5. I don’t do Instagram but would love to win a $300.00 gift card from Pottery Barn.
    I enjoy your blog and love your decorating ideas.

  6. Have a beautiful birthday !!!! I wish that this 42 will bring more love, peace and armory to your life and family!!!
    Feliz cumpleaños #42!!

  7. Happy birthday, Erin! You barely look 30 years old :)
    Giving back on your birthday is such nice idea. I hope you have wonderful birthday week! :)

  8. Happy Birthday, I am visiting family in Palm Desert. You and our daughter share the same birthdate!

  9. If I am lucky enough to win this special birthday gift, I’d head right to Pottery Barn and make a beeline to the pillows. Then I’d find a matching throw. I’d have no trouble using the whole amount filling my home with their best ideas for spring. Thanks, Erin. Happy Birthday to you, birthday sister! Still tagging Tina Cole and Barbara Gratton-Clark.

  10. How exciting to be sharing my birthday month with you, Erin! Your aunt Gwen must be a Filipino because Filipinos traditionally shower their friends and family with a gift on their birthday which usually is taking them out to eat, or inviting them to their home for a feast. I’ve never understood it myself because I lived in the States most of my life, but I can see how it’s made an impact on you as a child and how you remember your aunt all the more by her generous spirit. Happy Birthday Erin! I hope your day is spent on experiences that will fill you up!

  11. Happy Birthday Erin!! What a fun way to celebrate – love your endless enthusiasm and positivity. I hope I look half as good as you do when I’m *24*! ;)

  12. Happy Birthday Erin. Have a wonderful day.
    What a lovely thing that your Aunt did on her Birthday and lovely of you to do this on your Birthday.

  13. Happy Birthday, Erin, I hope you had a beautiful day!! You are a beautiful lady and certainly do not “look” like a 42 year old!! :)

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