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New Finds and Old Favorites

Happy Weekend everyone!  This will be a quick post because it’s late and I still have a few things to get ready for Kole’s birthday party tomorrow!  Sometimes it’s so difficult getting things done when the kids are awake isn’t it!?  I just had to give up on trying earlier today and then get everyone in bed so I could focus (Kenny too.. he fell asleep on the couch.. ha).  At 10 pm I was finally able to start checking things off of my to-do list!  Getting more sleep is a major goal for me this year.  Actually achieving that goal feels about as realistic as getting things done when the kids are awake.


Starting with old favorites!  I’m sharing 2 past posts that I hope will be helpful to read for the first time.. or the second. :)  How I organize my jewelry AND tips on what to toss and what to save when it comes to ALL the papers kids bring home from school.

What do these 2 posts have to do with each other?  Absolutely nothing.  I just like them both. :)

*affiliate links used

Organized Jewelry (Sunny Side Up)



For new favorites this week I’m so excited about the Serena & Lily Spring Design Event!  You guys!  Eekkk!  I’ve been waiting for this sale!  Right now through Monday Serena & Lily has 20% off of EVERYTHING in their store!  I love S&L but their products are pricey so I aways wait for sales like this to shop for my home.  I ordered some new pillows for my living room and can’t wait to get them here!  (Especially excited about this one.)

Serena and Lily (Design Event) - Sunny Side Up

{Guest room details and sources}

A couple of favorites in my home from S&L are my guest room bed and my Malibu Chandelier.  To be honest I sometimes want to move them into my own bedroom I love them so much!  I’m linking some favorite S&L products below!  I love pretty much everything in their store.  If you are shopping the sale on-line be sure to use the code INSPO to get the sale price when you check out.

Ok.. back to my balloons. :)  I’ll share some peeks of Kole’s party on IG stories if you want to pop in and see what we’re up to! I can’t believe that by the end of this month my baby will be 9!  This S&L sale came at a dangerous time.  Retail therapy is always my go to when I’m sad about my kids getting older.  SOS!  Ha.


Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Serena and Lily (Design Event) - Sunny Side Up



xoxo, Erin
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3 thoughts on “New Finds and Old Favorites

  1. Oh golly, Erin, you talk about getting going by 10pm and that is when I turn into a pumpkin and have to go to bed. LOL Of course, I’m up at the crack of dawn or thereabouts. Suffice to say you are a night owl and I am an early bird. Hee, hee. Thanks for the sale heads up. Looks like you may have found some lovely new additions to your home. :) I hope Kole’s birthday party is a huge success. I’m sure it will be because when boys get together, pretty much fun will ensue if memory serves from growing up with my brothers. They don’t need a party to par-tay. ;) I hope you survive. Maybe that is the wish you need. I also hope the weather cooperates so you can keep a lot of that energy out of the house. Hugs~!

  2. Where and how do you store all your throw pillows? Looking for an organized solution to my current chaos. ;)

    1. Oh I get it! My holiday throw pillows are in sacks in our upstairs attic and other random extra pillows are all on a couch upstairs in our theatre room! That room currently gets all of the leftovers.. ha! ;)

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