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Playroom Update!

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I am giving my playroom a little re-fresh!  To be honest I never really decorated this room after we moved in.  I just tossed in some furniture we kept from our previous house, organized the toy closet, set up the tepee and we were ready to roll. :)

Organized Playroom Closet (Sunny Side Up)

{Original Organized Playroom Post}

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

This room has been such a fun space for my kids and their friends.

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

A happy room they have used to play and pretend and create and mess up and clean up and mess up again.

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

But my kids are getting older and the pretend play is slowing down (tear).  Our theatre room is right next to this room and this space has become more of a teen hangout room when my kids have friends over.  It was due for an update!

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Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

So here is what this space looked like “before”.. when it was clean. :)

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

And this is what it’s looking like today!  Obviously not done.. but progress has been made!  The biggest progress was going through all of the toys and just keeping favorites and toys that Kole (my youngest) still plays with.  An emotional job for me (and my girls!) but now that it’s done it feels so good to have space in this room to breathe.  I gave my large yellow hutch to a close friend and feel so good that it’s in a happy home.  It had become a junk collector in this room and was taking up so much space.  I knew it had to go, but it was another sentimental item that was hard to part with.  Letting go of sentimental items can be the hardest part of organizing, but it has to be done if we want to have homes that aren’t full of clutter and that truly serve our family’s current needs.

That’s what I keep reminding myself anyway. :)

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

So!  Now that the hard part is over.. it’s time for the fun part.  Decorating!  The biggest change so far is the new couch!  I considered a lot of different couches for this space and ended up going with this Cushy Lounge Sectional from PB Teen.  I wanted something kid friendly and I love how this couch is modern, casual, comfy and low to the ground.  It comes in lots of fabrics and colors and I chose the navy faux suede.  So fun to mix it up and have a colorful couch!

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

Kenny and I camped out in the playroom late one night watching a movie and putting it together.  Well.  He put the couch together.  I watched the movie and assisted.  And by assisted I mean that I took pictures. :)

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

There are a few options for the base of this couch and I chose the Cushy Lounge Pedestal Base because I like the square legs.  I chose Weathered White for the base color.  It was pretty simple to assemble and the cushions just sit on top of the square bases.

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

I got an extra square for an ottoman..

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

but the coolest part of this couch is that you can slide the square cushions together and make one big couch bed.  Kole is in heaven with this configuration. :)

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

I also couldn’t help snatching up this cute Awning Stripe Throw (on sale!).  It comes in other colors and is so cute for summer!  I know I’m jumping ahead of myself getting a throw for the couch before I’m finished with the main furniture, but those are the fun things I love looking for when I decorate a new space.  I’m always anxious to get to the pillow and throw part of the job. :)

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

My next favorite find is this cute Callum Triple Wide Storage Set.

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

I knew once the yellow hutch was gone I would lose a lot of storage in this room.  I didn’t need a lot more because I have the closet and pull out drawers in our wall, but I have plans for those and wanted a few extra spots for the kids’ stuff.  This console is perfect!  Drawers on the bottom for random toys.

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

And then I ordered 3 of these cute Shimmer Stripe Bins to go in the openings for additional storage.  Perfect place to hide Kole’s video game controls.

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

I love how narrow this is on the side.. it’s perfect for wall space under a TV.  It adds a lot of storage without taking up much room.  I found and ordered this on-line when I ordered the couch and I’m so excited about them both!

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

The Foosball table is new and is staying in this room.  We gave this to Kole for his birthday in March.  He has wanted one for a while and we debated spending more on a really nice table for this room, but I just wasn’t sure how much Kole would actually play it.  When I found this less expensive Foosball table with great reviews I decided to get it for now knowing we can update it later if he becomes a serious Foosball player.  The funny part is that Addison and I are becoming the serious Foosball players.  We honestly love this thing and play it every day!  Ha.  We’re trying to practice and get good enough to beat Kenny and Kole.  It hasn’t happened yet but it will.  We are determined.  It will happen!  I have no doubt our day will come. :)

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

I have a light fixture coming soon.  I’m laughing at myself that I never bought one for this room!  I thought I’d do it soon after we moved in.  5 years later.. one is on its way. :)

Playroom Update (Sunny Side Up)

I also have a rug on its way.  I’m not sure if I’ll love it in this room or not!  I can’t ever really tell with rugs until they are in my spaces and I can see how they look.  I mentioned before that I tried this diamond pattern rug that I love and is still sitting in the room, but it’s heading to my outdoor area.

So that’s where I’m at with the playroom!  I hope you all like the updates so far. :)  I’ll share pics of the rug and fixture when they come (if they are staying!) and I have some fun plans for the walls in this room that I need to get working on.  We are wrapping up school this week and next and then I’m hoping I’ll have time to finish the playroom and theatre room (otherwise known as the kid zones!) so that they will be ready for ALL the friends coming over this summer.

Bring on the kids!

And send them upstairs.



xoxo, Erin
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20 thoughts on “Playroom Update!

  1. What a wonderful space for kids to hang out and be kids! Yours are very lucky to have spaces like this. (And so are their friends). I can imagine it was really difficult going through the items they loved when they were younger, but it sure is looking good these days. How fun that you got a Foosball table. I wish you and Addison much success in your quest to beat Kenny and Kole. :) I grew up with a bumper pool table in our house. That was fun to try to master. There were times we put a cover on it and we’d do massive puzzles together. Ahhhh good times. Your kids will have amazing memories of their growing up years, Erin! Thanks to all your efforts. :) Happy summer living to you and your family. :)

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! Love hearing about your bumper pool table.. so fun. We had a ping pong table in our basement growing up and it was always so fun to have kids over to play. Nice to have a place to send them when they come over for sure! I hope you’re enjoying your summer! We have had rain and clouds so it isn’t really feeling like summer around here yet! Patiently waiting for the sun. :)

  2. I LOVE seeing this new space all grown up and fun for the kids as they are getting older! I just ordered this same couch (light blue) for our new loft area and it is arriving tomorrow! Can’t wait! I look forward to seeing all of the progress pics in here!!

  3. You are making great progress! If your kids are athletes consider hanging their old sports jerseys on the walls. We put knobs staggered along a section of our wall by the pool table and hung jerseys on chrome hangers so we could switch them out. We have also temporarily inherited our son’s Star Wars movie posters so they are hanging in the home theater end of our rec room.

      1. The kids loved it and it was easy to rotate jerseys in and out. My husband’s high school letter jacket even found a home there. Since our rec room was in the basement we even hung jerseys on tension rods in the window openings to camouflage the ugly window wells. 😁

  4. Love this space! We recently converted our family room to a kid space, it wasn’t being used and now they have it as a homework/hangout/music room. I just hate that it’s in the front of the house so if I don’t keep on them and their mess it spills into my foyer. I love that your room is confined and away. I think our “babies” are very close in age. Mine turned 9 in March.

    1. Yes! They both turned 9 in March. I can’t believe our babies are 9! Getting so big too fast! That’s so smart to turn a space you weren’t using as much into a space for the kids but I totally understand the issue of having it by the front door! Could you possibly add a wide door to the family room? So nice to be able to leave the mess and close the door. :) Thank you Bekah! xo

  5. Hi!
    Do you have special toys you have put away for potential future grandkids or do you automatically get rid of things once your children have outgrown them (toys and clothes)?
    If you kept any, which ones?

    Did you keep any of the board games? Which ones?

    Thank you so much!

    1. Hi Grace! I chose some of my kids favorite toys (the ones they all 3 loved and used!) and saved them in a container in our attic. I kept most of the board games because my kids still play them! I’ll share a post with my organized playroom closet soon and you’ll be able to see what I kept. :)

    1. Hi Dawn! We do! But you do need pillows on the couch. It has more of a straight back so if you’re lounging you’ll want some pillows behind you. :)

  6. I came across you post while browsing for “smaller cushy sectionals” for a small TV room for my husband! I am curious about this sofa big enough for adults? I love the look of it but my hubby is 6’3″ and not sure how it would be for him?

    1. curious about this question as well, stumbled upon your blog looking for some reviews on the comfort level of the sectional. Considering using it for my 6’3″ hubby as well

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