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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas (Sunny Side Up)

Popping in to wish you all a Merry Christmas!  I’m so grateful for the friendship and support you’ve shown me this year.  Your kind and encouraging words brighten every single day and I absolutely love this community!

Merry Christmas (Sunny Side Up)

Our family picture was on the front of our Christmas card and this was the back.  Addison got her wish and Peaches made a Christmas card debut.  Clearly this was a year of major acceptance and growth for me.  Who knows what’s in store for 2020?  Hopefully not more lizards. ;)

Regardless, I’m so happy to have you along for the ride. :)

Wishing you all the BEST holiday from our family to yours!

xoxo, Erin
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2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!

  1. Fabulous card! Merry Christmas, to you and your beautiful family! I hope each of you had a magical day. And I also hope that Peaches is the only lizard you ever have to live with. Big hugs!

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