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Happy 2020 – let’s get organized!

Oahu trip (Sunny Side Up)

Happy New Year everyone!  I hope your 2020 is off to a great start!  We brought in the new year in Oahu and had one of our best family vacations to date.  We went to every tourist attraction imaginable on that island (as you can see from our lovely pic at the Dole plantation), enjoyed some down time at the beach and pool and watched a lot of Star Wars. :)   I completely unplugged from my phone and computer and am so grateful I made myself do that because now we’re home and I feel incredibly rejuvenated after a crazy December.  Which of course means I am ready to ORGANIZE everything in sight!  I’m seriously so excited to get my home in tip top shape and to take you all along for the ride.  I have fun plans for 2020!  But first.. Christmas decor.  Ahhh!  Tomorrow will be a busy day taking it all down.  There is A LOT of Christmas still going on in my house at the moment so wish me luck with that little chore.  By Tuesday I plan to be done putting away Christmas and organizing one of the many hot spots around here!

In the meantime.. here are a few fun January posts to get you excited about organizing with me!  (Although I know some of you already are.. and that’s why I love you.) ;)  Read these posts and pull out the black garbage/donate bags.  It’s going to be a fun year around here!

Organizing tips (Sunny Side Up)


5 reasons you can't stay organized (Sunny Side Up)

{5 REASONS YOU CAN’T STAY ORGANIZED (and how to fix it!)}

And for those of you who are focusing on healthy eating in 2020 below is a post about my favorite healthy snacks.  That I’ll be living on for the next month because along with unplugging from technology over the break I also unplugged from my treadmill.  Ha.  This week should be a fun one getting back into the swing of things.  Wishing you all the best of luck with re-entry!

5 healthy snack ideas (Sunny Side Up)


xoxo, Erin
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7 thoughts on “Happy 2020 – let’s get organized!

  1. Happy New Year to you and your sweet family, Erin! So happy you got to get away and enjoy your family and Hawaii! Unfortunately, I got sick. :( Hoping to get on track soon and am looking forward to your organizing posts. Let’s do this! (soon)

    1. Jeanne! Oh no! Not a great way to spend your vacation or kick off the new year! Shoot. I’m so sorry to hear that. I hope you are feeling better. Thinking of you today! xo

  2. Welcome back! I missed you! :)

    Love that you had a memory making family vacation and that you “unplugged”. Strange if you think about it – those two things are closely linked – it might be a little harder to achieve the former if you didn’t forgo (at least to some degree) the latter.

    All the best to you in 2020!

    1. Beverlee! Thank you! It feels good to me missed.. so sweet of you! And I completely agree. I’ve taken a lot of vacations where I’ve still worked a little but you definitely aren’t as “all in” with the family and it felt really good to be all in. :) Happy 2020! Wishing you all the best this year! xo

  3. Erin, welcome home!! So glad you were able to have such a relaxing and fun time with your family!! I thought of you the past few days when we were putting our Christmas decorations up in the attic above our garage. I saw so much stuff that needed to be organized, donated, and thrown away. I took action and got busy – just like you would do! I loaded up the back of my car and donated a bunch today! It feels good to know that the attic is a little more organized!
    Sending love to you and your sweet family,
    Jane Carden

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