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Valentine Porch and other random nonsense

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Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

Porch is feeling February festive!  I kept my little faux Cyprus trees up that I used for my Christmas porch through January and was about to take them down but wasn’t quite ready to bring on the Spring flowers.

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

Heart string bunting banners to the rescue!

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

I wrapped a few around my little trees, added this cute HOME mat from Target, and then hung this glitter heart banner over my door (I added all of the hearts from the 2 banners onto one string).  15 minute decorating and bam.. we are feeling the love. :)

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

{Spot Embroidered Sweater/AG jeans/similar black boots}

Sidenote worth noting: Wearing one of the cutest sweaters EVER in that porch pic.  It’s slouchy and comfortable and hangs just right and has embroidered dots and the balloon sleeves are ahhh!  So good.  Cute with denim jeans, black jeans, pink jeans, any color jeans and I love it with a black or colored skirt too!  It’s also fun with pink or red or heart earrings for this time of year. :)  These are some fun V-day earring options I’ve had my eye on..

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

{Our coats – so cute and warm and a great price!/my boots/Ad’s boots/pom pom beanies}

Ad and I spent the morning going through winter clothes to get ready for an upcoming ski/snow trip!  The girls and I got new coats, snow boots and beanies for Christmas and we’ve been so excited to finally wear them.  The two of us bundled up to go to the grocery store just to try them out.. ha.  Not too far of a stretch since the grocery store near our house might as well be Alaska.  We freeze every time we go!  Thinking we need to just keep this gear in the back of the car and pull it out when it’s time to make a bread and popcorn run.

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

El took these pics and was in a hurry so Ad and I did what we usually do when she’s trying to rush us.. we took our time with lots of important and worthwhile poses.

Ellie loves the two of us so much.  We like to remind her often how lucky she is to have us in her life. ;)

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of El.. a little blast from the past with her cute Mail box delivery truck that grandpa helped her make so her Kindergarten class could deliver their Valentines to each other in style.

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

Ad’s favorite Valentine’s Day memory is making her tissue cupcake box.

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

She also still loves making our Valentine pretzel hugs! (*Directions on how to make these are in my IG story highlights!  Same as Christmas hugs but with a pink m&m instead of a green one.) :)

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

Such a quick and easy treat to give as Valentines to friends or to teachers.

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

I used to love going all out for Valentine’s Day with my kids’ boxes and treats for their classes.  So fun to put together something special and personalized.

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

{Target Valentine box kits – genius!}

This year?  Pre-made tiger box to the rescue!  I was planning on helping Koke make a Valentine box last week but before I knew it it was Thursday morning.  I told him at breakfast  “let’s just see what’s on Amazon that we can order for your cards and we’ll make your box next week.”  He said “mom!  My Valentine party is TOMORROW!”  Oh.  My.  Word.  It was!!  I had totally spaced that he is out of school this entire next week and his class Valentine party was on the 7th.  I dropped him off at school, rearranged my schedule for the morning and headed straight to Target.  I could not have been happier to find everything we needed including a pre-assembled box that took us all of 5 minutes to put together Thursday night!  Phew.  Cut it close on that one.

Valentine Porch (Sunny Side Up)

The best part was that Kole was as excited about his new Valentine box as I was.  He loved the tiger and loved that it didn’t take long to make (come to find out he wasn’t all that excited to make a box from scratch anyway).  My kids are growing up and even though I have moments when that makes me sad, most of the time.. I’m ok with it.  Really ok with it actually.  No more making Valentine boxes and cards from scratch anymore?

Let me think about that for a minute..

Yup.  100% A-ok.



xoxo, Erin
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7 thoughts on “Valentine Porch and other random nonsense

  1. Your porch looks so sweet with the hearts! Great job. Minimal effort and maximum punch. Win, win! Same for the premade Valentine boxes! For the win again. Instead of class valentines and what not, my girls usually want a bag of candy (Starburst for example) and to give their group of friends a treat for the holiday. Usually at Christmas they make a little treat for their teachers. Your sweater is adorable! I can see why you like it so! Love the polka dots! You two look great in your snow gear. :) Thanks so much for sharing, Erin! Fun post

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! Winning for sure with the easy decor and pre-made box! I’m all about simplifying these days. ;) I love the candy idea for friends.. that’s all the kids want anyway! Smart! Enjoy your week sweet friend! xo

  2. Hi Erin! LOVE everything you do! What a fun life! About to start a small remodel in NorCal, and I think I need some craftsman coast w/ a Frazee/Sherman mixed grey and some cute cobble stone!! haha A few (sorry) questions: 1) What is the name/color of cobble stone you used for your exterior? 2) What is the name/type of tile in your kitchen and on fireplace? 3) Can you share more about your cabinets in the kitchen? Brand and color? Anything you DO NOT recommend for a kitchen and/or bath remodel? :) I think that’s all! Appreciate your time if you respond! Have a great day! Michele

    1. So sweet of you Michele! Thank you and I’m sorry that I’m just now getting back to you! To answer your questions.. 1) I don’t have info. on my stone! It was taken from an area near my hometown (kind of a custom deal) – so sorry! 2) My Kitchen and fireplace are Carrara marble subway tiles! LOVE them. I did my master shower in them too. 3) My Kitchen cabinets were built custom and you can find paint info. on my printable (I’ll add a link below so you can download that.. it has all of my house colors on it!) And for your last question.. my advice would just be to stick with things that you love that are timeless! If you want to do something trendy do things that are easy to switch out.. hardware, lighting, etc. Keep the big, expensive items more neutral so that it’s easy to update your spaces in the future. Good luck with your remodel! So exciting! :)

  3. How tall are those trees? I found your page late ☹️ So they no longer have the trees but I have found some others like it but was curious as to how tall yours are

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