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Organized Laundry Room Cupboards and Drawers

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Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

{similar laundry basket/herringbone throw}

It’s organize your kitchen week! But I’m posting about my organized laundry room cupboards and drawers. How’s that for some organization? Ha. I’m off one week but I’m so excited to finally share this cleaned out space with you! This laundry room is on our main floor right off of our mudroom and for years it was the most unorganized spot in our house. (Followed closely by my closet.. ha.) Last year during my organizing challenge I worked hard to whip this space into shape, but by the time I finished organizing it we were moving on to organizing our kitchens. Then it was Spring Break and life got busy and I never prioritized sharing the makeover! Hence the reason I’m sharing it one week late this year. If I don’t get these pictures up on my blog they may never make it!

This is a long one friends. Grab the popcorn. :)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

{capri blue hand soap & lotion/faux boston fern}

Before I share the organization here are a few pics of this space!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

{bosworth wool rug}

I would love to switch out the light fixture over this sink for something larger with a little more personality (on my 2022 home to-do list!). The rug is a favorite I’ve had for years.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

{WASH DRY FOLD prints/similar frames here & here/glass canisters/wool dryer balls/clothespins}

These simple jars hold clothes pins, these wool dryer balls I sometimes use instead of dryer sheets and laundry soap (I use Tide pods for every day but like having some of the detergent around for rubbing out stains). I wanted something to add behind our drying rack for years and finally landed on these cute WASH DRY FOLD prints. I just bought them as a download and took them to an office supply store to print them. They come in a set of 4 but I didn’t have room for REPEAT. :) An easy, inexpensive way to decorate a laundry space if you have a blank wall or room on a shelf for a few prints! Looks like the exact frames I used sold out but similar options are here and here.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

This drying rack pulls out from the wall just like the rack in our upstairs laundry room. So handy for drying clothes and I love having the fun prints behind it to break up all of the white in this space!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

Side view with the rack down..

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

{magnolia baskets – mine are out of stock but lots of fun options!}

The grey vintage wash basin in the corner is so special to me. It was my great grandma’s – such a treasure! Can you imagine doing laundry with that!? It’s a constant reminder to me not complain about laundry. Ha. ;)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. on to some organization.. are you ready!? I am so ready. :) This entire laundry room made one great “before.” It was such a mess! I never really organized it after we built our house and moved in and it quickly became a catch all for any and everything. I always knew what items I wanted to store in this space, but I kept putting it off because I knew it was going to be  a big job! I just kept the cupboard doors closed and walked away. Ha. So happy that’s not the case anymore!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s the first “before” (told you it was bad!).

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

And “after.” Ahhh.. so much better!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

{laundry powder bin/other fun similar options}

The left side is now just holding a few laundry essentials and extra canisters I’m not using at the moment.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

{farmhouse open canvas storage bins}

I had so many random things to store on this side I decided bins or baskets would be the best option. These canvas bins were the perfect size (I have the XL) and I love the look for a laundry room! The lighting in these pics are making them look a little yellow.. they are a true cream with grey stripes.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

I mainly wanted to use this cupboard for our towel overflow. Extra pool towels on the bottom shelf and extra old towels we use for cleaning and for the garage on the middle shelf.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

I also wanted a set bin for Kole’s swimsuits! It has always made more sense to keep them in this laundry room vs. upstairs in his bedroom. When it’s summer and he is swimming daily with friends it’s easier to just wash his suits and toss them on him in this room!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

The top baskets hold sewing supplies (they are organized in a container I forgot to photograph!) and other miscellaneous items I need to store that I don’t reach for as often. I got rid of a lot during this little project! I tossed and donated so many random items and just kept what we really use/love so these baskets aren’t too full.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)


I never created a good spot in my house to store all of my candles and knew I wanted to make space for them in this laundry room. That meant not only cleaning out these messy cupboards and drawers, but also rounding up candles from various spots throughout my home. (This messy drawer was still holding hardware from when we built our house over 8 years ago!)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)


Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

And “after.” Yes! I know! That’s a lot of candles. In my defense (and as you know!) I really use and love them. :) I actually don’t have half of these candles in this cupboard at the moment because I gave them away in Nov/Dec. I always stock up on my favorite Anthro candles because I use them all around my home and give them as gifts every Fall/Holiday season. I put my smaller candle holders on the top shelves. I love having a set place to keep them all together!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

I cleaned all of the hardware out of this drawer so now it’s pretty much empty other than a few scrub brushes I use to clean and sink stoppers/strainers.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

The cupboards below store extra picture frames I’m not using at the moment and my larger candle holders.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)


These three drawers were a hot mess! I had one battery organizer but ended up with so many extra batteries they didn’t all fit so a lot of good that did.. ha. I think Kenny and I each ordered batteries at different times not knowing that we already had plenty! That’s what happens when things aren’t organized well, right!? You spend money on things you already have but can’t locate!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

And the after. {SIGH} Nothing like organized drawers that actually function well too!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

This drawer holds candles and my favorite fairy lights I mostly use for holiday decorating. :)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

Then comes the battery drawer. You know how much I love my battery organizer (it was my favorite I took as a gift to one of the favorite things parties I went to in December!). So I didn’t think twice about picking up a second one to hold our overflow. You might notice I have some of the batteries turned facing down in one of the organizers.. those were batteries I used for a short time during Christmas 2020. I used them again this year and now they’re dead and gone. :)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

The next drawer holds our flashlights and headlamps. I have them separated with these grey adjustable drawer dividers that I love! I use drawer dividers a lot to organize things and have these in a few other spots in my home too. I used to keep flashlights and our headlamps in the garage but then Kenny and I started hiking in the evening and often needed the headlamps and our kids always need flashlights for camping trips and other events with friends. Plus it’s nice to have all of this close when the power goes out. It went out for an hour in the evening a few months ago and Addison and I both said “I have a fun idea!” at the same time. Her idea was to light candles and play board games. My fun idea was to all go to bed early. Ha.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

One year later these drawers still look great! It was so nice during the holidays to have my candles and batteries all stored together! Easy to access and easy to clean up and put away when it was time to take things down.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)


This cupboard above my drawers was a catch all for years.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

Now it holds my larger candles. Yes! More! And I use every one. When you decorate for a living you get to own as many candles as you want!

And pillows.

And throws.

And vases.

And faux flowers.

I could go on but we’ll stop there with you fully understanding why this job speaks my love language. ;)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

I had extra wallpaper from my powder bathroom laying around so I cut it out to put below the candles so that they don’t stick to the cupboards. I don’t ever use contact paper in cupboards/drawers because I keep them pretty clean and I like to use organizers so I didn’t have any on hand. I was trying to use what I had to knock this makeover out quick! If I would have known I wasn’t going to share this space for over a year I might have taken the time to get some contact paper. Ha. ;)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

The cupboard on the right side of my hanging rack is mostly empty! A few extras for decorating and that’s it. It felt so good to clean all of these shelves too.. they were pretty dusty!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)


Last “before.” This is the cupboard we stashed all of our extra lightbulbs in when we finished building. You can see why I just shut these cupboards and walked away for so long!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

Much better!

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

I moved our extra hardware to these drawers below my washer/dryer. I get asked a lot whether or not these drawers are functional. They are! They just aren’t very deep.

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

The perfect place to store extras I’m not quite ready to part with. :)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

Now that the cupboards and drawers are clean and organized this laundry room is running like a well oiled machine! If only it always looked like this with no laundry in sight. ;)

Organized Laundry Room (Sunny Side Up)

I hope you enjoyed the tour of my organized laundry room cupboards and drawers! Nothing motivates me like a good before and after. I’m ready to tackle a few spaces in my kitchen!

And hopefully share pictures of my progress before January 2023.



xoxo, Erin
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26 thoughts on “Organized Laundry Room Cupboards and Drawers

  1. Oh how beautifully functional this space is, Erin! To have a whole room to do laundry! And such a pretty one. Ahhhhhh…You shared some great ideas and examples on how great putting like things together works for organizing. Love that you have room to store all your multiples. Such a satisfying feeling isn’t it. What a great job you did pulling this all together. Thanks for sharing a job well done!

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! I know.. it’s so nice to have this kind of space. I recognize what a gift that is.. it was a dream of mine for a long time! Definitely satisfying to finally have things organized. I had so much junk in this room we weren’t even using! I hope you’re having a good week so far! xo

  2. Super post!! You always provide great inspiration. I got the battery organizer last year and it’s worth its weight in gold…love it! I am going to copy your idea for a cupboard of candles…YES!! Thanks, Erin, you’re the best!

    1. I’m so happy you like the battery organizer Holly! I agree.. genius solution! And I’m thrilled my candle cupboard idea was helpful. You are the sweetest.. thank you! Your kind words made my day. :)

  3. Looks absolutely great. I am so jealous. Are you able to tell me where you find your “chunky” wood candle holders? You have them in natural and white.

  4. I love these befores and afters! Sometimes when I see the before of someone who is naturally organized/has a bigger space to work with/whatever I think it looks a lot like my after :) It’s refreshing to see a before that is a little messy – more room for improvement that way and makes the after even more satisfying! I bet that candle cupboard smells awesome! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much Kim! I definitely have some good “befores” in this one! I totally get what you are saying and agree. Really bad befores and good afters are the best aren’t they!? And yes! This whole laundry room smells so good because of my candle cupboards! Ha! Bonus. ;) Thanks again and enjoy your weekend! xo

  5. Erin,
    What a great post! You know WHAT is different about YOUR blog??? The way you show all of us EXACTLY HOW to DO these things. The KNOW HOW in organizing is being TAUGHT by YOU! This is much like when you have a friend who comes into your house and says “you know, you would get more use out of that kitchen cabinet IF you moved your cups/mugs from the one they are in across the room to THAT one near the coffee maker (Yes, lived that one) Yes, Erin, you have the perfect set up (well, ALMOST. There is THAT OTHER woman I knew that I mentioned ; D before) and even with your NEAR perfect set up all of us can take something away from how you do these things no matter WHAT our set up is. Except of course, for MY MULTI PURPOSE Laundry/Mudroom/utility room. ABSOLUTLY NO hope for that one! I must keep in mind that this an older home. A federal house, and this room was designed a long time ago and at least I am NOT doing laundry in your grandmother’s wash bowl! ;-O
    THIS blog of yours is NOT JUST a pretty decorating blog (although the decorating is fab!) There are PLENTY of JUST pretty decorating blogs out there. Your blog, Erin, is unique b/c of HOW you are teaching us and even with that beautiful home of yours you are just so DOWN to EARTH! Your “approachableness” is WHAT makes you special. BTW is “approachableness” actually a WORD!?!Well, it is the BEST word to describe you!
    Again, thank you for HOW you put all this together with pictures and detailed instructions. I think we are ALL SIGHT LEARNERS in one way or another.
    Take care

    1. Sharon! I’m debating printing this unbelievably sweet comment out and hanging it on my wall and reading it every day! Life’s work.. DONE! ha. ;) Oh my word.. really I don’t think you could have said anything that would mean more to me. I’m so touched that you feel that way! People who are approachable and down to earth are my favorite people in this world so to hear you describe me that way just makes me incredibly happy. :) THANK YOU! Thank you for being so wonderful and down to earth and fun to “chat” with yourself. I have loved getting to know you! Really.. this comment means so much to me. XO

  6. I Love your posts! Your home is stunning! You might have shared this all ready, but can you tell me what your floors are in your laundry room? Thank you!

  7. Great post, Erin! You deserve that awesome comment from Sharon… Such practical tips for living with a growing family. I organized my sister’s mud room last fall and incorporated many of your suggestions when I did that. I also had a friend move right before the holidays and when I helped her unpack she had as many candles as you!! Luckily, she had a large laundry room and I suggested putting all of her candles in one spot. Every once in a while, when I run into her, she tells me that she still loves her “candle cupboard“ and now always knows how many candles she needs and when it’s time to re-order ;)
    You have now inspired me to, once and for all, tackle my laundry room this month!!! It is a PROJECT (not just organizing) so we’ll see :) Thanks for the effort in sharing.

    1. Thank you so much Jenni! I’m so happy some of my tips have been helpful and I love that I’m not the only one with a stocked candle cupboard.. ha! I can’t believe I went so long with them spread all over the house! Best of luck tackling your laundry room. Messy rooms/projects like that are so much work but SO worth it when it’s done! You’ve got this. :) Send a pic when it’s finished! I’d love to see it. And thanks again. :)

  8. I love the pull out laundry baskets! Did you do that yourself or is there a company that sells that cabinet design?? Thank you for sharing!!

    1. Hi Molly! Thank you! I had the idea and drew a sketch of it for my cabinet guy when he built our house and he made it happen! Sorry I don’t have more details for you!

  9. I wrote to you so long ago. We are from CA but moved to TX in 2007. Bought land in 2020 and are STILL building our dream home. We’re to the finishing stages and I remembered your home had these pull out, integrated laundry baskets which is EXACTLY what I want. But I need the dimensions for my cabinet builder. Home Depot has a mechanism and baskets but they don’t look as wide or deep as yours. Couldn’t find spec’s here or where to buy them. Can you please share with me? Thank you. I hope we are in our home by the end of summer. Anderson Window shorted us two windows in March (no reason) and it has set us back 3 months. They STILL haven’t delivered them. They were supposed to be in (the late ones) May 15th and now they say May 30th…it’s been so difficult. I LOVE your blog. I haven’t been here often but now I may be checking back as we finish our build. I need inspiration and hope. I need a GC to build a pool. I need a lot of things. :)

    1. Hi Natalie! Oh my word.. I’m so sorry about the windows! We had other issues that set us back like that too. I totally get how you are feeling! Building is so much work and you get to the end and are just DONE with it all. I don’t have info on where I got these pull outs because my cabinet builder made them custom, but I can give you some dimensions! The boxes that the hampers sit in are 20 in deep and 15 wide. The actual hampers are about 18 inches tall. The drawer cabinet fronts are 23 in tall and 18 in wide. I hope that helps! Hang in there! You will be in your beautiful home and enjoying it before you know it! xo

  10. …. so, you probably need a ladder to get into that cupboard above your washer/dryer… where do you store that? I know it HAS to be somewhere convenient and easy to grab….

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