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June is winding down and wow.. it went by quickly didn’t it!? I was in Target last week and they were getting out the school supplies! What!? We are just getting into our summer grove around here. Definitely not ready for it to be over! Fingers crossed July feels a little longer (and slower!). :)
{faux eucalyptus trees (similar options linked below – this is a beautiful option!)/faux raspberry peonies (on sale!)/
faux hydrangea stems/ceramic planters/coiled baskets/jute rug/stripe sage rug}
I’m all about simplifying when it comes to my front porch these days and using faux flowers in the Spring has proven to be one of my better ideas. I love that I never have to worry about the plants on this porch! My plants aren’t wilting. My plants aren’t shedding. My plants aren’t dying a slow death because of too much shade or too much water or too much of me not watering enough. I do nothing and it looks beautiful day after day. SOLD.
I wanted to add a few festive touches for the 4th so I quickly transformed my Spring porch into a 4th of July Summer porch! In just 10 minutes I had a completely new look. Like I said.. I’m all about simplifying. :)
I tossed up my beloved burlap banner with painters tape. Command hooks work better if you have wind! Our weather isn’t too threatening this time of year.
Or ever. Ha.
Then I switched out my faux pink peonies for these gorgeous faux red geraniums! I mentioned in my last post that I recently ordered them on-line and was impressed with them.
They look so incredibly real!
I snapped this quickly with my phone to show you what one stem looks like. They come in a cluster of multiple blooms so it doesn’t take much to fill a pot! (They also come in white and pink.)
I have 3 stems in each of my pots but 2 would have also worked and just looked a little less full.
I added one of my long time favorite burlap flags in each hydrangea basket (on sale- 4 for just $9!), hung my large flag and called it a day!
Like I said.. this took 10 minutes! The trick with easy porch swaps is giving yourself a neutral base. The trees, rugs, pots/baskets and white flowers would work with pretty much anything.
I’m going to leave this up and enjoy it through July and then it will be time to start thinking about a Fall porch again.
And school supplies!
Definitely not ready.
But it will come anyway. And I bet when it does, I’ll be excited.
Your porch looks great, Erin! I really like those geraniums. They do look very real! Oh goodness, you did just barely start your summer break. I’ll bet it was disconcerting to see school supplies going up. I always have to prepare my oldest (lovingly) that July is coming and that means she’ll start seeing Christmas come up at one of our favorite craft stores…Hobby Lobby. And just last night I told her Hallmark was going to have Christmas in July movies that I’d be recording and watching. She just grrrr’d at me. LOL Best to just settle in and enjoy the present, right? Although I was looking at the store for something in the stationery aisle and thought….hmmm I’ll bet if I wait a week, it might be on sale in the school supply section. LOL Enjoy your summer days from your festive and easy to create porch! ;)
Ha! It’s so true Jeanne! We are always on a fast track to the next thing right? I agree.. so nice to just enjoy the moment. Christmas will seriously be here before we blink! Does Hobby Lobby really put some of it up in July!? Time to enjoy a little Hallmark it sounds like. I’m all about being in the moment but I could easily do Christmas all year.. ha! ;)
Wow!! More faux flowers outside!
I love real flowers but I am team faux for this porch! :)
You are great! Of course you will be excited fr the NEXT BIG THING or NEXT BIG(or little) Holiday! Your excitment about WHAT COMES NEXT is infectious and your readers are carried along on your ride!
When things in my life are just a mess. When I am so far into “the trenches” and can barely see the light-you and your blog show ne that there is light at the end of the tunnel! I can’t tell you how many times you have brought me out of a “funk” created by something I HAVE to deal with……
This blog-even better than eating ice cream (well, sort of ;-D) to lift the spirits. Better than “retail therapy” (no bills! Hmmm well, ok, the secret is OUT. There IS shopping here!) Thank you for lifting my spirits this morning which was a terrible morning for me till I logged on and there was your HAPPY LITTLE BLOG. Erin, THIS is WHAT separates you from any other organization, decorating, lifestyle blogger. Motto of the story? When down in the dumps log onto Erins blog. it MOST certainly IS SUNNY SIDE UP! The “retail therapy is not bad either.! Different price points for most anyone and THRU YOU we are offered the “try before you buy” concept.
I have never been disappointed in anything you have steered me toward.
I am NOW going to hit the link for the Geraniums! Pink for my gazebo room here and red for the beach place!
What could be better- a “romp” in Erins blog, a smile on my face, replacing the frown and soon a reasonably priced package in the mail! Christmas? NOT QUITE BUT close! :-D Add some ice cream-MAGIC!
Sharon! You’re going to make me cry this morning! Oh my word.. honestly I’m so touched! I don’t even know what to say! Which is a first for me.. ha. ;) This comment means more to me than you will ever know. Truly. I’m printing and saving it. Thank you so much my sweet friend. Ok.. here come the tears! XO
So ironic that in California where you can grow flowers year around, you use fake ones. In Iowa we have a four month growing season and I prize the beauty of real flowers.
I totally get that Maureen and I love real flowers! But most don’t do very well on my porch because it’s all shade. I have lots of real flowers (and lemon trees!) in my back yard in pots where they get more sun. Plus we travel a lot in the summer so it’s one less thing I have to think about when we’re gone! :)
HI Erin! Thank you for porch inspiration! I have the banner already hanging up above my door, and I purchased the burlap flag and they arrived last week! I just need a few pots and flowers, and I’m good! I noticed you always layer the rugs lately and I love it! My porch is complete sun, and I get nervous that everything will fade in one season. I know you have pretty much showed us everywhere around your house, but I don’t remember where you store these rugs (both the large ones on the bottom and the smaller ones you place on top). I always get my organization ideas from you, so please share…even if you dispose of them at the end of the season, and don’t store them for the following year. LOL! Also, is that the flag from Costco? I love the embroidered flag…so patriotic and beautiful!
Thank you so much Laura! You’re the sweetest! Complete sun is hard on outdoor items isn’t it!? That’s how a lot of my backyard is. My rugs fade so quickly in the back! I store my outdoor rugs in our garage! We have built-in cabinets and I have a taller space in one cabinet where I roll them. You can see them in this post..
I usually keep them 2-3 years and then donate (or trash them if they are faded and too dirty). And yes! I got my flag at Costco but they have them on Amazon too! Happy 4th to you and your crew! :)