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Fall Bathroom Decor

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Fall Bathroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Happy Sunday! I hope you’re enjoying the weekend! Things are feeling extra cozy at my house and I’m so happy about it. I’ve been in a little bit of a slump since El left for college and decorating for fall cheered me up immensely. I have lots to share this week but just a quick post today with some simple fall bathroom decor!

Fall Bathroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{tufted diamonds bath mat}

I started with this cute new bath mat. It will be perfect for fall and perfect for January after the holidays. The diamonds match my wallpaper. Funny thing is that I didn’t even realize that when I ordered it. I ordered it because I loved it and then when I laid it down in my bathroom and saw that I picked a rug exactly like my wallpaper I had to laugh. Guess I’m a fan of diamonds. :)

Fall Bathroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{white terracotta jar/fall eucalyptus stems/ceramic pumpkin/similar round tray here/here/here}

These Amazon fall branches are beautiful! I shared them in my August Amazon buys in my last post and I’m very happy with them. Almost paper like and I love the way you can shape and bend them. They come in a pack with 6 stems and that’s exactly how many I have in this white jar. A pretty round tray and a small ceramic pumpkin complete the look.

Fall Bathroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{stoneware leaf serving platter}

This stoneware leaf is so beautiful.. it’s a small serving platter but I’m using two of them as decor in different rooms. One in this powder bathroom and I’ll place some acorns or sticks or pinecones in it. I don’t know why this pic is making it look blue in the middle! It’s tan and with a nice glaze finish (and dishwasher safe if you use it for food!).

Fall Bathroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{stoneware leaf serving platter/peyton dish towel/similar fall hand soap}

I set it in the corner of this room with my favorite hand towel and fall soap. :)

Fall Bathroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Bathroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{similar ladder/gold ribbed bath towel set/striped hand towel}

Simple inexpensive towels on my ladder finish the look.

Fall Bathroom Decor (Sunny Side Up)

It doesn’t take much does it!?

I can smell the pumpkin spice.



xoxo, Erin
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9 thoughts on “Fall Bathroom Decor

  1. Such a lovely look in the powder room! I’m not very good about decorating for the seasons, but you make it look easy! I really like the fall colors. So cozy. Is your daughter enjoying her college experience so far? Thanks for sharing, Erin, I always smile reading your posts! Have a lovely week.

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! El has been a little homesick! Enjoying some things and not others.. ha. She is getting in a good routine with school though and making new friends so I think she will end up loving it! :)

  2. Perfect details Erin! The warm fall colors are so cozy and cute and the Amazon branches are stunning! What a beautiful array of colors. It’s the most wonderful months of the year! :) I can only imagine how hard it is with Ellie gone. I love your relationship with your kids! Sets such a good example for those of us with littles underfoot to remember to take it all in because time absolutely flies. Take care and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!

    1. Thank you so much sweet Genelle! What a kind thing to say. So thoughtful of you! It’s so true.. you blink and they are grown up! Definitely try to enjoy it all and don’t sweat the small stuff. :) I know you do! Sending hugs and a happy fall to you and your sweet family! xo

  3. Erin,
    bathroom fall touches are just perfect. Understated yet highly noticeable!
    For years I did the same thing as you did with the diamonds. I was into the tone-on-tone stripes. cream and white or light beige and cream. Everyone wallpapered then, especially foyers and powder rooms. That style ;-) is back, however, I never did it again!
    Anyway, I had the tonal stripe wallpaper in my foyer and often I would order or buy something without realizing that the stripes on the new product were nearly identical to the wallpaper stripes! That house was long ago but those same stripes STILL turn up here and there in things I buy! I just realized that a holiday/winter pillow that I bought late last year and didn’t use then, has that SAME tonal, cream/white stripes on the back side and I JUST discovered it! The stripes FOUND ME!
    Take care and pour on lots of decor ideas to take your mind off things!

  4. Lovely fall touches, Erin! You are one classy lady! :) I’ve been thinking of your family and of El – I know the freshman year can be a hard one. Hoping it will smooth out for her sooner rather than later – Thanksgiving break will be here before you know it!

    1. Patty I get to see her this weekend! I’m so excited! You are the sweetest to think of us. That means so much to me. It was a rough start (for both of us!) but she is getting into a good routine and I’m doing better too. We FaceTime a lot. :) Thanks again! xo

  5. Hello, Can you please tell me the brand and name of this wallpaper please? I have been looking for something like this. Thank you!!

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