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S’more and Cookie Tray (and other summer desserts!)

*This post is sponsored by Walmart. All products and opinions are my own!

Smore & Cookie Board (Sunny Side Up)

Summer with 3 teenagers is definitely an adventure. Mornings are quiet while they sleep, evenings are loud and late while they rally, and friends are always over! It can be exhausting, but I also love it. The kids are all so fun at this age and I love their friends. I know I’m really going to miss this stage when they are adults!

Most things anyway. ;)

I’m sharing a quick and easy snack I make often for the kids and their friends in the summer. I try to keep healthy snacks prepped in the fridge and not so healthy snacks in the pantry to feed them. Balance in all things, right? Ha.

Smore & Cookie Board (Sunny Side Up)

I can get snacks here quickly with When I order groceries on-line from the app I love their substitutions feature. You can choose what product substitutions you do or don’t want (so you never get anything strange that you didn’t order!), place the order and then pick it up or have it delivered.

Smore & Cookie Board (Sunny Side Up)

Great Value has so many cookie options for a great price so they are a go-to for me.

Smore & Cookie Board (Sunny Side Up)

I always keep graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows on hand for the fire pit. Summer staple!

Smore & Cookie Board (Sunny Side Up)

{marble print tray/marble print bowl}

I’ve had these marble print trays and bowls for years and love using them with the kids because they are melamine! They look beautiful but are light weight and they don’t break. Perfect for summer snacks.

Smore & Cookie Board (Sunny Side Up)

In just 5 minutes I can have this s’more and cookie tray ready to go! Just line everything up and DONE. Sometimes I add a bowl of fruit with it. I know this isn’t anything all that fancy or special, but let me tell you why this is perfect for teens. They don’t care about it being fancy or special.. they just want to eat. :) I’ve made this before using a long wooden board which looks good, but it’s hard for the kids to carry around outside without dropping things. I’ve learned a handled tray is the way to go!

Smore & Cookie Tray (Sunny Side Up)

You know I’m really going above and beyond when I match the kitchen rug again. ;)

Smore & Cookie Tray (Sunny Side Up)

Easy to carry outside by the fire pit!

Smore & Cookie Tray (Sunny Side Up)

I made one for the teens on Saturday night and had enough snacks leftover to make another tray for the family Sunday. You can’t go wrong with s’mores and cookies! Always a hit.

4th of July Dessert (Sunny Side Up)

If you need a quick and easy dessert idea for the 4th this Golden Oreo Layered Pudding is one of our favorites! Also easy to throw together and so festive with strawberries and blueberries on top.

4th of July Dessert (Sunny Side Up)


Easter platters and treats (Sunny Side Up)

I share this fruit dip every summer too because it’s another go-to for me! You just whip together 8 oz cream cheese (softened), a 7 oz jar of marshmallow creme and 2 teaspoons of Maraschino cherry juice. Delicious!

There’s some fruit for you to balance out all of the cookies. ;)


xoxo, Erin
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3 thoughts on “S’more and Cookie Tray (and other summer desserts!)

  1. I agree that Walmart’s Great Value line is great. You are lucky that you can find the peanut butter cookies. They are hit and miss (mostly miss lately) here. Great idea to use that pretty tray. Looks like good summertime fun and deliciousness. Thanks for sharing, Erin. Can’t wait for s’more posts. (sorry, couldn’t resist) Have a happy day!

  2. Erin,
    I’ve said this before! You have this thing in the bag. 100 percent! Make YOUR house THE HOUSE where the kids ALL GO! YOU be the “cool parent” with the snacks, etc. YOU KNOW WHAT (and WHAT is NOT in YOUR OWN home.) I am talking alcohol, drugs, and unsecured firearms. So much tragedy now and in places where it would not be expected. When ALL the kids are there with YOU, in YOUR home with their friends, YOU know WHAT they are DOING. We experienced this firsthand right here in our own community when youngest daughter was still a teen. A tragedy (double tragedy) b/c the kids were all there, unsupervised, in a big upscale home w/pool, tennis court, etc. Parents NOT there (on travel!) and ALLOWING (on a reg. basis) the big parties (WITH alcohol, ETC.) their teens gave. 2 beautiful lives lost b/c of it. Erin, there is no rhyme nor reason for HOW other parents think. I know it is extra work and sometimes a hassle but like you said, someday THIS stage you WILL miss! You are making memories for yourself and keeping the teens safe to boot! WIN, WIN! :)
    PS. Something a little lighter ;) would it be possible for you to link your bracelet stack?? I have admired this stack of yours many times! I used to layer a very good gold bracelet with a less expensive Cape Cod style bracelet (gold and silver) with a “cheapie” that just happened to go with them!

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