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Prime Day, College planning and Deer Valley

(Prime Day, College Essentials - Sunny Side Up)


Covering lots in this post! First off.. if you are sending one off to college this fall (or will be at some point) I rounded up all of the items I’m ordering/considering for my girls! I wanted to share our dorm essentials for those of you who have asked while so many items are on sale for Prime Day! You can see my favorites HERE. I’ll keep adding to this page as we order things and college moms.. definitely let me know if I’m missing anything they might need!

(Prime Day, College Essentials - Sunny Side Up)

{Large Moving Bags}

These large moving bags were perfect to get El settled a couple of years ago. We were able to drive her but with Addison we’ll be flying so I’m hoping to ship a lot to the school and will probably just use suitcases with the rest. I still need to figure that out!

Sharing more fun Prime Day deals below and then some pics from our recent trip to Deer Valley!

Prime Day Picks (SUnny Side Up Blog)

Prime Day Picks (Sunny Side Up Blog)
I have this cute dress in green and the floral pattern in the collage below. Love it! Below are other Amazon favorites in my closet.

Prime Day Picks (SUnny Side Up Blog)

{Shop: Bracelets,  Knit sweater vest, Knit Vest, Short Sleeve Top, Nippies, Green Dress, Crossbody Bag, Black Dress, Blue Dress


Prime Day Picks (SUnny Side Up Blog)

{Distressed Vase}

I snapped this with my phone quick today.. my living room vase is on sale! Another great Amazon find. Below are a few more items for HOME on sale!

Prime Day Picks (SUnny Side Up Blog)

Prime Day Picks (SUnny Side Up Blog)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of home! This stunning space was ours for a week in Deer Valley.. so gorgeous! My parent’s requested a week together with the family for their 50th wedding anniversary and when Kenny and I found this cabin on-line last summer we couldn’t book it fast enough. We had the best time staying here all together. It was large enough that we could all spread out or spend time all together in this spacious family room.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

The best part was the view. Absolutely stunning! I love Deer Valley in the summer.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

We all arrived 30 minutes before my parents and had just enough time to hang a quick banner my sister ordered and set out the cake before they came! My parents are the cutest and I love that we got a chance to celebrate their love for each other. They have always set such a good example of what love and marriage should look like. Couple goals! Making it to 50 years is pretty special.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Yellow roses are my mom’s favorite. :)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

We snapped this right after we hung the banner. Love that we got the duct tape in the pic too.. ha. Always so happy when I’m with my siblings!

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

The cabin had a large basement that was a perfect hang out spot for all the kids.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

They were in heaven with their own spot and even had a theatre room. They never wanted to leave!

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Feeling was mutual.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Oldest granddaughter. These two have a special bond. :)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

The original 5.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

My little brother. He is the one who brings the party to the party. Especially when you get him and my husband together. Those two are trouble! I’ve always felt like Kenny married me just to hang out with him. Ha.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

As soon as we decided on Deer Valley for this week I made a reservation for adults to eat at Grappa. Hands down my favorite restaurant in Park City and maybe my favorite restaraut EVER. It’s Italian and SO good! Definitely trust me and try it if you haven’t already and are visiting this area!

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

{Denim Shirtdress/Sandals}

Closer look at my dress that I recently shared! I like it better with these sandals but forgot to pack them on our trip.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

{Denim Shirtdress/Raffia Sandals/Purse}

Isn’t Grappa charming!?

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Definitely request to sit outside if you’re visiting in the summer or when the weather is nice. There are various levels of tables and it feels like you’re dining in a tree house with gorgeous mountain views!

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Delicious AND beautiful.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

I’m clearly still thinking about my meal.. ha.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

We snapped this after dinner and had all been crying! Kenny made a toast to my parents and said a few things at dinner and it was so touching and made us all bawl! Totally unplanned and unexpected. After he spoke my sister’s husband said a few things and then my cute sister in-law did.. there wasn’t a dry eye at the table. The in-laws stole the show! :) They don’t feel like in-laws.. they are my parent’s kids as much as we are and I will always remember and treasure what was said. I know my parents will too. I’m so grateful to my parents for loving us all like they do.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

We strolled around after dinner and got chocolate to take home for dessert.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

The best night.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

The rest of the week we just relaxed and spent time together! Lots of hikes and games and movies and restaurants and hot tub time.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

My sister had some cute 50th anniversary games planned and Pictionary was such a hit! It was all themed with things about grandma and grandpa and the kids had to guess pretty close to the right phrase. Things like “planting peas in grandpa’s garden” or “grandma’s Amazon boxes”.. ha. There were so many funny personal jokes and we were all cracking up. We also played a cute game where the kids had to answer questions about my parents.. “where did grandma and grandpa meet?” “How many houses have they lived in?” “Where did they go on their honeymoon?” etc. I loved it because it was such a fun way for the kids to learn more about their grandparents and hear funny stories about them. The last question was “what do grandma and grandpa like to do together?”

My cute dad answered “everything.” :)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

We had such picture perfect weather while we were there that now we all want to move to Deer Valley! I have to keep reminding myself what it’s like 8 months out of the year. Kenny thinks we could handle the snow. I think definitely NOT. Ha.

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

But I would live there every summer if I could! And into the fall..

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Love that these kids are so close. They all had the best time together. Their favorite vacations are always trips that involve the cousins!

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

My cute niece loves to do whatever the big kids are doing but sometimes runs out of steam. Uncle Kenny to the rescue. :)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Park City (Sunny Side Up)

Such a special week celebrating my mom and dad! I’m so grateful for the time we all had together. There is nothing better than time spent with family/people you love.

Except maybe eating at Grappa.


xoxo, Erin
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18 thoughts on “Prime Day, College planning and Deer Valley

  1. Congratulations to your parents on their 50th wedding anniversary. What an achievement and couple goals! Looks like you all had a great time, and those views are to die for.

  2. Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad. So nice to be able to celebrate such a special milestone all together. The pictures are beautiful and such precious memories Erin.

  3. So excited that Grappa has re-opened. When we were in PC skiing they had not yet finished repairs from fire. It is the best!

  4. What a special celebration for your parents 50th! I loved reading this post and seeing the fun time you all had! We did something similar for my parents 50th a few years ago. It is a special memory I will always cherish. Your parents are lucky to have all of you together like that too! Thanks for sharing :)

    1. Thank you so much Lisa! That makes me happy you were able to celebrate 50 years with your parents too! The best when you can get everyone together. :) xo

  5. Erin, what an incredible vacation you had with your parents and family. Congratulations to them on their 50th! That’s amazing. What a loving example they have given you all about marriage and life. Thank you for sharing a bit of that special week. Beautiful country, wonderful food and the blessing of family. It cannot get much better than that.

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! It was a special week for sure. I agree! Doesn’t get much better. :) I hope your summer is going well! xo

  6. What a lovely vacation and celebration of your parents and family! Thank you for sharing your sweet memories. Park City is amazing…definitely a beautiful place. And it’s absolutely gorgeous there in the winter too. You’d be able to handle it! 😉

    1. Thank you so much Leah! You are the sweetest. SO beautiful all year isn’t it!? But you have more faith in me than you should when it comes to snow.. ha! ;)

  7. Erin,
    ♥What a beautiful, beautiful family!
    ♥All gathered in such a beautiful place….
    ♥Cutest parents ever!
    PS YOU are MORE “Them” than your sister!

    1. Oh you are too kind Sherri! Thank you!! And so fun to hear.. pictures of my mom in high school are the spitting image of my sister! I’m happy you think I look like them too. ;) xo

  8. Your parents sound a lot like mine. My parents have been married 57 years. They had a big party at 40 years and a smaller party at 50. I’m pretty sure they would pick a week in a cabin with everyone nowadays. Treasure these times! We used to go on vacation together and stay in a condo. We always had the best time! Now my parents are in their 80s and vacation is not in the plans anymore.

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