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Saturday 6


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Umbrella, White Side Table, Similar Chaise Lounge, Flamingo Floatie, Outdoor Poolside Chair

Happy Saturday! Are you staying cool!? This picture pretty much sums up our life right now.. ha. Lots of pool time! I snapped these pics today when we got out of the pool.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Umbrella, White Side Table, Similar Chaise Lounge

We get in multiple times a day. It’s hard to feel motivated when it’s so hot outside! I have loved having so much time to hang out with my girls and I’m taking full advantage of having them home right now with no schedule. My house is a mess, laundry is everywhere, I’m behind on so many things.. and I am so fine with it! There will be plenty of time to catch up on everything when they are gone. I have 3 more full weeks with them so we are living it up and spending lots of time together! Pool, walks, movies, outings, packing for college, repeat.


Outdoor Pool Tables (Sunny Side Up)

White Side Table

I forgot to share these white side tables! I ordered them for the yard right before this summer party and they showed up an hour before guests arrived. Kenny put them together for me quick before he changed his clothes. I was so happy they came on time!

Outdoor Pool Tables (Sunny Side Up)

They came in boxes like this and were easy to assemble.

Outdoor Pool Tables (Sunny Side Up)

White Side Table

Perfect little outdoor tables! We had similar white tables out here before but they were wood and the paint was chipped off and they looked horrible. These are Polywood and their outdoor furniture holds up so well in weather. We have loved them this summer and I know they will last for years!

Outdoor Pool Tables (Sunny Side Up)


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Serving Board, Serving Bowl, Vase, Willow Leaf Stem

I’ve shared these stems before.. another summer favorite! We eat so much fruit in the summer that I love having it out on the counter in a big bowl. This wood bowl from the N sale has been perfect to hold it all!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Similar Round Tray, Willow Leaf Stem, Ceramic Candle, White Vase

I have these same stems in my powder bathroom too. Such a great look for any season!


Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Decorative Tray, Utensile CrockServing Bowl, Faux Dogwood Plant

I’m using the small wood N sale bowl to hold my lemons and limes. It’s so cute and inspired a little kitchen styling!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Decorative Tray, Utensile Crock, Salt & Pepper Mill, Serving Bowl

So did my marble crock! LOVE it.

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)Decorative Tray, Utensile Crock, Salt & Pepper Milll, Serving Bowl, Faux Dogwood Plant

A happy little moment in the kitchen!

Saturday 6 (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Marble Serving Board, Terracotta Jug, Capri Blue Volcano Candle, Candle Snuffer, Wall Canvas

I’m using my new white marble serving board like a tray holding this gorgeous jug and candle.


Protein Shake (Sunny Side Up)

Fairlife Protein Shake

Ok have you tried these protein shakes!? They are SO good! They basically just taste like chocolate milk! One of my friends told me about them and we have been obsessed ever since. You can get them on Amazon and sometimes Costco has them. Addison has been begging us to ship them to her when she’s in college.. ha. They come in vanilla but the chocolate are my favorite.


Entry console (Sunny Side Up)

Console Table, Framed Canvas, Wall Canvas (Similar), Textured Pot, Faux Olive Stems, Oval Tray (Similar), Driftwood Filler

New art on the console table and I’m bummed this print already sold out! Hopefully it will come back in stock soon. It’s so cool and moody and perfect for transitioning into fall. I’m holding off with all of my fall decor but I always start getting excited to pull things out mid July! Not because I’m in a rush to have summer over, but just because it’s fun to mix up the decor in my house and by this time I’m always ready. :) Below are a few other Target items I have sitting in my on-line cart!

Random 6 on Saturday! I hope you have the best day.


xoxo, Erin
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4 thoughts on “Saturday 6

  1. Erin,
    I know just how you feel! Summer so fleeting (well, here in the Northeast anyway!) so why rush it for Fall, regardless how incredibly beautiful Fall can be! I know. Nicer, cooler air,
    wood smoke in the air, firepits galore, children with puffy white marshmallows on apple wood sticks, girl scout smores or just one big, charred bite. YUM!
    pumpkins being taken off vines and appearing as porch decor. Indian corn appearing on hooks on doors. football beginning and shown on big screen outdoor TVs (for anyone lucky enough to have one installed. HELLO daughter and son in law!) while gathered at a shouldering firepit, blanket across shoulders or lap according to the nip in the air……
    All this. Fall. Capital “F” Fall!
    As wonderful is all the above, I begin to think back onto the balmy, flower sweet air of high summer and a beautiful blue pool and all the blooms of high summer. Of Hydrangeas and Spinderella and Rose of Sharon and Lillies and Beach plum and Rosehips, toasty New England beaches, sun high in the sky AND, AND HOT, steamy, muggy (MUGGY, HIGH humidity) air…
    Wait, did I say “balmy” before?? wink wink…….its been MUGGY. HOT, HOT and when rain comes the air is a hot, thick soup…….Yes, I’m thinking FALL with a capital F. ALREADY, but I will miss you summer, anyway….Months of you spread out in front of me with different monthly (or weekly!) blooms. OK, so this year It’s been too hot but as a lifelong Northeaster I know the next step after that beautiful, capital F. is B!
    Nope, not WHAT you might think ;-) “B” for blizzard! :O The dreaded Northeast B!
    We love to both hate and love the weather right, Erin?
    Maybe aliens will “abduct” us again this year, my friend, but drop us into the SAME PB in a happy heap next to the ceramic Jack O Lanterns and Fall leaf garlands where our only excuse for where we have been so long and for way too many shopping bags is “alien abduction”!
    Enjoy your♥♥ girls the next 3 weeks Erin!

    1. Thank you so much Sherri! Nothing like fall but I so get where you are coming from! I don’t have the nasty “B” word that quickly follows. Wishing you a LONG and beautiful summer and fall! Then come and visit me this winter! ;) xo

  2. My daughters like those protein shakes too! I haven’t tried them. Sam’s Club also carries them off and on.

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