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Sunday Edit

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Happy Sunday from Texas! We are enjoying parent’s weekend with Addison and having so much fun spending time with her and meeting all of her sweet new friends and their parents! I’m staying in Texas a little longer than my boys because I’m heading to the Reward Style Conference in Dallas. Timing worked out great to hit parent’s weekend and the conference in the same trip! I just hope I can keep my emotions and tears at bay when it’s time to say good-bye to Addison again so that I don’t enter the conference with swollen eyes. Wish me luck with that one!

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Last Saturday we picked Ellie up early at her apartment to take her to breakfast. The best getting to see her on the weekends even if it’s just for a couple of hours! It has been 3 weeks since my girls both moved out and even though it has been an adjustment and there have definitely been sad moments for me (they hit at the most random times) I feel like I’m working through it and feeling more like myself every day. We all talk on the phone or FaceTime every day and it feels so good to be on the other side of getting them settled and moved in. It definitely helps that they are both doing so well and having fun! I’m taking things one day at a time with this transition and if you are going through a difficult change I hope you are able to do the same. Baby Steps! Feeling like I need to watch “What About Bob” again soon. A family favorite. :)

I hope you like today’s round-up! So many fun things for fall, my travel favorites and your favorites from last week on the blog! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (Sunny Side Up Blog)

xoxo, Erin
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