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College Care Package Ideas

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

College Care Package Letters

Ok college parents! I’m sharing a quick and easy care package idea you can send to your kids! If your kids aren’t in college yet but will be someday save this idea for later! And if the college thing doesn’t apply to you and your family these gift ideas could also make great gifts or stocking stuffers for anyone so I hope the ideas are helpful regardless! I found these fun envelopes over the summer for my girls and ordered them each a set.

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

College Care Package Letters

I love the idea of each of them getting to open something up over time for a little pick me up when things feel happy or stressful or hard! I had plans to leave these envelopes with them when I initially dropped them off but I didn’t have them ready in time so I just recently sent them and I’m actually happy about the delay! There was so much going on their first few weeks of school that I feel like they might have been lost in the shuffle a bit. Now the hype of moving in and meeting new people has slowed down and classes are getting harder and they have been gone from home longer. Perfect time for a little pick me up!

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

College Care Package Letters

I sat down and made a list of a few ideas of things I could put in the envelopes or that I could attach the envelope to and ended up coming up with the list below. You could obviously put in anything you want! I’ll share what I did just to give you some ideas.


Need to laugh – Emotional Support Pickle

Need a hug – Hug Chocolates

Need some love – Heart Initial Necklace

Can’t sleep – Sleep Mask

Are happy – Pumpkin Slippers

Feel sad – Favorite Candy

Feel sick – Tylenol

Miss us – Pocket Hug Pin

Finish a big exam – Starbucks Gift Card

Feel stressed – Mechanical Pencil Set, Highlighter Set, Planner

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

{Mechanical Pencil Set, Highlighter Set, Planner, Sleep Mask, Pocket Hug Pin, Emotional Support Pickle, Slippers. College Care Package Letters}

Here are a few things I laid out getting them ready! El’s gifts on one side of the table..

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

{Mechanical Pencil Set, Highlighter Set, Planner, Sleep Mask, Pocket Hug Pin, Emotional Support Pickle, Slippers. College Care Package Letters}

Same things for Addison on the other. :) I gave them the pumpkin slippers for “open when you feel happy” and told them to open those soon so they can use them this fall!

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

Emotional Support Pickle

Have you seen these fun emotional support plushies!? They crack me up.. especially the pickle! I got this for the “when you need to laugh” envelope and it was a huge hit with my girls. I ended up ordering Kole the positive pumpkin. :)

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

{Mechanical Pencil Set, Highlighter Set, Planner}

I wrote little notes to my girls in each envelope. Nothing to long or elaborate.. just a little about the gift and how much I love them. For the “open when you feel stressed” I told them that nothing helps me when I feel stressed like a good brain dump/planning session! I attached that envelope to the pencils and highlighters and the daily notebook I’ve been using and loving. On the “open when you feel sick” I added the Tylenol and wrote “take two of these and call your mom!” For the “open when you finish a big exam” I wrote a little note about how proud we are of them and enjoy a pink drink on us. I know my girls well. :)

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

Gift Bag

The small gifts I put inside the envelopes and the larger gifts I wrapped and attached the envelope to the item. I took this package to Addison at parent’s weekend and we see Ellie most weekends so it was easy to give to her. Because I was giving it to them in person I just put all of the envelopes and gifts inside this cute gift bag. You could obviously box it all up and mail it too! Another fun idea is getting this ready now and sending it back to school with your college kid after Christmas break! Something to look forward to during harder winter months. Living away from family and home for the first time can be challenging in so many ways! I love this care package idea as a fun way to make sure they know how much you love them and are cheering them on.

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

Pocket Hug Pin

One of my favorite gifts I gave the girls was this cute little pocket hug pin I found and sent in the envelope “open when you miss us.” I wrote a little longer note for that one and told them the pin would be good luck and a reminder of how much we love them and are always with them. Addison sent us a text a week later with this picture of her on campus heading to take her first biology exam and told us she was going to take it with her to all of her tests throughout college. Cue the waterworks! Love my girls so much.

College Care Package (Sunny Side Up)

I came home from dropping Kole off at school one morning to this beautiful basket that was left on my doorstep! Two of my sweet friends put it together for me to cheer me up during this “almost empty nest” transition I’m going through and it was the cutest gift! Full of self care items.. beauty products and a candle. Girlfriend coupons, a few relationship/couple games and some treats. So thoughtful of them and cue the tears once more! As if I haven’t had enough tears during the past few months. :) My friends have really helped me get through this transition and now that I’ve gone through this a couple of times myself with both girls moving out I am definitely going to be more aware and watching for friends who are going through it in the future. It’s a tricky stage of life for moms to navigate and a great time to really be there and help each other through it! I’ve been taking a box of tissues and a bag of Hugs chocolates to my mom friends soon after they say goodbye to kids moving out just so they know I’m thinking about them. Small things make a difference and where would we all be without good girl friends!? They are everything.

I hope this post gave you a few ideas for gifts whether it’s for kids in college or birthday/holiday gifts or for any other event! Enjoy your day and I’ll be back with more holiday decor fun soon. :)

Sunday Edit (The Sunny Side Up Blog)

xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “College Care Package Ideas

  1. What a great idea, Erin! You are such a loving mom. I think that emotional support pickle is fantastic. Thank you for sharing this idea and I’m sure you helped a lot of your mom friends out there. It’s wonderful how caring and supportive you all are. Your kids are so lucky!

    1. Oh so sweet of you Jeanne! Thank you! Supportive friends are such a gift. I would put you in that category. :) And yea! They pickle! Ha ha.. it was too cute to pass up! xx

  2. Love this! I made a similar gift bag for my college freshman this year. I like the idea that they have something to open at just the right time when they need a pick me up. I also love that you and your friends are doing little care packages for each other during this time. I think this transition is hardest on the moms, honestly.

    1. Thank you so much Kim! I’m so happy you like this idea and love that you made something similar for your college freshman! I completely agree.. this transition is so hard on moms. It’s hard to explain until you have been through it! I hope you’re hanging in there and yea for the holidays when we get to see our kids! xx

  3. Erin!!! I absolutely love this post! I am definitely going to keep this for when my daughter goes off to college. Please keep these coming! and of course all the other amazing posts you do.
    I have a 16 year old girl and an 11 year old boy so my kids are right behind your kids’ ages so all your ideas are spot on. Thank you thank you thank you!

    M Rose

    1. Oh your comment made me so happy Melinda! Thank you so much! I’m thrilled to hear that you enjoy my posts and that they are helpful. Means a lot to me! Enjoy your sweet kids (FUN ages!) and thanks again! xx

  4. Love this idea — my daughter is 4 years out of college and recently moved 1500 miles away where she knew nobody – a great career move, but far from all of her family – parents, g parents, siblings, etc. I try to send a little ‘care’ package every month, and can certainly incorporate many of these ideas.

    1. Katy I’m so happy these ideas were helpful! It’s definitely rough being that far away from friends and family! I will never forget how I felt the first year we lived in Virginia when Kenny was going to law school. I was beyond homesick and really struggled for a while. I love that you’re sending her a little monthly care package. She will always remember how they made her feel! Wishing her all the best and I hope you get to see her over the holidays! xx

  5. You are the very best Mom, Erin! I’ve loved watching how you love and encourage your children through all of their life stages! They are so blessed to have parents like you two – but you both are also blessed to have such sweet, loving children!!

    1. Patty! Sweetest comment ever! Thank you so much. That means so much to me! You made my day. I’m also blessed to have such sweet people reading my blog like you! xx

  6. Erin, I’m a first time commenter but long time follower. I loved this post and want to save it for the future when my grandkids head off to college. Such a thoughtful idea. Your girls are so blessed to have such a loving mom who is always thinking of them.

    1. Hi Donna! You made my day! So nice to “meet” you. :) I’m so happy you like this idea and love that you want to save it for your grandkids! So special coming from you! They will love it. Thank you for your sweet comment and for hanging with me here so long! Means a lot. xx

  7. Great care package ideas. You are a wonderful mum. Reading this as my daughter sits beside me studying for her final high school exams in about 3 weeks. Praying she is accepted into her course (fashion design) and very fortunate that the university isn’t far from us.

    1. I’m so happy for you that the university isn’t far from home! The absolute best keeping them close. :) Wish her good luck on her exams! Fashion design is so fun! xx

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