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Sunday Edit

Sunny Side Up Blog

Happy Sunday! Saying good-bye to this sweet girl today after such a fun weekend. It went by way too quickly but we’ll take any time we can get with our college kids! We did all of our favorite things – walks, grocery store/Starbucks runs (Ad loves the grocery store.. funny but she does!), hair appointments (I chopped off 4 inches!), pool/hot tub, Gilmore Girls (ALWAYS and usually on in the background while she does homework and I blog), lunches & dinners at favorite spots, movie night/late night chats and plans to do it all over again when she’s home for Thanksgiving with her sister. Officially counting down!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend! Below are fun round-ups from the week! A lot of these collages were for Amazon Prime Day so some are a repeat you might have seen. But if you missed the collages I added on Prime Day (including items that I ordered) it’s all here too. I especially love seeing what you are loving (top sellers)! You all have great taste. ;) Happy Sunday!
Sunday Edit (sunny Side Up Blog)

Sunday Edit (sunny Side Up Blog)

xoxo, Erin
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