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Organized junk drawer

Happy Monday everyone!  The kids and I are spending some time at my mom’s house (aka our summer retreat).  This is a pic my mom snapped with my phone while the kids were being entertained  by their grandparents.  Just look how relaxed we are!  I look forward to this week every summer.  :)  Bummed my husband had to head back to San Diego to work but the kids and I have a fun agenda that includes lots of time in the pool, time with grandparents, and time with our friends.  (I’ll be sharing lots of pics from our week on instagram – erin_sunnysideup of you want to follow along!)  My mom also handed over her annual summer “to organize” list with a big grin on her face.  We have a little arrangement each year.  She watches the kids for me while I organize for her.  It’s a win for both of us.  :)

Before I start sharing what I’m up to at my mom’s here are a few pics of another junk drawer I tackled in my kitchen last week.  This is my “go-to” drawer in one of my kitchen islands that I’m in and out of the most.  It holds pens, scissors, chap stick, tape measures – the little things I need on and off throughout the day.  This drawer was such a mess before I tackled it and I keep forgetting to take “before” pics.  Let’s just say this is a major improvement.  The organizers I picked up at Home Goods (4 bucks each!).  They add a fun pop of color.

I tossed a bowl in the drawer to hold loose change and that has been handy.  You can also see our doorbell that we have yet to install on our front door.  Will we ever really be done building?  :)

I keep my girls’ cameras in this drawer so they are easy to grab when they need them.  Little photographers in training.  :)  I’ve also found it’s so handy to have a set of mini screwdrivers close by for all of the kids’ battery operated toys and other miscellaneous household items.

Ahhh.  Peace is restored!  At least in the junk drawer.
xoxo, Erin
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11 thoughts on “Organized junk drawer

  1. Erin I have to tell you that I was completely and overly stressed yesterday. Beyond stressed actually. So when my husband and two boys went downstairs I stayed up stairs and organized our bathroom linen closet. I felt so much better when it was all done. I thought to myself, “Now I know why Erin ALWAYS seems so cheerful…..all that organizing.” Thanks for sharing.

  2. I feel kind of “stalkerish” commenting since you don’t know me but I have 3 teenagers and laughed when I saw the gum in your drawer. I have to hide any gum/candy/snacks that I want for myself! Enjoy!!

  3. Your “junk” drawer looks fantastic! I am laughing at how similar the contents of our junk drawer are! I have to have all the same stuff close at hand!! We could have been separated at birth…except I’m MUCH older than you!! Enjoy your week with your parents!!

  4. Your junk drawer looks amazing and it’s motivated me to organize mine. I soon realized a major difference between your household and mine: you don’t have any junk!! :)

  5. Hi Erin!
    Wondering – if you drive up to your mums’ house, do you have any road trip tips? Have you done a post on this before? Hope you have, or will! Thanks! Have a nice vacation!

  6. Hi Erin,
    Wondering if you have any road trip tips you could post, or if you have already, could you steer me towards them?! (Pun intended!) Have a great vacation!

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