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Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!

One of my favorite weekends is here!  Just wanted to wish all of you moms out there a wonderful mother’s day.  I hope you have a weekend full of love and pampering like you all deserve!  Bring on the homemade cards.  They are my all time favorite.  :)  So grateful to be a mom to my three peanuts.  They wear me out daily, but it’s the most gratifying exhaustion imaginable. 
Speaking of favorites, here are a few “mom” quotes I adore.  Some are sweet and some are funny – all are true.    

And here are a few past posts I’ve written on motherhood.  Because you know.  Tis the season.  :)

{The most important work}

{A favorite “mom moment”}

{Dear Erin – letter to read if you have a newborn}

{Must have a newborn}

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

xoxo, Erin
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7 thoughts on “Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!

  1. Happy Mother’s Day! Your blog radiates the joy and gratitude you feel as a mom. I often read it and reflect on my own kids and the joy of the journey. Thank you. Xx

  2. Happy Mother’s Day Erin. I hope you have the BEST weekend ever with your family. I am so glad you referred me to your blog back in 2010 for Project Life. It is such a joy to read. I love everything about it. Enjoy relaxing and making great memories in your new house this year. :)

  3. Thank you Becky. What a kind thing to say! Happy Mother’s Day to you!

    Thank you so much Shelley! So happy you are enjoying my blog!

    Thank you Cathy! Happy Mom’s day to you! Love you!

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